RPGM - Completed - Until Chloe, the New Wife, Falls [Steam] [StudioVR]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Its an OK game.
    The graphics are 4/5. game design, game mechanics, etc is 2.5/5. so overall i give it a 3. its basically a visual novel, packaged as a game.

    theres not much strategy and game play feels a bit grindy. really its the good looking cover girl that carried this title.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Top quality CG's for an image from prompt. Ppl are getting things on hand with AI CG's. Soon these games will be better than many hand draw games out there. Saddly, the story is poor, like almost all porn japanese games.
    The game play is fun at first, but get boring fast. Yet, for a RPGM game, there's a lot of work on it, only that already deserve some starts.
    4 stars, almost 3, but we go for 4.
  3. 4.00 star(s)

    KiRA (Nahid)

    well, it was the first game I played which I translated and played. so that's why I enjoyed playing the game. I was very engraved with this game. I liked the gameplay which was simple and fun. the dungeons were all enjoyable and the scenes were also enjoyable. good job developers and keep up the good work.
    Likes: DuniX
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Feels a bit like someone was just generating AI art of the same model, and then decided to try and write a story around it.

    The writing feels half-assed and the art is passable AI art, I guess. Not a great start so hopefully the gameplay is good?

    Well, I'll give them credit for trying to give the player info about aggro for combat. Pretty useless when you only control half the team and unless you are the last one to go before the enemy's turn there's no guarantee you'll keep the aggro you were trying to draw. Not that it's particularly difficult to clear the dungeons. Or that there's any penalty of losing. Or hitting H-traps. Or basically anything you do in the game.

    So the gameplay is half-assed as well. Neat.

    2 stars for consistency in half-assing the game through and through. Maybe 2.5 stars since it's easy enough that you can pretty quickly get through scenes, but rounding down on principle for the use of AI art and just because you can definitely find something better to fap to.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    IA work with less than a new story to offer. To be honest, easy to complete and boring.

    There are so many games like this and more to come... I'm not impressed. If you like a visual novel with little to no involvement then this is your game.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Reviewing info: How I rate/review and other info is HERE . W.I.P This sentence will not be included if review format is finalized and blog updated.
    Review layout: Lazy/minimal format (others)
    Review type: Game
    Review format: Lewds
    ✅ Art looks pretty pleasant
    ✅ Her dialogues between her and husband are nice touch
    ✅ Outfit options
    ✅ Solid kink/scene variety
    ❌ Gameplay sucks
    ❌ Not many scenes total & in-scene changes
    ❌ Scenes have no weight, all the lewds that happen have no weight to the character or story whatsoever, especially scenes in dungeons.
    ❌ No proper translation when I played
    ❌ Overall lifeless game/scene hunter
    I don’t personally have anything against AI art & such as long they are properly used and such. Using AI generated stuff needs skill on its own, so AI stuff has its own charm.
    But sadly, aside nice-looking art, everything else with this game was pretty bad. It’s NTR game where most of scenes are pointless and weightless. All the stuff that happens in dungeon, has no effect in story or game whatsoever. All “work” events themselves are kinda nice, but sadly also weightless as her after-reactions thoughts about what happened are in a nutshell “aww… this happened, can’t tell to my husband. Moving on to the next scene/day.” So once again, lifeless and pointless. Although you can entirely skip the dungeon part of the game (which is game feature) … but yeah.
    Long story short, very dull and lifeless game. Aside fairly nice looking AI art it has no value thus doesn’t even work as a “material” game.
    Total Score: 4/10
    Game status:
    ❌ Dropped
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    For everything this game has it's 5 except the gameplay. There is an option to skip the whole dungeon exploration which was total RNG and not even interesting.
    Maybe i should rate this as 5and there shouldn't be a problem with that but bitch plz. Every side job gives you 1k gold and only brothel gives 5k.
    +Dress-up i love this kind of stuff and there are rly well made outfits
    +art sometimes you can see that her proportions change a bit but it's not a problem still rly good
    +when you want to read her talking with her husband it's not a bad story
    +/- skip options. Well fck does dungeons but i think the game shouldn't have something like that if you don't want to play new game+ and there is no point in this game.
    -Dungeons. You have only your female protagonis and the guy who NTRs and both of their skills are boring as fck.
    -translation is meh and sometimes for example NTR guy says to female lead "I will make you a blowjob" well it doesnt make sense XD. Another one is when you work in brothel (sex shop in the game is i remember correctly) the client is named as prostitute.
    Rating 4.2/5 I think the game isn't anything special it's just okey the problem is mostly that it's a game and not some sort of VN and gameplay wise it's hard 3
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, quality. The style is great, drawing of the characters is great. If you are a man of culture, a visionary, a scholar, you shall like this.

    The story is well made, the menu is smooth. The H scenes are well made in terms of context, story and the art style of the girl is high tier. Give your dick a good time and try this out.