Here's what you wrote earlier:
Dragon59 was pointing out to the other person that you don't seem to be able to see past your own cockhead. I think they have a point.

If you don't enjoy the content in this game, then it's just not for you. There are other people in the world who enjoy the pace of this game, including text based erotica, and it's fine to not like something. That doesn't mean it should be changed to suit your tastes, so please, kindly tuck away your penis, you are ruining my view.
Like I said. Is that anything RELEVANT to how porn games are supposed to be played with or without walkthroughs?
What kind of analogy is that anyways?
Ironic how someone complains about someone who has the right to criticise a game in a pirated adult site.
Or in any other site for that matter.
Youre not in your Facebook feed pal. So dont be a pretend hero.
Its not like my criticisms were for you or your idiotic friend who talks about "life" yet is so dedicated here to be well-known in just over a year.
So why you getting triggered about whats normal here?
And oh, contents in this game? Yeah, barely.
Wouldve understood if Dev gives WIP signs, but he just half-assed things.
Like I dont know sht about erotic stories. I started there.
If you think they were nothing more than just text based, why is the tag absent then?
Oh I know why, because its a "visual" novel.
If you cant see past that fact, dont denounce me like youre the Dev of this game.
Or anyone else who criticises franchises. Positive or negative.
Thats for the owners of the franchises to deal with, not people like you and me.