ImportError: No module named renpy.python
My bad, I surely should have be more explicit when I answered. When I talked about a standalone Python script, I didn't meant that it will be something easy to do. Pickle works its own way, and unpickling doesn't meant "retrieving the raw data", but "recreating everything like it was". For each data to pickle, the module will store its name, its type and its value. Then when unpickling, he will create an attribute of this type, with this name, and assign it this value. And obviously, for this it need to have access to the type/class to create.
To complicate everything, because of its rollback system, Ren'py don't use regular List, Set, Dict and Object, but a "revertable" (supporting rollback) version defined by it. And on top of this some internal values can also be saved (like store._console.history by example), like obviously any class defined by the game itself.
So, for the said standalone version, Pickle need to have access to the class declaration of every single attribute that have been pickled. And for this you need to recreate Ren'py context, but without loosing the control. If you're sure that there isn't a single class defined by the game itself, importing Ren'py module should, more or less, be enough. But if there's at least one class defined by the game, you'll need first that Ren'py parse all the rpy files, then compile the said class declaration and put them in the right store. It possible, but not easy nor really useful.
And like I said, doing it directly over Ren'py will make a mess, since it will have
exactly the same effect than loading the save file, unless you find a way to trick pickle and make it use another thing that the default store as target ; which is far to be easy and perhaps not even possible.
Now, personally I have a question : Why ?
The save editor can be useful to clean a save file and/or verify what's really save when you try advanced coding. But else, why editing/looking into, the save file, when you have the console and the variable viewer (whatever the default one or the extended version I made).
If you answer the question, they we can perhaps found a workaround.