Unusual plots and twists for VNs/games

Dec 29, 2024
40+ men (who are not Ugly Bastards) rarely get to be MCs.
yeah, i would assume most of the devs are probably 20-25 or so, so thats why they choose to use the college age or just out of college age MC

when you do find the 40+ guy who isnt ugly, its usually some daddy/daughter scenario game

i really liked the MC in Bad Teacher (not sure if he was over 40 but he was older) its too bad the game got abandoned so early on

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
yeah, i would assume most of the devs are probably 20-25 or so, so thats why they choose to use the college age or just out of college age MC
It's more a question of story.

One do not awaken a morning and decide that starting now he'll try to fuck all the girls he know.
This make sense for a young guy who enter college or starts his first job, because it goes with the flow of this already big change in his life.
It also make sense if it's a female MC, whatever her age, because generally the incentive come from the outside; a stranger starts to hit on her, she realize that she's sexually frustrated and decide to change this.

But for an older male MC, what reason does he have, after 20 years being faithful to his wife, or living in celibacy, to suddenly starts to pursue the girls that surround him since a decade? It's obviously not impossible, it generally imply a slower start for the story, or some kind of magical influence.
Even for an incest game it doesn't make this much sense when you think about it. The MC waited for his youngest daughter to be 18yo or at least 16yo, before lusting over his own family, including the one that is now 25yo...


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Feb 17, 2025
It's also possible that most devs/writers only have a vague idea of the story and just explore as they go.


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Jun 7, 2018
I think you read too much into what I said. I didn't mention any fetish or sexual encounter - in fact I tried to avoid that since those things would make more sense as an effect of building a story rather than a planned event.
I undersrand the intent, but past examples show that such threads inevitably degenerate into very specific requests. Sure, it's an exagerration on my part to call them fetish fuel requests, but only a bit. I can see the slide already happening.

As for having to be serious and boring, I think that applies more towards realistic drama stories (The Martian being so grounded helped convey the gravitas beautifully and preempted the need for world building). Either way I don't think I can argue with points here as those notions are quite subjective. All I can say is that I have found great VNs here, some of which do as you describe, and some of which do not, so it does appear possible to break that mould.
I didn't mean the tone of the work must be boring and serious. What I meant, most stories in games we get can benefit from rather boring and "unfun" advice, that is to say, writing 101. The advice is boring because it's well known, and widely available, and has been discussed to death. And yet it's still the one thing that will help 90%+ of the games the most. Specifically all the (very real, very common) problems problems you listed in the OP will be fixed by following simple actionable writing advice. The core insight to the Martian I wanted to convey isn't that you need to write hard scifi, it's that the MC should start from a position of "I'm fucked." The gravitas in the Martian doesn't come from the hardness of sci-fi, it's from the fact that the very first opening paragraph spells out that the stakes are literally life and death, and outcome is uncertain.

But for an older male MC, what reason does he have, after 20 years being faithful to his wife, or living in celibacy, to suddenly starts to pursue the girls that surround him since a decade? It's obviously not impossible, it generally imply a slower start for the story, or some kind of magical influence.
1. Divorced, widowed.
2. A new and unusual woman moves into his life and he's instantly hooked.
3. Like a younger guy, non-magical change of environment can happen. Being posted abroad (i.e. embassy, mission, intel work), or in a different gender balance setting (becomes a teacher at an all-female school). Crash landing in the Amazon jungle with a bunch of cutie-patooties. Inheriting a sex-related business from your shady uncle. Classic uncle move.
4. Mid-life crisis / change of morals.
5. Answering a challenge with total domination.
6. And yeah, broadly speaking, magic. This one can be broken down into several full sub-categories.
7. Finally, none of these. A 40 year old doesn't need to be faithful to his wife for 20 years, and living in celibacy is not the only alternative. You can have a man, or a woman, that has a healthy history of relationships, but currently single, and then simply goes on an adventure at the age of 40. Harrison Ford was something around 40 in Lost Ark, and realistically, the plot would work just as well with a 45 y.o. Indy.

There are a lot of possibilities.
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anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
The main issue with a 40yo MCs is that he's precisely 40yo. Not that it's an old age, but this imply that he have ~20 years of life habits behind him. During those years, he shaped his life for it to be the most comfortable and pleasing possible.
If there's such thing as the mid-life crisis, it's because there's people who realize that this comfortable life is in fact not pleasing them. And it generally happen around 40yo, because it's, globally, the moment when you achieve to build it.
The older you get, the less receptive you are to changes. You worked hard to shape life to your measure, and don't feel like you need to do it again unless you know for sure that it will lead to something better.

