This game feels like AI slop in the truest sense of the word.
This isn't to say that I'm trying to tell you not to play it because it's AI art and that makes it bad; you clicked on an a game with AI art, so chances are you can accept that for a porn game.
Rather, this is a game which feels like toying around with a chat AI. There are a LOT of girls to pick from, but they all essentially have the exact same scene. While other games with a cast of characters would give unique scenes to each girl, possibly with some overlap, this game essentially goes "What if we had like 5 scenes, and then repeated those 5 scenes on as many girls as possible?"
So, if you REALLY want to see almost the exact same scene (with some differences in dialogue, but not context) repeated over and over, then this might appeal to you.
But for me, I think that it feels incredibly boring. It is not taking advantage of the large cast and using their actual strengths; it feels like I would just get more enjoyment by looking up Rule 34 of the character, since then at least things can be more tied into who they are. The previews feel especially telling: every single girl is in the exact same pose.
This game is aiming to be a mile-long puddle, being an extremely shallow experience that casts the widest net it can, in hopes that you see a character you don't normally see in a porn game and then give the game a shot as a result. But, is it really that character if it's just the same copy-and-paste scene with some little dialogue differences?
Maybe some people will like this game more, but for me, I found this to be incredibly boring, and I hate that I got excited for it. I wanted for this game to be really interesting, but it's just not.
Admittedly, as of writing this review, the game is only on version 0.1. I only feel justified in writing a review being this harsh due to how the game's previews works and the intro at the start; it suggests that the game's focus is going to be more on adding more characters and scenes for every single character, rather than making individualized content. In other words: I don't think it's going to actually get good, it just sounds like it's going to add more.
One final note: the game in its current state can crash very easily, and the title screen lags like hell.
I really do not recommend anyone play this game.