RPGM - Abandoned - Under Control [v0.5.0 Public] [Raven]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    This is sadly un unbalanced offering.

    The renders are pretty nice, the mc is not half as hateable as in many games and the story is fairly convincing - even the writing is not as bad as could be

    Unfortunately on the flip side EVERYTHING is a minigame and theres annoying fight sequences. I guess it seemed like a good idea becasuse the entire community hates mini games and especially fight mini games?

    These mini games are made an even bigger chore by the developed blocking you from access to the menu for huge chunks of dialogue and scenes you dont want. Even once you get access, you cant re-load without going to main menu

    In short they did everything they can to take away control or player choice, in a novel, where player choice is the main aim!?
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Garbage. 30min prologue. Awful visuals. Even worse story. Scenes few and far in between. Buggy. Don't play. ESPECIALLY WITHOUT CHEATING to save time!!! There are way better alternatives. At the moment there is a game-breaking bug where a patrol guy gets stuck on a tent, thus soft locking you during a cutscene where you can't move(necessary to progress the story). -_-
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    I do not know what the people saying this is good are on, but it's definitely the worst game on here I've played in all these years. Horrible, broken combat, where you either have to return home to sleep after every 2 fights or straight up use the invincibility skill and sit there for 10 minutes, subpar animations, below 3rd grade writing (both in grammar as well as in content) and even the roof of your starting house is just fked beyond belief (rpgmaker tileset moment)
    I was able to walk on the ceiling in one level.
    Oh and did I mention fights literally serve no purpose? -1/5 as a time waster.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Gameplay just feels extremely annoying the combat is just cumbersome and not in anyway what so ever anything else than a pretty intense time waster, I've only played the game for like 15 min if even that but close to 70-80% of all that time was spent just in fights cause of how you do no damage and there is enemies fucking everywhere on the map, there is a another huge time waster the haunted house part where you need to hide from some ghosts which probably took like 5-15% of the 15 min i spent on this game the sex part of the game isn't really anything to write home about either its just pretty bland. you have no real direction other than "this strange woman wants me to find some soulstone. I should look around, she said it must be here somewhere", only place I didn't look was inside a cave cause i could not see anything in there cause it was pitch black so either i missed something important or something else is going on.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    I like where the game is going and enjoy the choices. However I personally can't say I'm a huge fan of the battle system in the 2nd half of this game version. (2.0) (I'm referring to the battle system where the solders are following you before you fight the witch and when you actually fight the witch. It just feels clunky to me, not to mention the game lags quite a bit when fireballs are thrown from the enemy. (May or may not just be me). I personally don't mind the typical/traditional fight style that's used in the prolog. Maybe do something about the fireballs slowing the game down and tweak the battle system or revamp it so it's not as clunky and so it's easier to use. I can tell a good amount of effort was put into everything, these are just my opinions whole I was playing. Still going to keep following this game and will continue playing it. It's a good game, just needs some touch ups.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    I give this game a 2/5. based on what the game has shown so far. maybe this is just the tutorial section, and the real game begins later. but I have to say, based on what i've seen so far. this will not be a good experience.

    1. gameplay. this game is a walking and cutscene simulator. there is optional combat. but it's just to pad out time, and drain resources. if this game does end up having any form of leveling, from what i've seen so far. it will either be purely story based(you are given levels, stat boosts, and abilities based on the main quest), or vanilla linear rpgmaker leveling(you play as a specific class. get enough xp to level up. and are given stat increases, and new abilities that are preditermined.). either way. there is little gameplay in this game. and all of it is really boring.
    you just walk until you reach the next cutscene to move forward the story, and then watch said cutscene, and then get sent to the next cutscene. 1 thing i can commend them for. is in a couple of the cutscenes, you atleast get a single dichotomy within said scene to allow you to define your character(these mostly make no difference, and are just for flavour/roleplaying.).
    now there were sidequests, which were optional. and some did offer a dichotomy, which is good to see(I won't lie. i liked some of the options.). but still. the gameplay is really barebones. so if you are here for anything but scenes and story. you will be disappointed.

    2. characters. too be frank. the characters are bad, including the main protagonist. now. if this was a gameplay driven game, where the story is secondary. or if this was a roleplaying game, where you choose how your main character behaves. then this wouldn't be such a big issue. but since this is a linear story game. if your characters suck. then the game does aswell.
    the moment to moment dialogue is average to poorly written. i won't comment on all the typos etc. they are fine. but the dialogue is bad. the characters are all fairly bland and one-dimensional. and have pretty poor motivations. and the way characters react to different situations and eachother is unbelievable.
    now. I am not a feminist. at all. but i laughed when i saw their claimed "feminist" character. whose only personality traits, are being incredibly snobby and stuck up. and hating men for absolutely no reason.
    infact, half the girls in the school section are laughably mean, just for the sake of making the player hate them. they have no actual motivation for doing it. they aren't even having fun. it's just stupid.