It's something that don't apply to a younger MC, because the changes are mandatory. You can't continue to live as a child when you enter college. You can't continue to live as a restless teenager when you become an adult that now have obligations due to his job. Those are moments in your life when it's mandatory for you to change your life style, and your sexuality is part of this life style.
As writer you don't need to say more. Everyone have lived through those moments, everyone know that it imply a life style change. And it's mandatory steps, everyone will pass through them.

But for a 40yo MC, there's not many moment like this. Globally speaking there's three:
1) When your last child leave the house. Your life was shaped to include them, now you've some wall to breaks and others to build.
2) When the last of your two parents die. Whatever how adult you were, until that moment you were still a child, their child. Whatever your age, they were there when you needed for an advice. Now, you're the head of the family, and it change many thing in your mind.
3) When you retire. It's a radical change. Half the life you shaped was "work", and you now have to fill that half with something else.

Yet, the third apply to 60yo MCs, what is a bit too old for this kind of games. Except tragedy, the second apply around the same age, what only leave the first as possibility.

What doesn't mean that there's no other options, but those options will need to introduce a new perspective in MC's life; to open a window to the guaranty of an even more pleasant life. This simply because no one will want to leave the comfortable and pleasant way he live, especially after having past half his life to build it, unless he know that it will be for something more comfortable and more pleasant.

[forenote: My comments apply to "it's the only factor". Combination of factors obviously imply a different reaction]

1. Divorced, widowed.
A divorce, being a widow, those are hard times, but it's precisely to be able to life through hard times that you shaped your life "that way".

If the ex haven't been a bitch during the divorce, or wasn't a serial cheater, MC will just dive in his comfort and wait some times before he search for someone else. Same for a widow, but with a longer period before he starts to search for someone.
But if she have been a bitch, he can want to change, to prove her wrong; "So, I'm a boring idiot who don't know how to please a woman? Well, let's see what you'll say when I'll be surrounded by my harem of teenage girls."
Same if she's was a serial cheater. All those years wasted being faithful to a woman ready to suck a dick for a coffee...

2. A new and unusual woman moves into his life and he's instantly hooked.
If he's hooked, he'll not care about the other girls.
It's obviously not impossible to make a story with this, they don't all need to be harem. But I'm not sure that there's really a game that have one and only one possible LI. It would be a pure VN telling the story of "how I met my [whatever number] wife".
At most you can make it a moral choice for the player, his wife, or the new girl. It double the number of girls in the story, but you have to be careful because players will try to have them both, what must be impossible and lead to MC having none.

Now, you can also have this girl be the one that open the window I talked about.
Like for female MC, someone enter his life and he discover how sexually frustrated he his. But for this, the new girl need to be the one that will hit on him. He'll be hooked because she did everything for this.
This make MC relatively passive in the first half of the story, then actively pursuing girls in the second. A switch a bit too confusing for a game. It would be like a Mass Effect game where during the first half Shepard is a basic soldier going where (s)he's asked to go, then in the second half what (s)he's actually be in the games.
The only way to not suffer from this dichotomy is to goes the femdom route.

3. Like a younger guy, non-magical change of environment can happen. Being posted abroad (i.e. embassy, mission, intel work), or in a different gender balance setting (becomes a teacher at an all-female school). Crash landing in the Amazon jungle with a bunch of cutie-patooties. Inheriting a sex-related business from your shady uncle. Classic uncle move.
Just changing job will change nothing in his life. He'll have to do some adjustment, but that's all. He can't anymore workout at 7PM because his new office is too far, well, he'll do it at 8PM. He can't anymore have his Wednesday movie theater night because Thursday is a heavy day at works, well, he'll do it on Friday. And so on.

Moving to another place in the world would be a bigger change, but not that big because he'll carry his habit with him. The first thing he'll do is to unpack what make his life pleasant and comfortable. Let's say that he like to read, he'll build a bookshelf and unpack his books before he finish to unpack his clothes. It's what make life worth to be lived, and what will comfort him face to the mandatory change that just happened, so it's the priority in his mind.

One or the other implying an (almost) all girls surrounding don't change much to this. At least unless one of the girls starts to hit on him, what send back to the point above.

