HTML - Umesatraa Academy [v0.7] [B.August]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    A femdom game where you actually get to play as the female, a god send in a world of repeating copies of copies of copies. Decent story, a good progression rate and a massive amount of fetish content.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    From the beginning the game bombards you with non-stop random low quality porn gifs, so there isn't any sense of working towards something, or achieving a thing: it takes 5 seconds to start seeing random porn on every single screen for no good reason.

    The game uses the default formatting: black screen with blue links.

    The only functional button on the menu is a "check your name" one, which hints at this being a tutorial project to learn how to use the engine. There's also a passage asking you to "clock here" to fix an issue, and then warns you about clicking again, instead of simply removing that button once it's no longer needed.

    The dialogue is rather poor - here's an example of a typical random story screen:

    During class, you see someone flashing her boob at you.

    ( Hmm... Not bad actually.)
    The gameplay is just a typical HTML grind: click the same links over and over until something new happens once you've clicked them enough times.

    The porn is all old women with cartoonishly large tits. I'm not deducting points due to this, because some people enjoy that, but if that's not your kink, that's pretty much the only thing you'll find here.

    Without good gameplay, a good story, or interesting mechanics, I didn't find a reason to continue playing, as not a single interesting event had happened after 20 minutes - just repeating the same actions and watching random porn on every other screen.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    [review of version 0.6.3]

    I’ll try to be short… (and failed miserably)

    - STORY:
    After some initial grind, the slowish beginning of the story starts to get some twists that leaves you confused (in a good sense) and intrigued.

    By then, it only goes up. You start to want to learn more and more, getting more curious, intrigued and hooked.

    I consider this engaging story very good and with a lot of potential, even with it’s few grammar errors and the plot being a little bit of a hero’s journey in a sense.

    Still, don’t get me wrong, in my opinion this is one of the best stories that I played in a porn game, so 5/5 to the Dev.

    (Also, there is totally a Harry Potter vibe to it)

    - PORN:
    With the story being the strongest point, the rest is still surprisingly good. The videos and gifs are very well picked and the balance between text/porn is good.

    There is a huge focus on latex fetish and some may not like it… but I do believe (and hope) this focus is kind of the first arc of the game (like a water or fire arc in Avatar).

    So, 4/5 to porn here.

    The gameplay is ok, not a lot of places to visit yet and very few interactions on each.
    Only a few stats to increase and manage, and they don’t matter so much… (yet , i think).
    A few choices here and there, some changes a little the outcome but, in general, they change more the dialogue you get.

    The main point here is about the potential. There is room for implementing many events and, specially, stats!

    Some things like (!!SPOILERS!!) choosing your breasts/ass/dick size affect the lust output/impact in encouters, some battles or the abillity to challange students, different sign variations as it evolves in response to your choices, changing or improving this signs through training, latex control stat, spirit animal stats/training, relationship with characters (love, lust, dom, sub, friendship/relationship, …), school and/or groups (like the center or latex) progression (like tests to advance hierarchy, or domination of dorms, or influence, …), a system to increase energy to support more intections, … could be implemented to greatly increase the gameplay. The possibilities are endless! (these are just some suggestions btw)

    In the end, 4/5 is my score because, even if it is a little raw, it is still a good game to play.

    4 / 5 -
    Not your typical porn game since it is a little fetish oriented, shows a lot of potential, addictive and great story, ok gameplay and good porn.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Review is for v0.5.7
    An interesting concept that was executed rather poorly.
    The story is actually pretty good, and so are the characters, but the gameplay is all over the place. I feel like the creator wanted to create a more open world game, but there is nothing to do really. There is only one character to corrupt at the beginning of the game, and it takes a whopping like 5 days to do it, and then the next content (latex) just gives you a button that says "Skip to Saturday" because there is nothing else to do besides grind some (apparently) meaningless stats. Control is the only thing that appears to do anything, and all it does is unlock an area with nothing in it. If there is more to it, then honestly it takes too long to get there.
    tl;dr this needs needs to either get more stuff to do, or just turn it into a VN because for the content that is available right now, there isn't enough to justify wasting the players time by grinding days without it having any meaning.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Story is bland, all conversations sound like a bunch of big tit robots talking to one another. Grammar is pretty awful. This would be a 2 star game if I didn't read the words "Patreon only content". So because of that, 1 star.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    v0.2 --> currently downloading 0.2.4
    Liked it quite a bit! Nothing particularly new/innovative but the female protagonist.
    Niched images/gifs feel awesome, interesting story, high potential of fetishes.
    So far the game only lacks choices, meaning it's a linear story line.
    A thing I'd love to see it's scenes or backgrounds that show more of the hyper-sexual and free context of the academy.
    Keep up the good work, and I'll keep revisiting the game :)
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Game is ok. Decent amount of content for a 0.1 release. Writing and grammar needs some work, but is perfectly understandable.I like the models chosen but hey I love huge tits. Fantasy presented has a lot of potential. No need to play now, but I would watch it for future updates
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    [Rev @ Umesatraa Academy [v0.1]

    Good start.

    Art's enjoyable; real porn that's been cherrypicked to showcase prime examples of real-life jiggle physics. I approve.

    Writing is rough and needs an editor. Scenario's fine but hampered by the fluency issues. All the other fancy shit we get taught in English Lit class would be better with another pass, but thankfully tits aren't affected by grammar.

    I enjoyed the NSFW content, but the corruption of one gal was too fast and another was too grindy and slow. The random pics strewn about the place made the experience feel less like an engaging game and more like a hunt & click timesink.

    TLDR: Boobs > words. Ya got a good thing goin here.
  9. 4.00 star(s)

    God's Last Gift

    I like real porn games, which might put me in the minority, but I think this game has potential. Oh, I guess I need to add more to this review. Is this enough? Still no? Huh. There isn't much to say about a 0.1 other than it looks like it has potential. Long enough now? Great!