Unity - Unaware in the City [v42 Basic] [Mr. Unaware Studios]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    At first it was crap, but now I really, really like it. I hope this will turn into a masterpiece in the future.
    The graphics were changed and this changed the game. What I would like to see is a greater variety of situations. There are a lot of them, but they all get boring very quickly. And the downside is that they work using the same algorithm.
    For example, a man with a knife bursts into the toilet. She may scream and he will run away. But he could have hit her or rape her or cut her clothes or jerk off on her. But unfortunately, the scenario for such situations is always the same. She says either yes or no. I hope this aspect will be improved in the future.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Unaware in the City [v33b EX] Rating:1.5


    Decent Artstyle
    Character Customization

    Incredibly grindy and repetitive
    Event Sheets are really confusing
    Energy/Cleanliness Management
    Recources Management
    Traits System
    Paywalled Cheats

    I played the last version and the current Ex version for a long period of time now and need to share my thoughts on this game.
    The game idea is pretty good, but I feel that the execution of it all is just bad and frustrating.
    It all starts with the character customization, where you need to pick positive and negative traits.
    Certain traits will annoy you by not letting you do certain events and the negative traits are forced upon you and bring irritating side effects that will make your experience even more frustrating.
    It's painfully grindy where you need to grind money, buy certain things that will raise your stats back up, because they go down incredibly quickly.
    It feels like a constant rinse and repeat that just sucks the joy out of the gameplay experience and is just slightly more acceptable with the cheat version of the game.
    That version was unavailable until someone was gracious enough to share it on this site.
    I can somewhat understand the Dev for saying that he doesn't want it public because cheats may cause bugs and therefore could create more reports.
    But then again, this game is pretty much only playable with cheats, and who would buy that version if you don't like the base version?
    I could do the things in the questlog, but the event sheet is just confusing as hell and all over the place.
    Everything in this game just feels like it's purpose is to waste your time and to annoy you.
    I tried it multiple times with this game but I might wait 6 months to a year to see if things changed for the better.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Cool game! I have never seen anything like this before. Interesting graphics, despite the fact that the game is in 2D. I was also interested in the plot, in few games your decision will really affect the game (this is if you don’t take large projects), but in this case it’s an indie game and you can simply give a standing ovation, because despite the fact that the project stage of development, you can already boast of your non-standard solutions - I think many have played other 18+ game projects, what was there? “Yes, insert; yes, shove” is monotonous, here your choice determines who the character will be in the future and what fate awaits him. Yes, even if the plot is not written out like a whole book of choices and further advancements, but what is there now will already interest you, and I think I’m not the only one who started a new game every time to see what would happen if you made a completely different choice.
    Thus, I want to say thank you to the developer of this game, I wish him good luck and strength. I fully support this project and look forward to new updates every time, and they come out often and are interesting!
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Beautiful graphic, i can create many sexy character from an A-cup twintail tsundere to a H-cup busty milf, the FMC is free to do anything from cooking, work partime jobs or fooling around withwith a filthy homeless guy and fertilized by him. I havent done much interaction much and i know this game is still in early access so i hope there will be more place to go and explore, and of course more quest chains, events that make the game story more dramatic, unpredictable and exciting cause after a few days the FMC life is quite mundane, just working jobs, shopping, sleeping around. So i think this game need a villain i guess? Some struggles, perhap more clear objective? One minus of an open world game is that its either repetitive or dont have much else to do, and as much as i like this game, i cant say im not feeling the same way. Love the graphic and character design but there isnt much story telling, that my speculation right now.
    Still a good game to enjoy, thanks Mr.Unaware!
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    An immersive game where you can play for some (slightly repetitive) hours. The main draw isn't the sexual content neccesarily, nothing much out of the ordinary with a pinch of rape, but the 'immersive sim' part. I, for example, made a prudish virgin that never did anything sexual, fed the homeless on a regular basis (with food!), and still managed to scrape by. Had to buy pepper spray with my first chash though, just in case, you know.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Watch out, this game is still in development but had a massive overhaul and the upgraded version slaps. Great, interactive and immersive , lots of freedom to play your character, man i can't wait to more to come and it's getting better with each new update!
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    The game has potential but as how it is right now(v32) is not fun to play.
    - Nice art,
    - Character personality customization,

