Tutorial Others Unpacking The ASAR Files

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May 9, 2017
So I was playing A Game that was called: SAGAS: Daughter Saga 1
well i never seen a engine like that with a bit of research on dear Google
i found a way to unpack the Resource of this game
before i forget i think this game is made by Electron or something like that i s*ck at programming but if u want more detail here is the web site: electron.atom.io
I never started a topic before so please forgive me if there's a mistake specially in my grammar cuz english is not my motherlang so to begin...

First things First

1. If u had Node.js installed on Your PC Jump To the Next part
if u still reading this it means your not installed Node.js on ur PC so go to this , download a version that compatible with ur system & install it on your PC.
installing progress is just like next > next > finish...

2. After Installing Node.js
Open ur CMD not the node.js cmd , the windows one!
Run it as Admin and put this line of code in it and wait until the installation get complete
npm install -g asar
3. So now your just two step far from getting the source files...
go to the "GAME" source folder, mine is: saga-win32-x64\resources
click on the address bar and type CMD and hit Enter.
when the CMD window appeared put this line of code in it.

asar extract app.asar destfolder
the code actually work like this: asar extract “file_name.asar” “the place you want the sources get extract to”

and press Enter and Wait the time it takes depends on your system power and the source file size.

and that’s it… now you got the sweeeeet source files…

if u look for images ( most of people looking for them… ;) )
it’s in DATA folder you just need to add a .png to end of all of those files with bare hands or FlashRename or CKrename or something like that…

Hope this topic be helpful in future..
As You know my name is LazyPanda so feel free to make this topic look better or add something to it to help this good people around the internet. :)

Uh and before i forget many tanks to my friend MrD who helped me to test all of these process and make sure it works.

taki :::

Sep 11, 2020
Or you could just install and the and skip all the node.js, npm and command line work...
not working, i tried this before node.js. 7-zip can not unpack .asar files


Apr 23, 2018
taki :::: It works. Did you follow the installation instructions from the site to install ASAR plugin for 7-zip?
You need to copy the dlls to newly created %programfiles%\7-Zip\Formats\ directory first.

Also there is updated if someone wants only extraction option and prefers Python.


New Member
Mar 26, 2022
first instal node.js then ,open CMD :button window + r or search CMD.exe to install in black window
paste this in black board : npm install -g asar

when finish ,go to folder have asar file example app.asar file game open in foler game location and then click on adrees bar and write this :
CMD ,a black window pop up and then coppy this : npx asar extract app.asar destfolder
it make folder game have imge xxx scences in game everything.


New Member
Mar 26, 2022
first instal node.js then ,open CMD by button window + r or search CMD.exe in taskbar to install in black window
paste this in black board : npm install -g asar

when finish ,go to folder have asar file example app.asar file game open in foler game location and then click on adrees bar and write this :
CMD and tap butoon enter ,a black window pop up and then coppy this : npx asar extract app.asar destfolder
it make folder game have imge xxx scences in game everything.


Feb 7, 2020
Or you could just install and the and skip all the node.js, npm and command line work...
Didn't know that, thanks

Its not something that I had to use really often much, but before that I used WinAsar ( ) to unpack/repack the .asar files.


Jun 4, 2019
can someone help me this, please.
i try to compress files into asar file but it happen a error "the parameter is incorrect". how to fix them