RavenSw Cheers, mate! Well, I don't plan to abandon ship any moment soon, so expect some updates (around 10) next year

EX & BA are the same games, but with unlocked/locked options, so saves are fully compatible. Game just checks if it's BA and turns off EX options/cheats, but it doesn't delete your choices, so if you max out all your stats in EX, they will stay in BA, but if you turn on huge dick cheat, it will be turned off and dicks will become normal. I'm talking out of my memory, but there's no exclusive content in EX, like new clothes or events, aside for experimental stuff in the character creation - Body/Ass Size (extremely bugged, will desync animations), Breast Size going past 100, up to 200 (ye, expect visual glitches, too), and furry ears (as far as I know, those don't work with earrings) - and that should be it, aside for the mentioned cheats/bonus settings.
dwemers Do you meet game's requirements? That's the only thing that comes to my mind. Or re-download the game, maybe file is corrupted.
Penitensary Each workplace has different Cleanliness thresholds to trigger the angry client event. The worst is Kinky Nymph, as it starts with 90 CL (10% chance, unaffected by Luck). You can read more about it in the Glossary (G button), but dunno if it's in v31d or v32c.
v32c didn't add much content, compared to v31d, but it made game more playable for sure

Expect much more content with v33.