Nice game so far. I like the art, and the present game play is a good start.
I agree with a lot of points made by Grime in their review as far as potential improvements go. There's not much point in me rehashing them, but in my own words, a bit more control and strategic elements would be nice. I felt like at a certain point, growing the hoard larger felt more like a demerit than a benefit since it becomes progressively harder to dodge the enemy groups. Maybe that's the point, but to me it just felt like a hard block, rather than a challenge that can be overcome. I guess I'd like to see something like some special abilities, more objects on the map that can be used strategically or as chokepoints, etc.
Besides the main gameplay loop, my only suggestion is removing that forced player waiting in the early room and exploring the later rooms. I don't see the point of making us just wait around in an empty room. I can see how forcing exploration would be beneficial later on when there's actually stuff around, but at the moment, all the rooms are empty, and it just seems to be wasting player time without actually showing any of the meaningful content you've worked so hard on. None of that is a big deal, but I found it slightly annoying.
Putting all that aside, this is obviously still early on in development, so I don't hold any of those points against the game as is. For me judging it as a demo, I think things look great. Nice job, and looking forward to seeing how things progress!
TLDR: 5 star judging it as a demo. Rating subjective to change as things progress, but I think it's a great start.