Hi everyone,
After having spent some time on F95 and going through quite a few of the VNs/games I have grown all too familiar with certain cliches. I am not that interested in reading about yet another monstrously endowed sport jock going through college; I am tired of the 18-year old know-it-all-best-at-everything-Arnold-body-without-going-to-the-gym orphan that inherited his uncle's vast wealth while haunted by the shadow organization that killed his family; I don't want to see yet another bombshell eye-patched & katana wielding 18-year old ninja-soldier-navy-SEAL-shinobi-samurai-robot-assassin with a heart of gold.
I am however, a deeply optimistic man at heart, and rather than lament the dearth of new ideas on our beloved webpage, I would ask you all what *new* plots, concepts, twists, or bamboozles, you think could be fun in a VN or F95-appropriate game. It doesn't have to be a grand story or complete arc, it could be anything from a full VN plot down to a small idea or twist on an established path. What do you think could be a fun and intriguing addition to a VN/game that you haven't seen ad infinitum already? Perhaps something here could even serve as inspiration to one of the many talented devs around.
After having spent some time on F95 and going through quite a few of the VNs/games I have grown all too familiar with certain cliches. I am not that interested in reading about yet another monstrously endowed sport jock going through college; I am tired of the 18-year old know-it-all-best-at-everything-Arnold-body-without-going-to-the-gym orphan that inherited his uncle's vast wealth while haunted by the shadow organization that killed his family; I don't want to see yet another bombshell eye-patched & katana wielding 18-year old ninja-soldier-navy-SEAL-shinobi-samurai-robot-assassin with a heart of gold.
I am however, a deeply optimistic man at heart, and rather than lament the dearth of new ideas on our beloved webpage, I would ask you all what *new* plots, concepts, twists, or bamboozles, you think could be fun in a VN or F95-appropriate game. It doesn't have to be a grand story or complete arc, it could be anything from a full VN plot down to a small idea or twist on an established path. What do you think could be a fun and intriguing addition to a VN/game that you haven't seen ad infinitum already? Perhaps something here could even serve as inspiration to one of the many talented devs around.