Mod Completed Urban Demons [v0.8.2 | FNFZone Mod Ver. 5.5 + Bug Fix G]

4.50 star(s) 13 Votes


Sep 20, 2019
Some fan-arts i have done recently :
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Sep 22, 2019
Some fan-arts i have done recently :
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keep up the good work!
  • Red Heart
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Reactions: GethWho and Iceloo


Mar 18, 2019
hello, anybody know how can i change the main character's name? i prefer input a customized name instead of being called "peter"


Aug 9, 2022
I also get same problem with latest version of joiplay but when I have older version it was working fine as smoothly


Active Member
Jul 1, 2017
Once again, the game is not optimized to be used on Joiplay. Some have been able to do it, but generally, it's barely compatible.


New Member
Apr 27, 2024
wrote a script probably for xalenda mod though

CW found herself in a nightmare she couldn't wake up from. The Playboy's lack of decency plunged her into a pit of humiliation. His unwashed body emitted a suffocating stench that seemed to seep into her very soul. But the worst was yet to come.

With a cruel grip on her hair, The Playboy forced CW to her knees, her head tilted back as he pressed her face into the depths of his unwashed, hairy buttocks. The pungent odor made her eyes water, suffocating her senses. Despite her resistance, his overpowering force left her with no choice but to surrender.

As she knelt there, struggling against his hold, The Playboy used his other hand to hold SD, thrusting his penis into her throat with brutal force. Meanwhile, he coerced CW into kissing his anal cavity, her lips trembling with revulsion as they made contact with his filth-ridden flesh.

The Playboy's persuasive coercion left CW feeling utterly helpless, trapped in a nightmare from which she couldn't escape. Her senses overwhelmed by the putrid smell, she recoiled in horror at the depravity unfolding before her, her dignity shattered by the relentless assault on her humanity.

The Playboy's depravity had reached unfathomable depths, plunging CW into an abyss of humiliation. The suffocating stench of his unwashed body seemed to permeate her very being. But little did she know, the worst was yet to come.

On her knees, recoiling from the putrid odor, CW felt a creeping sense of dread. The thought of her face pressed against his filthy backside filled her with fear. She knew something dreadful was imminent, but nothing could prepare her for what followed.

Then, in a sudden, shocking moment, The Playboy farted, the thunderous sound reverberating through the room. CW gasped in disbelief as the repulsive stench enveloped her, leaving her stunned and disoriented.

As she struggled to comprehend the horror, The Playboy callously ordered her to keep sucking, dismissing it as just "some air," before spitting on her face. The repulsive act of farting into her mouth compounded her agony.

Then, with a tensing and straining, another loud fart echoed, signaling an even more horrifying act. Dark green, putrid diarrhea erupted from The Playboy's anus, cascading into CW's mouth. She gagged and choked on the vile substance, her senses overwhelmed by sheer horror and revulsion.

Even as she fought against the suffocating grip of her tormentor, The Playboy showed no mercy. He reveled in her degradation, forcing her head against his filth-ridden flesh. The excrement, repulsive in color and nature, filled her mouth, staining her teeth, tongue, and lips.

As the foul substance seeped into her nose and throat, burning her from within, CW felt utterly powerless and broken. She cried out in agony, her dignity shattered by the relentless assault on her humanity. The Playboy's sadistic pleasure knew no bounds, driving him to commit unspeakable acts of cruelty without remorse or mercy.

The physical and emotional torment was excruciating, leaving CW utterly powerless and broken.

But The Playboy showed no mercy, his sadistic pleasure driving him to further depths of depravity. He forced the excrement into her mouth, ignoring her protests and her pleas for mercy. It was a dehumanizing act of cruelty, one that left CW feeling utterly powerless and broken.

As The Playboy forced CW to kiss his anus while he defecated into her mouth, SD was subjected to a similar fate, her cries of anguish drowned out by the sounds of her own torment. She was forced into acts of depravity beyond comprehension, her body used and abused in the most vile and degrading ways imaginable.

As CW struggled to maintain her composure in the face of such brutality, SD was subjected to even greater horrors. She was deepthroated until she gagged and retched, her body convulsing with revulsion as she was forced to engage in acts of puke sex. The Playboy showed no mercy, his sadistic pleasure driving him to further depths of depravity.

As The Playboy forced CW to kiss his anus while he defecated into her mouth, SD endured a similar fate. He forcefully inserted his unwashed, massive penis into SD's mouth, piledriving her throat with furious force and wrath. Her throat was subjected to brutal ravaging, the relentless assault echoing with a sickening "gwack, gwack."

SD faced even worse. While The Playboy kept his penis buried deep inside her struggling throat, he forcefully urinated, causing an explosive gush of urine to flood into SD. She coughed, spluttered, and screamed in agony as her throat burned from the acidic liquid. Some urine aspirated down her windpipe, further intensifying her struggle to breathe. Gasping for air, tears streaming down her face, the pain and humiliation became unbearable. These scars would haunt her long after the ordeal ended.

She was urinated on, forced to drink the vile liquid against her will. The sheer vulgarity of the act left CW reeling, her mind unable to comprehend the depths of depravity to which The Playboy would sink.

But as SD attempted to resist, The Playboy's sadistic tendencies reached new heights. With a violent slap to her face, he silenced her protests, his grip tightening around her throat until she turned blue. Only then did he relent, releasing his grasp just long enough to assert his dominance once more. With a cruel laugh, he thrust his penis back into her throat, mercilessly pummeling her until she vomited and snot ran down her face.