But a radical change, like a plane crash, yeah it can works. But only if it lead to a journey without possible return; or at least a situation that looks like it. MC will have to adapt to his new condition, mourning his past life and starting to build again something comfortable and pleasant with what he have access too.
But if there's a possibility for him to return back to his previous life, he'll not care about what surround him, he'll just want his comfort and pleasure back.

4. Mid-life crisis / change of morals.
As I said above, a mid-life crisis would works.
But a change of moral do not come from nowhere. You don't pass to average joe to a sex crazed just because you were fired or had to past through some trauma. It need to be something really big, like by example what Darthseduction (hope he's healed now and have a great life) did with The Things We Do For Love starts. The whole dynamic between the brother and sister, with the implied incestuous relationship that was planed, being due to the sister killing their father to save her brother's life. It bounded the sibbling and what was previously not even a thought in their mind became the center of their interest.

5. Answering a challenge with total domination.
With total submission, yes.
But if he had what is needed for a total, or even partial, domination, he would already, at least partly, live that way. One do not awakanen a morning, and discover that he have balls of steels. He can have partly refrained his impulse, but not totally.

Yet it can works, as long as it follow a slow pace. Enough is enough, and one day MC dared to talk back to his bullying boss/coworker/whatever. Terrified by what he did, that is so much "not him", but amazed by the positive result, he suddenly understand that he have no obligation to always comply.
But one night isn't enough to pass from full life of docility to a life where you decide what you'll do. It need months to achieve this.

6. And yeah, broadly speaking, magic. This one can be broken down into several full sub-categories.
It's the cheapest approach. Not by itself, but because it's generally used as an excuse; "shut up, it's magic!" But a well crafted story can perfectly works with this.

By example, in a medieval fantasy setting, MC can perfectly be someone important (mayor, prince, whatever) that is honest, loyal, and therefore an obstacle to anyone who isn't. He'll be (slowly or not) corrupted through magic, because a depraved pervert him woulld be too occupied fucking any cunt that come to close, to care about what his done in the shadows.

7. Finally, none of these. You don't need a man to be faithful to his wife for 20 years, or living in celibacy. You can have a man, or a woman, that simply goes on an adventure at the age of 40. Harrison Ford was something around 40 in Lost Ark, and realistically, the plot would work just as well with a 45 y.o. Indy.
The issue here is that adult games have the bad habit to have MC's sex life as main story. Therefore a 40yo MC that have an active sex life full of girls would be good to fap, but borring as hell because it would starts out of nowhere, then end while you know that there's still so much more to come.

The game would starts with something like: "It's monday, I'll go to works, then I'll pass the night with my monday fucktoy like I do every monday since years. Oh, wait, I need to remember to not overdo it, the twins are in town tomorrow, two years that I haven't seen them, I'll need all my strenght and probably don't sleep a second".
Then, one day when the dev would have enough, it will end with something like: "well, it was a good day. I'm sure that tomorrow will be good too, no reason for it to change until my death".

For it to works, the story need to focus on something else, totally external to MC's sex life. So, to keep your example, it would be the journey of Indy searching for the Lost Ark. A journey filled with sex.
There's games like that, The DeLuca Family, Heavy Five, The Intoxicating Flavor, Desert Stalker, by example. Yet the first twos don't have much sex (and the second is not dead), while the last one is a weird hybrid. MC have always been a free spirit when it come to sex, and having a harem is natural in the game setting, but he only now starts to build his own one, despite the many opportunities he had in the past.
And, of course, among them, only two, Heavy Five and Desert Stalker, have a MC that isn't necessarily 40yo, but clearly isn't a twenty something one.

As I said in the post you quote, it's not impossible, just more difficult.
Of course, one can use all the premisse he want and make a game based on this. Even "what a dream it was, it surely mean that I need to have a lot of sex with all the girls I met" could be used to start a story with a 40yo MC.
The difficulty isn't to find a reason for the MC to drown in sex, but to find one that is believable enough.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2018
The main issue with a 40yo MCs is that he's precisely 40yo. Not that it's an old age, but this imply that he have ~20 years of life habits behind him. During those years, he shaped his life for it to be the most comfortable and pleasing possible.
If there's such thing as the mid-life crisis, it's because there's people who realize that this comfortable life is in fact not pleasing them. And it generally happen around 40yo, because it's, globally, the moment when you achieve to build it.
The older you get, the less receptive you are to changes. You worked hard to shape life to your measure, and don't feel like you need to do it again unless you know for sure that it will lead to something better.

