Ren'Py - Uni [v0.55.118b] [Hizor Games]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    It's not a bad game, but it feels empty due to the lack of images. There are many events (lewd and non-lewd events) with just a black screen or with an image that has nothing to do with the event - and the rare H-scenes with images have no animation. This game doesn't need any updates with new content, it badly needs a major rework update.
    Likes: R1k0
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Game is enjoyable, the fmc is very cute and offers many ways that you can customize her. There's plenty of sexy scenes, but I think the game shines due to it's characters. You have a varied cast, and every character seems enjoyable so far. I really liked Violet and Matt's routes, though bc I played through the Bakery route the Matt route gets cut off. The cheerleading route is fun, I want to try out the other routes in the game at some point - such as the other clubs, and maybe see if there are any other job routes besides the Bakery.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Enjoyable game, a bit grindy bug great graphics/illustrations. Lots of different branches/paths and sub-routes. You can choose if you prefer vanilla, dom/sub, blackmail, NTR etc. Looking forward to what future updates bring.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Uni is one of the better H visual novels, but that isn't saying much. The game is carried by its beautiful art and erotic writing and let down by its gameplay, which consists of you trying to find the next erotic scene and nothing else. Certain choices close doors that need you to play the game again to find, an annoying quirk of most H VS's who's non-h story isn't worth the time to read. In my opinion, get the cheat mod and unlock the gallery, the erotic writing isn't worth the effort.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Goblin Slayer

    It's been many years since I tested this game, at that time the game felt empty (since it was a very early version), now that the game is over verion .5 I decided to give it another try.

    I was happy to see how much the world expanded over the years, the characters feel alive and the protagonist can be as cute or slutty as you want. Usually I avoid visual novel type games since they tend to just be sex scenes all over the place without many deep but UNI is something different, it's one of the few H-VN's in which I actually care for the protagonist.

    The game also come with plenty of customatization on the Main character, from many different clothes to hair styles.

    The Art may be in some areas the week point, I mean the portraits and CG's of the characters when they are standing are great (specially the protagonists) and some H-Scenes are also top tier but there are also some H-scenes (sex scenes) that look very strange, protably they where drawn on the first versions of the game while the top tier looking CGs are modern, still you will be hooked so you most likely won't mind much about it.

    The writing is perfect, it may not be a master piece but taking into account that this VN is about a girl moving to a new city and going to school and work just feels right, the writing feels so natural and real.

    As for the current lenght I played last night over 3 hours and it seems there is plenty of content left so even if its at verion .53 its already longer than many hentai VNs.

    SCORE: 9.5/10
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    If I can't skip school, why don't just teleport me ?
    If I can't skip work after school... Why don't just teleport to work after school...
    If the only thing I can do after work is 'walking around', then why not just teleport me to 'walking around'... (or ask the player, if no return to bedroom)
    If access the shop isn't time consuming why not just put a 'shop' button down somewhere and just teleport the player ?
    Why bother design a map and a point and click feature who is obviously useless since you don't choose your destination...

    I hate nothing more than useless things, like useless or obscure stats and this game have both... Does the grade affect anything ? Is the corruption system useful ? The events are so random it's hard to tell...
    Does the clothes help to trigger event ? Even though hairstyle and clothes aren't displayed in the few CG's you'll get through hours of reading... And 'exploring the map'...

    (I'm not against reading when it's interesting though...)

    Is it interesting here ?

    Why is the MC a poor orphan girl if she don't even deserve a good partner ? The two main male love interest are a disgusting bully who literally assault you minute one without even speaking and without any way to avoid it... The second is the typical nice guy bully victim...
    He's nice but, that's it...
    Funny how this dude can do anything but you get expelled for nothing and instant game over... Ended up locked in the blackmail path while trying to enjoy the Kate or Violet path... Couldn't call anyone to help me so what is the phone feature good for...