    - Negative perks are really crippling,
    - Grindy(like seriously this is a porn game a don't wanna to grind for hours to get a scene or buy some item or clothes, etc),
    - Time is to fast for how grindy the game isyou can barely do anything besides go to work and sleep(leaving no time to explore),
    - Energy depletes too fast( if don't watch it closely you gonna pass out and loose a considerable amount of time)
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    On it's way to being a really fun game, still rough around the edges but that's to be expected. Basics are there, once content and polish continue rolling out I can see it being one I will def enjoy. Looking forward to what comes next.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    i cant get out of the first room of the game so my rating is based on character creator and clicking on stuff in the bathroom. I like the concept of this, it looks ok, character creator looks kinda bad but there are some options to play around, id say its a positive thing. In general the ui isnt bad its kinda clustered but it works. Now for the bathroom, there are like 5 things i can click, none of them does anything except for the door which tells me to take a shower which doesnt work for me for some reason. Am i standing in the wrong spot? Am i clicking it badly? Who knows. The only thing i know is that i cant use it so the entire gameplay for me was around 3 minutes before turning it off. For the character creator it would be a 3 star, for the bathroom loop its a 0 star but i cant give it 0 so the median is 2 stars.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty rough at the moment but I'm rating it highly for the potential and for the artists commitment. (I'll update the review eventually when the storyline is fleshed out more).

    The game gets updated frequently unlike many games posted here and the updates actually add content.

    Extra star because it's FREE and the dev is a sassy Pole:cool:
  11. 3.00 star(s)

    The UnHolyOne

    ok game. got a solid foundation.. however the thing that kills this game IMO is the models need improvement with more detail. the animations are broken, sucking a dick? your chins gonna be taking that dick. getting your mouth molested whilst sleeping on a bench? your chins getting molested. the animations need tweaking, and the overall detail of models need improved. could be cool, but meh
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    It's an okay game. It's not terrible and it's not amazing either. Honestly, I'd probably rate this as 3.5 stars, but that's still not an option on this site. My personal gripe is that the core gameplay loop of earning money very quickly got old for me. The various sex scenes all felt a bit lacking for me as well. Some more back and forth between the character and her partner/s during the scenes and possible dialogue options (if that's possible) would really introduce some nice variety to them. There's a couple of graphical glitches here and there (most prominent I noticed were with the gym scenarios), but nothing too egregious.

    Character customization was nice and I liked the different backgrounds you could have for your girl. The art is charming and has it's own unique style among the myriad of H-games.

    tldr: I think it's worth a playthrough, but be aware that it has a bit of a slow start to it.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    This review's made to hopefully constructively criticize the game for the better. It's not meant to ridicule or maliciously attack anything or anyone.

    One way to describe this game is that: It's very grindy and slow. Currently there isn't that much things to do in such a sandbox game, so my suggestion is to wait. Might update the review in the future.

    -Good character customization.
    -Decent Buffs.

    -Very Grindy.
    -Slow pacing.
    -Day ended so fast for such a grindy game, making it slower.
    -Many actions are locked behind stats.
    -Crippling Debuff (I know it's for 'balancing' but goddamn can it not be SO crippling? It made it harder to roleplay)

    I haven't played the previous' game so I can't compare this to that, but I can say for sure this game is grindy and maybe is design that way--unless you have the cheat behind a paywall. The creator can do whatever they want with the game of course, including blocking certain aspect behind a paywall, but if their games are slow, grindy, and heavily depend on stats then it can cripple it to a crawl, putting off players to even think of supporting their project because not everyone have enough time to invest in a game.

    I actually like this type of games, even the art style and the theme. But I found the game to be quite slow, and would require the players to invest a decent amount of time to even get anywhere which ruin the experience for me.

    Alas, it is what it is. If such a game sound like your cup of tea, then go for it. If not, then wait for more progress and updates.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    I really like the idea of the game and games like this overall but there are a few things i think could be done better.

    Graphics: I do like them and i think if done right with many choices for clothing, character creation and of course npc variation this is a really good style and system.
    Character Creator: It seems to have quite a bit of options which still can get some more but its definitely in a rather positive state.

