Public versions are released every 6 months.any idea when version 0.27.84 will be open to public?
Every route scratches a different itch for different people, not everyone is going to like all the routes in Uni and that's okay. I would likely point you in the direction of Damien as you can make him submissive further on down his route. While we would like to do multiple routes for each character that would put the scope of the game way out of what we're currently able to handle so it's limited to only a few character with it wrapping up at their route locks.I currently dislike how matt treats Chelsea, although he is not that bad looking. is there gonna be another Matt route where he becomes husband materiel or something, maybe a route where he becomes the submissive (I am a sadistic fuck) one in the future? the game would be more interesting with different kinds of routes for each character, this game was fun tho, I love Kate and Damien as well as violet. I'm looking forward to seeing what's next, keep up the good work!