It's something that don't apply to a younger MC, because the changes are mandatory. You can't continue to live as a child when you enter college. You can't continue to live as a restless teenager when you become an adult that now have obligations due to his job. Those are moments in your life when it's mandatory for you to change your life style, and your sexuality is part of this life style.
As writer you don't need to say more. Everyone have lived through those moments, everyone know that it imply a life style change. And it's mandatory steps, everyone will pass through them.

But for a 40yo MC, there's not many moment like this. Globally speaking there's three:
1) When your last child leave the house. Your life was shaped to include them, now you've some wall to breaks and others to build.
2) When the last of your two parents die. Whatever how adult you were, until that moment you were still a child, their child. Whatever your age, they were there when you needed for an advice. Now, you're the head of the family, and it change many thing in your mind.
3) When you retire. It's a radical change. Half the life you shaped was "work", and you now have to fill that half with something else.

Yet, the third apply to 60yo MCs, what is a bit too old for this kind of games. Except tragedy, the second apply around the same age, what only leave the first as possibility.

What doesn't mean that there's no other options, but those options will need to introduce a new perspective in MC's life; to open a window to the guaranty of an even more pleasant life. This simply because no one will want to leave the comfortable and pleasant way he live, especially after having past half his life to build it, unless he know that it will be for something more comfortable and more pleasant.
The problem with writing older MCs is that the person writing it better fucking be that old or at least have someone that old on stand by or every single person that old that is playing the game will know that you're full of shit.

It would be the same if I tried to write a teenager at my age. If I tried to write a teenager it would come off as the most asinine thing in the world. At best I could pull off writing an MC in their thirties, maybe late twenties if I made them 'roughneck' enough. It really boils down to believably.
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Jun 7, 2018
If he's hooked, he'll not care about the other girls.
It's obviously not impossible to make a story with this, they don't all need to be harem. But I'm not sure that there's really a game that have one and only one possible LI.
Are you kidding? There's plenty of 1 on 1 corruption/romance stories.

Moving to another place in the world would be a bigger change, but not that big because he'll carry his habit with him. The first thing he'll do is to unpack what make his life pleasant and comfortable. Let's say that he like to read, he'll build a bookshelf and unpack his books before he finish to unpack his clothes. It's what make life worth to be lived, and what will comfort him face to the mandatory change that just happened, so it's the priority in his mind.
Lol, how about we do not immediately make our 40yo MC a total bookworm. How about the MC goes out and meets new people who happen to be female. So let's recap, our MC has the bare minimum of baggage, and has to meet new people and adapt to a different culture (including different attitudes toward sex), meanwhile his previous contacts are basically out of his life. Set this story in any setting before VoIP era, and his previous contacts effectively cut off.

One do not awakanen a morning, and discover that he have balls of steels.
No. Of course not. There has to be what is called an inciting incident. What I'm saying is there are plenty of inciting incident tropes that work well.

The balls may have always been there, but still a person can tolerate some levels of shit and only eventually snap: "Oh. It. Is. On." News Desk does this, it's like you said, habits and comfy life. And then a woman threatens it all, and that's where you start the game.

As I said in the post you quote, it's not impossible, just more difficult.
Yes, writing a good story is more difficult than writing a bad one :) Yes, it is beneficial for a story to have some non-sexual plotline happening, and not just slice of life slop.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2018
Yes, writing a good story is more difficult than writing a bad one :) Yes, it is beneficial for a story to have some non-sexual plotline happening, and not just slice of life slop.
Depends on the game. Some games that are just sex focused and nothing else do fine and vice versa. Just don't try to switch between the two in the same game.

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
Lol, how about we do not immediately make our 40yo MC a total bookworm.
:FacePalm: For the readers who sleep in the back, and example is nothing more than an example...

So let's recap, our MC has the bare minimum of baggage, and has to meet new people and adapt to a different culture (including different attitudes toward sex), meanwhile his previous contacts are basically out of his life. Set this story in any setting before VoIP era, and his previous contacts effectively cut off.
I explicitly said that I addressed the each point as they are presented, therefore as being individual. Moving to another country is not a significant enough change for someone to change his behavior. What, obviously do not imply that his initial behavior is boring, just that he'll not change...