    Closed Source: The game is not open-source which i think is important for the longlivity of a game and also for the community to keep it alive and modify it to their needs.
    No Mod Support: The game has no mod support which i think is disappoint since this game could really benefit from something like this.
    Paywalled Cheats and X-Ray: Cheats are hidden behind a paywall. 17$ for cheats or X-Ray is too much and easily buys you good Indie games that offer more for the money. (The dev mentioned this due to "trolls and haters" somehow)
    UI/GUI: It definitely is something. Its a bit of everything and 2000-ish and really needs a overhaul.
    No Sandbox mode: Since there are no cheats for the public released i would've expected a sandbox mode where you can just make the character on how you want it with all perks and such and explorer the map freely and interact with things freely but sadly that is not the case.
    Visual Bugs: The game has some visual bugs that breasks the player or npc's.
    Does not Respect Player Time: The game does not respect the players time and feels to slow and unrewarding for the grind and work you invest.

    Currently i do not recommend this game unless you get the cheats one way or another. I will come back at a later date to see how the game evolved and if anything changed that would require me to update my review.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    This a game currently in development with an active and committed developer. It is a sandbox style side scrolling perspective game with RPG elements.

    For this style of game, and it being a solo dev I feel this art is pretty good. I prefer the art of Pizza Hot, but this art is in my opinion an upgrade from the devs previous game Unaware of the World and also an upgrade from a similar game, Insexity. However, compared to Pizza Hot these updates appear to be more meaningful in terms of game play and at a more reasonable frequency.

    The game play is good, there are lots of things for you to do and places to explore, people to meet.

    The developer is active on their discord and helpful in answering questions and discussing feedback.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Play because:
    * Really like art style of character head.
    * Similar feel of other popular game (the one probably very few don't know)

    Skip because:
    * Amateur draw of character body.
    * Amateur draw of NPCs
    * Lousy animation
    * Shallow and repetitive gameplay.

    I'm fully aware that everything here is WIP and if its truly remake, than great job so far, but there's still a lot to be desire.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    The seems good, more quality of life would be better, i don't see why fast travel needs to be a perk specially when there is a loading screen for every transition and that gets a bit annoying, it may be for time management challenge but it the game isn't hard and it actually may be more profitable to lose in these kinds of game.
    The dialog isn't really special there is room for improvement, but did really need to make a dialog just for showering or sleep to say something like "Now i am clean" or "I am rested", why not just press it and be done with it? Same thing with moving using the mouse, why can't i just press to use the thing and the character move there? Why i need to move the character close enough to use it? There could also have a popup window showing the scenes from behind or front to alleviate the 2D stagnation, and i can't believe you put X-ray behind a paywall. Anyway, the game seems good but there is room for improvement.
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    Too much clicking and too many loading screens. Seriously, why do I need to see a loading screen everytime I move into the next room, even within the same apartment? And like Noseknows wrote in his review, the game unnecessarily makes the diner job much more tedious then it needs to be with all those excessive steps.

    Initially I wanted to give it a 3 star, as this is an early build and things can be fixed, and the dev has certainly spent some time working on it. But seeing the $20 price tag for the "extended version"... yeah, it's going to be a 1 star.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    As a genuine player(not a paid reviewer), I agree with the other reviewer's opinion: this game will waste a lot of time while you gain very little enjoyment from it.

    It grinds on purpose. For example, you will need enough charm to engage in some activities, and the only way to increase it is by practising it in front of a mirror to get one point each day; it is incredibly tedious to repeat this action every day, and guess what? The charm point drops at some points without reason; your charm even decreases after sleeping overnight.

    If you want to play this game, you must use a cheat with an "extended version". If I weren't wrong, this almighty "extended version" ww behind the paywall.

    I admire those devs who bravely tell players in the face: don't play my game without paying me. But I pity those who waste players' time first and show them later that the game can't generally be played without payment.

    The latter wastes my valuable time because they dare not communicate directly with players. As usual, I will support those teams that show their ability and attitude and keep silent to those who lack skills and experience but give negative reviews to those who try to sell cheats rather than their games -- as a warning to future players.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    A modernized cult game that has been graphically beefed up and has always been entertaining. A woman who can choose what her future holds. Right from the start you can determine their fate differently. I didn't notice any bugs or anything like that.