[review of version 0.6.3]
I’ll try to be short… (and failed miserably)
After some initial grind, the slowish beginning of the story starts to get some twists that leaves you confused (in a good sense) and intrigued.
By then, it only goes up. You start to want to learn more and more, getting more curious, intrigued and hooked.
I consider this engaging story very good and with a lot of potential, even with it’s few grammar errors and the plot being a little bit of a hero’s journey in a sense.
Still, don’t get me wrong, in my opinion this is one of the best stories that I played in a porn game, so 5/5 to the Dev.
(Also, there is totally a Harry Potter vibe to it)
With the story being the strongest point, the rest is still surprisingly good. The videos and gifs are very well picked and the balance between text/porn is good.
There is a huge focus on latex fetish and some may not like it… but I do believe (and hope) this focus is kind of the first arc of the game (like a water or fire arc in Avatar).
So, 4/5 to porn here.
The gameplay is ok, not a lot of places to visit yet and very few interactions on each.
Only a few stats to increase and manage, and they don’t matter so much… (yet , i think).
A few choices here and there, some changes a little the outcome but, in general, they change more the dialogue you get.
The main point here is about the potential. There is room for implementing many events and, specially, stats!
Some things like (!!SPOILERS!!) choosing your breasts/ass/dick size affect the lust output/impact in encouters, some battles or the abillity to challange students, different sign variations as it evolves in response to your choices, changing or improving this signs through training, latex control stat, spirit animal stats/training, relationship with characters (love, lust, dom, sub, friendship/relationship, …), school and/or groups (like the center or latex) progression (like tests to advance hierarchy, or domination of dorms, or influence, …), a system to increase energy to support more intections, … could be implemented to greatly increase the gameplay. The possibilities are endless! (these are just some suggestions btw)
In the end, 4/5 is my score because, even if it is a little raw, it is still a good game to play.
4 / 5 - Not your typical porn game since it is a little fetish oriented, shows a lot of potential, addictive and great story, ok gameplay and good porn.