    The art is cute but the game is random, it's hard to get which choice have an impact or not. Got locked on a path I dislike and screwed another one without any way to understand it until bad thing happen... Or nothing...
    Since you have to wait for the next event to occur only after 10 in games days without meeting a character so you learn that you screwed up a choice, or maybe have to pass 10 more days to be sure...

    So even if you are into non con stuff, which I could be if my MC wasn't an orphan written in a way you kinda want a good path for her. You will just spend more time reading than enjoying anything and have to wait until the 'good' event is trigger.

    Too bad, the game had a lot of potential but hey, two things can ruin a game... Lack of ideas or excess of ideas...
    This one try to take too many directions without what it takes to make such a huge game with so many characters and mechanics...
    Either you have the means of your ambitions, either you stick with a simple idea... If you don't... Then you'll end up with a game like this one which will take years to fix...

  7. 3.00 star(s)


    This has the potential to be one of my favorite games I've ever played, and perhaps it will be once it's complete, but for now there are a few things I don't like that hold it back significantly. 6.5/10

    + Excellent art
    + Characters have a good amount of personality

    - I hate that you end up being forced into a single route. There is HUGE potential for shared routes that is almost completely wasted here. And I get that having various different combinations means multiplying the time and resources required to complete the game, but I'd much rather have a longer wait for a great product than a shorter wait for a good product.
    - There are quite a few scenes/dreams where I thought "wow, sounds hot. Wish there were actually images to go along with what's being described". It's hard to tell what is planned to eventually get images and what isn't because not all of them are black screens as the dev stated will be getting images eventually. If it isn't finished just don't put it in the game and save the dialogue for a complete experience.
  8. 3.00 star(s)

    mc loving VI

    Well, im gonna be fast with this
    Do you like text based games ? Well, this is your game, because most of the scenes don't have a image set...
    Do you like inconsistent MC's progress ? Well, this is your game, beacause the MC will daley 40 days to have sex with her boyfriend but in 20 days she will try to work in a stripper club without any sense (she is not broken, at least in my run)
    Im gonna give 3 stars because there are so much potential in the art and npcs
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Another virtual novel game that isn't tagged as such. You get to make nearly zero decisions in this game, just repeat the same tasks every day and read mountains of dialogue. My wrist became sore from spamming spacebar trying to get to a sex scene, didn't manage to get to one. Also, there are extremely long dream sequences that just show a blank screen. I am not trying to read a fuckin novel every time I go to sleep! The art is uninspired as well, very disappointing. 0/5 would not recommend, unless you want to read a book on your monitor.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Story 2/5
    Its pretty good really and also well written, so i enjoyed that part but i just feel like its lacking in way to much considering game is what almost 6 years old now....i would proberly rate story alone 4/5 but overall it lacks to much, i played the none ntr route and it felt very drawn out almost like its ment to be an NTR only game, since there sure as fuck isent much of anything when it comes to sex in none NTR.

    My issue is that the backgrounds are just the same waaaay to much, like lets take someone on a date to a festival and all you see is the standard street you have already seen a million times, then they go home from the festival and your date say "we are here" but background is still the same damn street, it just feels lazzy not to put in ALOT more backgrounds for the stuff your supposed to be doing in the game.
    Its thats just to poor for this old a game and it happens all the freaking time, i got so tierd of looking at the same street with the same buildings.....

    And got to say watch out for the dream shit, first i really just dont get why its even part of the game, all i see is a grey/black screen and some dialogs where your FMC gets fucked by dudes and shit, i played my route as a lesbian route so it made absolutly no sense what so ever to read dialogs about her fucking dudes, feels more like its made due to lack of sexual content doing the real game which is even more idiotc and its not even a scene its just dialogs with a black screen, so yeah i just dont get the reason for it being there at all.

    Also the lack of movements really makes game feel more emotionless, i mean when dialogs says "you pat her head" it really needs to show that and maybe with some blushing from girls like Kate, just seeing a frozen picture of them standing next to one another just dosent do anything for me personaly and again it just feels cheap and lazzy not showing the stuff that is supposed to be happening or just showing a single picture.