No. Of course not. There has to be what is called an inciting incident. What I'm saying is there are plenty of inciting incident tropes that work well.
I send you to what Tanstaalf wrote right before you.
In their vast majority those tropes will only works for 20yo to 35yo players, because they are convinced that they'll stay like they are for the rest of their life.
But when you're 40yo, there's only two things that can make you actually change your life. The first one it the mid life crisis, and the second is that you found the wife of your life. Outside this, no 40yo will change his life for the pleasure to change his life.
What absolutely doesn't mean that he's someone boring. He can perfectly travel the country for his job and know all the best clubs in the country because it's where he get the girls he'll have one night stand with. But he'll not change the way he live just "because".


Active Member
Jun 7, 2018
For the readers who sleep in the back, and example is nothing more than an example...
I know, but it's funny that your example is immediately geared against MC getting laid, lol. An author has full control to avoid the things that make the job harder.

I explicitly said that I addressed the each point as they are presented, therefore as being individual. Moving to another country is not a significant enough change for someone to change his behavior.
Okay, let's even grant this for a second. I don't understand the objection. Why does the MC need to strongly change his behaviour? He just moves to another country, and makes new relationships. Because these relationships involve new people, they will not be identical to the ones he had before. For the purpose of a pornofic, that's more than enough. No?
In their vast majority those tropes will only works for 20yo to 35yo players, because they are convinced that they'll stay like they are for the rest of their life.
Players? Or characters?

But when you're 40yo, there's only two things that can make you actually change your life. The first one it the mid life crisis, and the second is that you found the wife of your life. Outside this, no 40yo will change his life for the pleasure to change his life.
Just to clarify, what in your view fundamentally sets apart a midlife crisis from a desire to change things?

What absolutely doesn't mean that he's someone boring. He can perfectly travel the country for his job and know all the best clubs in the country because it's where he get the girls he'll have one night stand with. But he'll not change the way he live just "because".
I mean... people quit drugs, for example. They don't do it "just because", they do it because it makes their life better, and this motive is valid at any age, 20, 40, 60. I'm not saying protagonist has to change "just because", rather "events made the protagonist realize that <character growth>"
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Jun 7, 2018
I think this sentence here is enough to highlight the root of your debate. Each of you apparently has different tolerances for story fuckery based on "it's just porn."
Can you explain what in the scenario above qualifies as "fuckery?" Person moves to a new place, meets new people, relationships form. That's a pretty natural sequence of events, enough for a non-porn work as well, no?


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2018
Can you explain what in the scenario above qualifies as "fuckery?" Person moves to a new place, meets new people, relationships form. That's a pretty natural sequence of events, enough for a non-porn work as well, no?
Fuckery. It's just fuckery. All of the above.

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
I know, but it's funny that your example is immediately geared against MC getting laid, lol.
What is funny is that you immediately pictured him as someone who isn't laid.
I just said that he'll not start to chase girls just because he move to another country, not that he'll not flirt with a girl now and then, and succeed at it.

Why does the MC need to strongly change his behaviour?
I didn't said that he need to strongly change his behavior, but that he'll not change his behavior without a strong change in his life. Those aren't the same thing.
And, obviously, it assume that his behavior is not the one of a womanizer. Not that a 40yo can't be one, but, as I said, if it's how you want to depict him, you'll need the game to be driven by an external story in which he'll be involved.

He just moves to another country, and makes new relationships. Because these relationships involve new people, they will not be identical to the ones he had before.
My turn to ask you a question: Why the fuck should someone, whatever his age, change his the way he live just because he encounter people who don't act as he have the one he used to interact with?

Even if he move to a country where it's cultural to have sex with anyone, he'll still answer, "sorry, but I'm not interested", more often that, "yes, of course"; still assumed that he wasn't a womanizer before the move. He's 40yo, not a teenager full of hormones convinced that he'll die if he don't have sex at least once a day.
Him being 40yo also imply that he care way less about what other think of him. Therefore he'll adapt enough to not be impolite, but he'll not change who he is just to please his new surrounding.

For the purpose of a pornofic, that's more than enough. No?
If I wanted pornofic I would be on pornhub, not here. No, wait, tomorrow is a day off, I would be in a club, trying my luck...

Players? Or characters?
Characters are always whatever their author want them to be, whatever their supposed age.

Just to clarify, what in your view fundamentally sets apart a midlife crisis from a desire to change things?
It's simple, midlife crisis is either an impulse or a fear, not a desire.

I mean... people quit drugs, for example. They don't do it "just because", they do it because it makes their life better, and this motive is valid at any age, 20, 40, 60.
What about "no"?

No one quit drugs because it makes their life better. It's the consequence, not the cause.

