Unity - Unaware in the City [v36a Basic] [Mr. Unaware Studios]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Play because:
    * Really like art style of character head.
    * Similar feel of other popular game (the one probably very few don't know)

    Skip because:
    * Amateur draw of character body.
    * Amateur draw of NPCs
    * Lousy animation
    * Shallow and repetitive gameplay.

    I'm fully aware that everything here is WIP and if its truly remake, than great job so far, but there's still a lot to be desire.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    The seems good, more quality of life would be better, i don't see why fast travel needs to be a perk specially when there is a loading screen for every transition and that gets a bit annoying, it may be for time management challenge but it the game isn't hard and it actually may be more profitable to lose in these kinds of game.
    The dialog isn't really special there is room for improvement, but did really need to make a dialog just for showering or sleep to say something like "Now i am clean" or "I am rested", why not just press it and be done with it? Same thing with moving using the mouse, why can't i just press to use the thing and the character move there? Why i need to move the character close enough to use it? There could also have a popup window showing the scenes from behind or front to alleviate the 2D stagnation, and i can't believe you put X-ray behind a paywall. Anyway, the game seems good but there is room for improvement.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Too much clicking and too many loading screens. Seriously, why do I need to see a loading screen everytime I move into the next room, even within the same apartment? And like Noseknows wrote in his review, the game unnecessarily makes the diner job much more tedious then it needs to be with all those excessive steps.

    Initially I wanted to give it a 3 star, as this is an early build and things can be fixed, and the dev has certainly spent some time working on it. But seeing the $20 price tag for the "extended version"... yeah, it's going to be a 1 star.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    As a genuine player(not a paid reviewer), I agree with the other reviewer's opinion: this game will waste a lot of time while you gain very little enjoyment from it.

    It grinds on purpose. For example, you will need enough charm to engage in some activities, and the only way to increase it is by practising it in front of a mirror to get one point each day; it is incredibly tedious to repeat this action every day, and guess what? The charm point drops at some points without reason; your charm even decreases after sleeping overnight.

    If you want to play this game, you must use a cheat with an "extended version". If I weren't wrong, this almighty "extended version" ww behind the paywall.

    I admire those devs who bravely tell players in the face: don't play my game without paying me. But I pity those who waste players' time first and show them later that the game can't generally be played without payment.

    The latter wastes my valuable time because they dare not communicate directly with players. As usual, I will support those teams that show their ability and attitude and keep silent to those who lack skills and experience but give negative reviews to those who try to sell cheats rather than their games -- as a warning to future players.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    A modernized cult game that has been graphically beefed up and has always been entertaining. A woman who can choose what her future holds. Right from the start you can determine their fate differently. I didn't notice any bugs or anything like that.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Never saw or played the "first game" so my review is based on this game.

    Overall it's just meh. I can see that some time and effort has been put into it. As it currently stands I can say it's not worth your time. The art is at best lack luster and ugly at its worst. It's plain to see that the dev spent a greater effort on the player character than the NPC's as they are hard to look at. The game is also riddled with visual bugs as portions of clothes are often missing on NPC's. There is also a bug in the first area after a monster text dump of a tutorial where you cannot click on the shower (if you want to fix this, save the game, head back to the main menu and load the save). As far as sexual content I couldn't stomach looking at the NPC's long enough to even bother finding any nor was any forced onto me in the first week that I bothered to play. Then there is the unnecessary amount of clicking.

    Why must the player have to click multiple times just to start a shift at the diner? The process for working is, walk into the diner, talk to the owner, go through the owners dialogue (which is the same every time you start a shift), head to hallway, head to the storage room, click on the locker, go through the text about looking into the locker, pick the option to get dressed, head back into the hallway, head back into the diner, and then start a shift. Now do that every time you want to start a shift for that day and that's not even including speaking the owner at the end of every shift to get paid which is also always the same text. It's basically twenty extra clicks that could easily be done with one.

    I have a few other issues with the game but not enough that I want to waste time on them. I suppose this might be an alright game down the line but with the current artwork I can't say you'll enjoy this. This game is barely hovering at a 2/5 and it's only that high because I can see there was some attempt at making a game.

    Edit: Found out the dev is charging nearly $20 for cheats for this game. Just went from a 2/5 to a 1/5.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Here we go again. Unaware in the City is one of the best hentai RPG games out there! I have been following the progress slowly over the years and with this new update I have to say Unaware outdid himself.

    Character creation is top notch, with something as deep that you wouldn't find in the average hentai game. It reminds me of neoscavanger in a way .

    The art has been greatly improved. The previous version seemed like cubic art painted by me on Ms paint. While now, hot damn, I actually get aroused

    Everything has improved. And one of my favorite part is the writing, well more precisely the random phrases the NPC spew at you.

    10/10. Will recommend to my family!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a 11/10 game.
    One of my longtime personal favorites from when it was on Patreon only.

    Character Customization: Quite versatile. You have quite a few hairstyles to pick from, face types, shapes, freckles, age, hair color, eye color... it goes on. Most important for some people will be the ability to have supersized boobs that are so OP they defy gravity. I personally don't see why y'all like tits bigger than yourselves, but the option exists, so have fun xD

    Story: It's good. It's about a girl that moves to the city. Craziness ensues, with rape, prostitution, sexual favors, exhibitionism, and so much more.

    Gameplay: *Very* polished. It took everything good from UotW and made it even better.

    Sex: There are a lot of sex scenes, with their own convos and circumstances of happening. So much so that it would be quite difficult to actually make a guide on it all since stats, rep and clothing affect a lot of outcomes.

    ------Long Version------
    This is *NOT* a copy of any other game. It's an insult to even accuse it of being such.
    It's a City RPG Sidescroller with NSFW mechanics. This is what these games should be called instead of copy of X or Y or Z.

    I played the game a while ago on Patreon, and again now that its a lot more polished.
    Both times I was floored with the incredible art and thought put into it xD

    This is basically a spiritual successor of "Unaware of the World", which, while it had decent gameplay, did not boast the best graphics one would hope to see. Now though? It has gotten 1000% better than UotW and shouldn't be compared to it either.

    Everything was reworked and rehauled, and I have talked a lot with the developer, having seen how much effort and love he put into this project. Maybe that's weird for some to think so of a sex game, but I can tell ya he really wishes for this game to succeed. So do I tbh.

    I would *really* suggest playing this before making any mean comments, and I can assure ya you won't regret it~