    Also its annoys me that you cant call your friend at the mafia after you get raped by 3 girls in the bathroom i mean come on why make our FMC so fucking bad....never getting revenge makes it so damn boring.

    Also story simply just dosent match up with choices, you can tell Kate it was all a mistake and they break up since Kate dident want to tell anyone about them being a couple, but then the very next day your still a couple and have now told everyone?? that you are a couple? what?? it makes absolutly no sense and is a huge flaw in the storyline, the day before you wasent even sure you could still stay friends with her so yeah thats very fucked up.

    And it only gets even worse and more weird when you get cought by Violet and Kate and your forced to pick only one of them, i picked Kate so Violet gets mad and dont want to be friends what so ever with MC and yet some time after Violet somes to your house talking about moving to a new city due to her parrents new jobs....and for what ever unknown reason your apprently still her girlfriend? and can now stay with her? i mean nothing makes sense anymore.

    Same for sex scenes dialogs are very good but there are just so few pictures making it quite boring.

    Girls, LIs 4/5
    Not sure how many dudes you can pick from but the onesi noticed seems fine, as for the girls theres a pretty nice diversity in builds and looks.

    Animations 0/5
    Not being animated dosent help the game either, but even the "sex" scenes are pretty boring.

    Music 3/5
    Pretty averge background tunes, but alot of diffrent ones atleast.

    Choices 4/5
    They seem to work just fine, i never had issues with game-over stuff like ive seen others run into but im guess they where doing NTR playthrough which i dident try.

    Not done playing current content but for now ill leave it at 3 stars since i belive thats where i will end up when i finish it later do day.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Fun game with an interesting plot and effective corruption mechanic.
    Missing a fair number of renders right now which can create a disconnect between what you're reading and what's happening on screen. This sticks out to me because I really like the art of the game.

    I would like to see the characters have some variation to them in their standing poses on screen during conversations but realise that's a considerable time sink to create.

    Looking forward to seeing more of this game and wishing the devs all the best!
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    While I really like the girls, and the kinks, and the story, it's missing SO MANY art assets that I think I'll play it fully at a later date.
    The art style is pretty good beside that, and the way they draw nipples (but that's mostly just my preference)
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    The game itself surprised me in positive ways.
    Normally in a conventional game of this type, there is a linear story and you follow it, the only thing that changes depending on your choices is whether or not you see sex scenes.
    But UNI differs from the others because every choice made, even at the beginning of the game, affects the entire narrative.
    In short, this changes the entire perspective of the game, in addition to the quality of how the game is made. Many care about sex scenes or nudity and don't care much about the story, but another difference of UNI is the narrative, which is quite rich.
    I'm honestly looking forward to the next updates, as the game itself has a solid foundation, and I hope that the additional content will make this game memorable.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    My god, it's been like - what - 5 years since this game released? And how many routes are done by now? Still none? Geez.

    To make a long story short: It's a collection of incomplete paths from which you select one and let it take you on the very same long road as every other path and pray that the ever so rare event triggers that makes this specific path unique. I say pray because you won't ever know when or if there will be more things down the line.

    Gameplay is non-engaging but also tedious. This is basically what you'll end up doing: Get out of room, get out of house, click school, respond to a random menial school event, go to work, walk around, respond to a random menial walk event, click on house, click on door, click on bed. Rinse and repeat and pray some new event in between or instead of one of the few repeat events triggers.

    It is tedious to say the least and once you've seen the side content on a previous run you can even skip those events and you're left with at most a dozen new scenes scattered along the 60-ish days or so it takes for them to play out on your new LI path. They're often not even that tiltilating - neither from a visual nor a writing perspective.

    Updates tend to be small fixes for various routes and CGs that were marked as "to be added" what felt eons ago and you better make sure you play through the same tiring loop of events and encounters again.

    The game even lacks a proper replay or gallery function that goes beyond simply displaying the CGs.