They started because they wanted a better life, and whatever the hell they actually live on, they remember this. What imply that they genuinely believe that their life is better now than it would be without drugs.
I'll pretend to know all junkies and ex junkies, but all those who've actually quit drugs, and succeeded at this, did it because it makes others life better; generally their family, whatever if it's their parents, wife/husband, or children.
But obviously it's not a thought that cross their mind when they awaken a morning. Well, it's not true, it's a realization that come suddenly, but after really long time buried in the depth of their subconsciousness. It need times, months if not years, before that obvious truth actually become obvious even for them.

I'm not saying protagonist has to change "just because", rather "events made the protagonist realize that <character growth>"
And being 40yo, he'll know that he just aged, not grown.


Active Member
Jun 7, 2018
What is funny is that you immediately pictured him as someone who isn't laid.
I didn't. Re-read, please.

My turn to ask you a question: Why the fuck should someone, whatever his age, change his the way he live just because he encounter people who don't act as he have the one he used to interact with?
Because communication and our behaviour is largely reactive and we adapt to external stimuli and social expectations.

Even if he move to a country where it's cultural to have sex with anyone, he'll still answer, "sorry, but I'm not interested", more often that, "yes, of course";
So? More often "no" than "yes", is not "always no." It is absolutely expected that a person will go through a period of bucking agains new norms and then adjusting somehow. Or rejecting, and leaving for home. Both seem like good pathways for a story.

If I wanted pornofic I would be on pornhub, not here.
But there are no fics on pornhub...

Characters are always whatever their author want them to be, whatever their supposed age.
Okay, so what you were saying is that young people do not believe they will ever change, and therefore inciting incident tropes don't break their disbelief? And older players are the opposite?

That doesn't make much sense to me.

It's simple, midlife crisis is either an impulse or a fear, not a desire.
Okay, and in the context of making changes to your life, that's different how?

What about "no"?

No one quit drugs because it makes their life better. It's the consequence, not the cause.

They started because they wanted a better life, and whatever the hell they actually live on, they remember this. What imply that they genuinely believe that their life is better now than it would be without drugs.
I'll pretend to know all junkies and ex junkies, but all those who've actually quit drugs, and succeeded at this, did it because it makes others life better; generally their family, whatever if it's their parents, wife/husband, or children.
But obviously it's not a thought that cross their mind when they awaken a morning. Well, it's not true, it's a realization that come suddenly, but after really long time buried in the depth of their subconsciousness. It need times, months if not years, before that obvious truth actually become obvious even for them.
That honestly seems like a yes to me... But that's besides the point.

You are right, the realization that leads to change comes suddenly after already being in the subconsciousness for a while. For the purpose of storytelling, you can start just a few days before that realization hit. So what's the problem then?


Nov 15, 2019
Honestly, I think it might be easier to come up with a story about a guy in his 40s than to come up with a new, original story about a young guy going to college. College is a natural setting for sexual exploration but that's the reason it was already done so many times. Somebody in his 40s is formed by decades of experience and you can plausibly put him in all sorts of strange situations. (Although I do prefer stories with established characters rather than self-inserts and think that if your story does not have any other plot than chasing girls, you're doing something wrong. )


Jul 16, 2023
Honestly, I think it might be easier to come up with a story about a guy in his 40s than to come up with a new, original story about a young guy going to college. College is a natural setting for sexual exploration but that's the reason it was already done so many times. Somebody in his 40s is formed by decades of experience and you can plausibly put him in all sorts of strange situations. (Although I do prefer stories with established characters rather than self-inserts and think that if your story does not have any other plot than chasing girls, you're doing something wrong. )
Now that you mention it, there are quite a few VNs that in my mind would be a great deal more grounded/reasonable (concordant with MarshmallowCasserole 's argument) if the MC was 10 years older (or 20 in some cases). No other changes needed, just +10 years age and the requisite update to the MC model.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2018
Now that you mention it, there are quite a few VNs that in my mind would be a great deal more grounded/reasonable (concordant with MarshmallowCasserole 's argument) if the MC was 10 years older (or 20 in some cases). No other changes needed, just +10 years age and the requisite update to the MC model.
There's one I just played where the young MC who had multiple lovers would have sex once, have one orgasm, and then say something like "I'm done for an hour, men are blah blah blah." And I just knew the dude making the game had to be old as fuck. I remember being that age....done for an hour my ass.
  • Haha
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