    3. sexual content. now. i think the art is actually pretty good. yes. it's not professional. and yes, it's quite undetailed.
    but. the actual scenes themselves are really bad. with again, poor writing! like what you would expect from a teenage fanfiction. and unfortunately, while i can see they were being economical. bad animation. it looks alot like what you would see from the more average flash animations on newgrounds. really awkward stuff.
    and honestly. and this is coming from a huge fan of japanese style animation, who gets incredibly horny just at the mere sight of their waifus. and someone really easy to please. I didn't feel even remotely aroused throughout this 2 hour experience(which is okay length for an early release). they just weren't convincing as sexual encounters.

    4. story. the story is really, incredibly boring. so stock. and just way, way too fast, making it feel unbelievable.
    you start the game. then succubabes instantly murder your father, and take your sister and mother as slaves. then (presumably hours later), you are revived by an incredibly hot blonde babe, wearing a mankini, who just happens to be your fathers "old friend", and could only save you, cause you just "happened to have some life left"(i'll call her the sex goddess. reasons apparent).
    then you are told to find some artifact that will help you defeat the evil sex demons. you collect it. and then are expected go travel a whole week to another town on this random chicks words alone. now if she was offering a little something-something. i could understand the motivation, andjust accepting it all at face value. but she gives you no reason to do it, or to even trust her than "this will save your family. trust me".
    once you get there. you are instantly enrolled into some random school, which your sister, who've you've never met by the way! happens to be going(alot of random characters just popping out of thin air here!). and now have to find some secret entrance.
    once you find it. the sex goddes pulls a magic "comunication ability" out of nowhere, and tells you that you have some boring Magical bloodline, with untapped power. cause of course your the fucking chosen one. and you have to collect a bunch of boring artifacts to "bring out your potential". once you get the key to the door. thats' the end of the beta.

    5. environments. the environments are mostly quite empty, and sparsely decorated. and fairly stock-standard for rpgm. i would say they are bad. this is, again fine though. as this is obviously a small game. but yeah. not much to say that.

    6. the fantasy(world, whatever). now. the demos short. so there isn't a whole lot to say. but from what i've seen, I hate the fantasy. it's probably meant to be "medieval". but it's basically just modern day.
    sure, you go around hacking people up with swords somewhere out in the country, where bandits and wolves are running wild. but there's another damn modern school setting, with cute schoolgirl outfits to boot. even the MC is dressed like he's going to a posh club, or something, and he's supposed to be a "woodcutter".

    i'll leave the review there. now, of course. this is all just my opinion. and that is fine. the ratings on this are all high so far(i haven't looked at the other reviews.). but i'm personally not a fan of whats been shown so far.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is an excellent addition to the "femdom" genre, yet you have some degree of freedom to avoid it, but doing so feels like playing football just for the sake of running.

    Animations are good, there is a sense of attention over the details, and the art style of the renders in the scenes outside of RPGM are attractive.

    The text is fine written, a good english, I didn't noticed something missing from the context or so.

    It is immersing, lost the track of time while playing it, it has something that only over few other games happened to me, to mention Tower Of Trample the first time i played it.

    For the current version, the free one, 0.1, it has 1 hour and so of content, i played it for 2 hours, and it is worth supporting.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent work. Interesting sequence of different settings: common rpg with fighting and magic and after this no combat school routines with dominant girls. What is next?
    I found only one negative point: main character is very slow in first part of game (forest before school)
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a fun game. A little adult. A little fighting. A little plot. A little maze crawling. Fun.

    How would I improve, UX-wise?
    - You can always go back home and sleep... so give that as a menu option. Don't force me to walk the MC through screen after screen of already cleared areas to get back home, to reset his stats.
    - Walkthrough. Or trap guide. Having to reload so often because I didn't identify that "oh, that's a ghost" or somesuch isn't that much fun.
    - Text history feature for when you've accidentally skipped a message...
    - Options menu should be available as part of the entry menu. Players shouldn't have to wait through the opening sequence to adjust the volume.
    - Save and Load are located as options under "save"... Maybe rename the parent item.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    For an alpha, this game has a lot more content than expected. The scenes aren't given to you upfront, and the choices seem to actually affect your future gameplay regarding H-scenes. Every scene is animated, and the "boss" of the alpha does incorporate H-scenes in some of her attacks. The H-Scenes aren't too hardcore, but in the later parts of the demo you'll see more hardcore femdom like whipping/verbal abuse, which is a huge deviation from the "temptation" choices you find in the early part of the alpha.

    So far there isn't a levelling system and enemies don't get particularly more difficult, but it's a fairly standard RPGM combat system. Nothing special or innovative so far but subject to change. So far this is my main complaint since it's pretty boring other than that boss mentioned earlier.

    There's no issues reading the english, but some small mispellings or weird capitalization can be found. Nothing to cry about if you ask me personally.

    4/5 would definitely keep an eye out, very good for first release