    Play it once to thrice (each with a different school activity) if you've never played it. Afterwards, bury your memories of it deep. Let its authors cook for another 2 years worth of patches and return to relive the same scenes again with slightly more visual aids, minor rewrites and 2 events added to your favorite route some random 0 to 20 cycles of wake up, school, work, walk, sleep further down the line.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    By far and away the best writing for a visual novel i've come across, lot's of different story lines to suit each player's interests which lots of different amazing characters. The game is still very much in development so some plotlines feel like they end a bit early and some scenes will leave you staring at the same background the entire time. But if you're like me and really only needs writing to get you going this game is incredible.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    I want to like this game. I really do. The MC is cute, Kate is adorable, and I really wanted to explore the Violet and Damien paths. But the game promises choice, and there is very little choice here.

    For example, I ended up locked into the a where the MC is getting blackmailed after meeting a guy in the bathroom and got expelled when I had her stand up for herself. Okay, sure. I feel like that's a pretty dick move by the principal, who seemed like a reasonable and chill guy, but technically going to the bathroom on the first day broke a rule. Whatever.

    So I tried again. Ignored Matt's note, awesome. Not on the bad path. Until an event where the MC gets milk spilled on her. So logically I went to take a shower. Turns out, Matt takes pictures of her in the shower. But fuck him. I'm not gonna be scared. They're clearly cause he was perving on her, I didn't do anything wrong. And it's the SAME game over. The fuck?! How is she getting expelled for taking a goddam shower?

    It's inconsistencies and railroading into plotlines that remove any actual feel of choice from the game. Plus the events are incredibly random. You can play for a while and never see a certain event, or events will overlap or just make no sense. (I go on a date with a guy and then he's texting like he hasn't seen me all day?)

    The art is great. And honestly the writing is solid and mostly free of typos (a rarity for porn games). But more actual choice is needed in a game that advertises the narrative being about your choices and decisions.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    You have so many possibilities and everything just feel authentic and original, I really recommend this game because unlike most eroge games this one makes u care about what happens whit their characters and these need have lots of work and love for their history
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    This was pretty fun. I got a few hours of enjoyment out of it, but then seemingly ran out of content. I later found browsing this thread that certain actions can block people's paths really easily. So I'm sure I've missed a lot of content - but I'm not quite interested enough to replay it.

    You have few options to roleplay with the character, as some parts can feel quite linear. Other parts might have lots of reading that isn't very interesting - in the style of some VNs, there might be a lot of meaningless dialogue or descriptions.

    The art is quite nice, though lacking for some scenes.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a pretty damn good game, with some weird design choices that I can't really call outright flaws.

    For the positives, I think most of the characters are really interesting, and I liked the ones I chose to hang around with. Having the ability to just flat out ignore the people you don't want to interact with is a plus. The art is really nice too and I think it's more or less well-written.

    For the stuff I personally didn't like, the game is very linear and prone to locking you into content without realizing it. At the beginning of the game you're introduced to many different characters, and can interact with them all, but there are a lot of points-of-no-return that aren't totally clear (why does unbuttoning the top two buttons of my shirt lock me out of the kate romance route for example). Basically expect to replay this game for each character you're interested in. That's not *necessarily* a bad thing, to just say no to the romantic harem stuff, but I found it weirdly set up.

    Also, because of the design of many totally distinct paths, the development cycle will feel a bit slow. It could be multiple updates before you receive new content for the path you like.

    Still, a great game especially if you're into more text-heavy stuff.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    Your very first day in the game you get groped with no way to avoid it.

    That largely sets the tone for the game. You will get assaulted.

    I don't want to say there's no player choice, but the choice sure is limited: You either interact with somebody or you don't. Often times events occur that you have very little say in, being forced into situations that I would expect out of a rape game, which is not what this advertises itself as. Despite that, it's a staple of the game's content and you quite literally cannot avoid it. On top of that, there are no real repercussions to the characters who engage in these actions. That guy who gropes you on the first day? Nothing. Get assaulted in the bathroom? Nada. You'd think you could at least report them to the principle? He seems pretty cool, and not just because he's one of the few male characters not intending to assault/rape/sexually blackmail you. I am in no way opposed to games of that nature, I play them regularly, but that is not what this claims to be.

