Looking for games where for example the girl was just giving a blowjob and then kisses a person she knows and they are unaware (e.g. kissing bf or husband she was cheating on or even a family member like her dad). Just talking with cum on her would also be good (e.g. the classic "it's just cake frosting, mom").
I'm sure I've seen more, but the only case I can think of is in Pandora's Box where she gives a blowjob to MC's friend in the bar and then kisses MC with the cum in her mouth
I personally prefer renpy games and non-hentai, more western style. And I don't have a preference on what point of view is the MC.
I'm sure I've seen more, but the only case I can think of is in Pandora's Box where she gives a blowjob to MC's friend in the bar and then kisses MC with the cum in her mouth
I personally prefer renpy games and non-hentai, more western style. And I don't have a preference on what point of view is the MC.