Mod Onhold Urban Demons 9.2.3 Neo Mage's Band aid.


Aug 28, 2017
To all new comers to the mod welcome and please remember that the mod is onhold. Another reason for why it's on hold is because it's on a old version of Urban Demons (even though the recent update didn't really update the content for what i read in the changelog) however i will be working on uploading the whole mod (with everything but the project file) to my mega account where it'll be up until the next release adds in more content (most of the changes aren't that hard to redo so it's not gonna cause a hiccup when i do update the mod to the latest version of UD)... In the meantime check out Chilly's Mod and Xalenda's mod as they are more fleshed out with chilly reverse importing scenes from .9.2 to .8.2 and Xalenda completely redoing the game with a new intro and new corruption dialogue with slave mechanics.


Aug 28, 2017
OK ENOUGH SHILLING FOR XALENDA... The latest version of UD is out and it features Donna being updated to the new progression system. Now i'm gonna see how i can import the new donna scenes into .9.2.3....if i can't figure out a way that won't bug the game beyond repair then i will update the game version to .10beta and re-implement the changes i made to the script regarding removing the blackmail flag


Aug 28, 2017
Aww, I liked being shilled for... Oh well, back to my hermit hideaway (a cave).
don't worry I'm still gonna shill it...just not now cause i'm getting back to work on the mod.

On that note i might be updating the game version to the latest for the following...

1. The new map screen is awesome showing who's avaiable at which time and on which day...
2. Donna's already intergrated for the new progression system and has more when the next version is out it'll be easier to import them


Apr 5, 2018
hey iv found most of the Easter eggs one of them i haven't found is weirdly enough Winnie the pooh (female mind but why have Winnie the pooh with out all the others. its a little weird to me) anyway iv looked everywhere that's related to the book and i got nothing. so if you can help me out by either telling me where to go or hint or something would be great. (btw why aren't the other characters from the book in the game? did they not get the chance to add them?)


Mar 17, 2019
Neomage21 Hey, did you think about add new stuff in your ver of mod? Sometimes i post edited characters from Org. UD or mods. Chilly working on his game and Xalenda i'm pretty sure about his palns :/


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2018
Um... what is something people on this site claim they can do but really just use RPG-Maker!


Aug 28, 2017
If anyone gets an error please explain what you did for it to happen. Common crash would be loading the game after using the rpg maker reset key (f12) and the game just doesn't know what to do.

This seems to be a event issue. But honestly the band aid needs to be updated anyway. Nergal already fixed the mrs jennings babysitting scene with new dialogue so the chilly mod dialogue isn't needed for that fix. and if you are using this for the latest version i can't guarantee compatibility issues won't occur. But for now I have to focus on updating the mod to work for the current version/eventual full version.

SO from here on out please explain what you did for the error to happen... and be patient with me as i'm doing this when i'm in the mood to work on it.

Thank you
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Aug 28, 2017
also as a update i'm trying to add a system where you earn points to use the cheat options (The ingame explaination is that your essentially bending reality to your whim...along with a room where achievements are kept. (I.E. Get to progression level 2, get to progression level 5,blackmail a character,and of course a achivement for getting any one of the 3 variants for the good end)


Aug 28, 2017
If people are gonna ask the question on why the error is happening they have to answer this.

Are you playing on the version that it was made for (.9.2.3) If you're using it on the latest version then it will not work possibly due to any changes in the game?
Also I can't answer the question for I don't even have the version I was modding anymore since I had to reinstall windows.

Again this mod is on hold until I finish porting it over to the latest version.

Again I'm working on it without asking for much but people's patience.