    As an example of how you would adjust this,
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    But what bothers me most is that the game is inconsistent to the point of being buggy.

    For instance, boy is being bullied in the hallway. I intervene. He talks to me the next day, I'm polite and introduce myself. He tries to have lunch with me later, I decline, he says outright, "I won't bother you again." I receive a text from him before the scene even finishes fading out. Excuse me? Didn't you just say you wouldn't bother me again? When did we exchange contact information? If that happened the game sure didn't tell me. He wasn't even in my contact list in the phone. Is he a stalker character and got it from someone else? I have two people in my contacts list, one he has no contact with and the other who wouldn't talk to him, so who gave me up?

    The game has dream sequences, some of which are pretty good. Even better, the game provides a menu where you can enable/disable certain things appearing in dreams. There are a few issues with this:

    - For what the game advertises, these selections are not enough. I can enable or disable "Yuri" but not straight content? Huh?

    - No description for the categories are given. Is "Femdom" MC dominate or submissive? Is "Submission" MC sub or dom? Enable both and encounter a scene you don't want in order to figure it out.

    - Dream settings are in some cases incorrectly categorized. I disabled both "Multiple Pairings" and "Exhibition"...and then received a scene about the MC playing with a coworker in the middle of her workplace in front of the customers and having a customer undress her. Huh? Doesn't this violate at least "Exhibition", if not both? (For the developer, this is specifically 'monsi7_dream_scene', your events file is pretty well-organized and readable so I had no issue editing this myself, good job there.)

    Text messages can sometimes cover events they shouldn't. For instance, you start dating Kate, after work you walk her home in the rain. You text her after going home yourself, only for the MC to...ask her if she works today...when you just walked her home from work...and to let her know it's going to rain today...when you just walked through the rain...and the MC forgot an umbrella herself that morning so I'm not actually sure when this text is supposed to be used at all...

    Many things that I would never even consider "corrupt" increment the stat. I assume that the stat affects reactions to certain situations, but I'm not even entirely sure on that.

    The MC is often times not just naive but outright slow, to an unbelievable degree. This is typically to set up "corruption" moments, but is again something that is forced on the player. The player knows something is wrong, they have to sit there and watch it happen.

    This is very minor, but I want to mention grades. I'm not entirely sure how much impact they have, I always kept them up, but I feel the system often is at odds with other aspects of the game. For instance, you sometimes go to work and it forces an event that you can't turn down, this leads to it being night, which means you can't complete homework that day if the RNG homework system gave it to you. However, at the same time, one of the benefits given for keeping your grades up is that it means completing homework does not consume can't I do it at night or the morning before school if it doesn't consume time? Maybe add a check to see if your grade is high enough to complete it without consuming time, and allow it to be done at night or the morning if so. This would at least add a benefit to having managed your time up till now.

    Typically in Ren'py, you can delete saves by hovering over the save and hitting "delete". This is not the case in "Uni", and while I can understand that in some games which don't really need a lot of save states, this game absolutely does. I imagine this is due to the custom UI, but as far as I can tell there is no method for deleting saves in-game, which it really needs.

    Essentially, at least at this time, the game advertises itself in a way I would define as "misleading", if not an outright lie. I don't deny that there's a good amount of different content present, and you could certainly argue in its favor, but I feel that the game leans and pushes the player in a very specific direction. Should the game's current content be adjusted to allow the player more influence, as well as the scope of the content, I can see myself recommending it, but due to the rather dishonest presentation I can't help but have an overall negative opinion.

    Edit (0.53): Just want to say that the "revised" bathroom ambush with Kenzie's group has signficantly worse writing than the old one. It provides less tension and build-up, skipping directly to the rapey bits before offering an out, whereas the previous version offered it as it led into the rapey bit. Of course, this also further pushes the game towards a central focus on rape and sexual blackmail, as well as moving it further away from containing well-constructed player choices. It's overall just a bad change.