The Playboy reveled in her degradation, collecting her vomitus and phlegm to force-feed her, filling her mouth with the vile concoction. He then resumed deepthroating her, each thrust met with resistance and revulsion. Meanwhile, he commanded CW to suck and lick his anus, which was filled with feces and occasionally released bouts of diarrhea into her mouth.

CW, overcome with disgust and horror, could only comply, her spirit broken by the depravity unfolding before her. The Playboy's sadistic pleasure knew no bounds as he continued to degrade and humiliate his victims, their suffering fueling his twisted desires.

As the vile acts continued, SD and CW were trapped in a nightmare from which there seemed to be no escape. The stench of decay and degradation filled the air, the room suffused with an atmosphere of despair and hopelessness. With each passing moment, their sense of self-worth crumbled, replaced by an overwhelming sense of shame and degradation.

In that moment, as CW and SD struggled against the suffocating grip of their tormentor, they were consumed by a sense of utter hopelessness. The Playboy's brutality knew no bounds, his sadistic pleasure driving him to commit acts of unspeakable cruelty.

The scene descended into a sickening tableau of horror, the air thick with the stench of decay and degradation. As The Playboy forced CW and SD into a twisted embrace, their mouths filled with the vile excrement that he had forced upon them, a wave of revulsion washed over them both.

Their bodies trembled with disgust as they struggled against the suffocating grip of their tormentor, their minds reeling from the sheer brutality of his actions. The Playboy's sadistic pleasure knew no bounds, his depravity driving him to commit acts of unspeakable cruelty without remorse or mercy.

As CW and SD were forced to kiss and exchange the foul substances in their mouths, a sense of nausea threatened to overwhelm them. The sheer vulgarity of the act left them both feeling violated and humiliated, their sense of self-worth shattered by the relentless onslaught of degradation.

CW and SD reluctantly complied with The Playboy's command, knowing the consequences of disobedience would be dire. With trembling hands and a sense of revulsion, they leaned towards each other, their faces contorted in disgust. CW hesitantly opened her mouth as SD, with a mixture of fear and resignation, expelled a vile concoction of bodily fluids. The repulsive mixture flowed from SD's mouth into CW's, filling her senses with an overwhelming sensation of disgust. Despite their inner turmoil, they forced themselves to endure the exchange, their bodies trembling with revulsion as they tasted the foul fluids forced upon them.
In a scene of unimaginable horror orchestrated by The Playboy, CW and SD were subjected to an appalling command: to exchange bodily fluids. It was a repulsive act that stripped away their dignity, leaving them mired in filth and degradation.

As The Playboy's depravity reached new depths, he demanded another degrading act from CW and SD. With a cruel smirk, he ordered them to exchange urine. At The Playboy's command, CW and SD hesitated, their hearts heavy with dread. They exchanged a silent glance, a desperate plea for mercy passing between them. But The Playboy's gaze remained cold and unyielding, his thirst for dominance unquenchable.

Reluctantly, CW and SD complied, their hearts heavy with shame and disgust. SD knelt before CW, her body trembling with humiliation, as she released a stream of urine into CW's waiting mouth. CW choked back a gag as the foul liquid filled her mouth, the taste bitter and acrid. Despite their overwhelming revulsion, they endured the humiliating act, knowing that defiance would only lead to further torment at the hands of their sadistic tormentor.

In a twisted display of power, The Playboy commanded CW and SD to exchange bodily fluids, a grotesque act that plunged them into a nightmare of revulsion and degradation.

Despite their inner revulsion and horror, CW and SD reluctantly complied with The Playboy's cruel command.

With trembling hands and quivering lips, CW reluctantly approached SD's buttocks, her stomach churning with dread. She forced herself to kiss SD's skin, feeling a mixture of disgust and resignation.

Then, with a sickening pungency coating her tongue, CW began to suck on SD's anus. As SD's body convulsed with revulsion, she defecated into CW's mouth, filling her senses with a sickening dread. . The stench was overpowering, filling the air with an acrid odor that seemed to seep into her very soul. As SD's body convulsed with revulsion, she defecated into CW's sucking mouth, the repulsive mixture filling her senses with a sickening dread.

CW gagged and retched, overwhelmed by the horror of the act. Tears streamed down her face as she struggled to maintain her composure amidst The Playboy's cruel laughter. her entire being recoiling at the sheer horror of it all. Tears streamed down her face as she struggled to maintain her composure, her sense of self-worth shattered by the relentless onslaught of degradation.

Earlier, SD had been forced to vomit into CW's mouth, coating her tongue with a repulsive liquid.

And prior to that, The Playboy had forced SD to urinate on CW, leaving her feeling violated and degraded.

As CW swallowed the vile mixture, she felt a sense of nausea threatening to overwhelm her. The sheer vulgarity of the act left her feeling violated and humiliated, trapped in a grotesque tableau of degradation and despair.

With trembling hands, CW and SD reluctantly obeyed. The air thickened with the stench of decay as they forced themselves to comply. They choked back bile as they exchanged a repulsive mixture of bodily fluids—urine, vomit, and feces—a grotesque cocktail of degradation.

Tears streamed down their faces as they gagged and retched, their bodies wracked with sobs of despair. The Playboy's laughter echoed in their ears, a chilling reminder of the depths of depravity to which he would sink in pursuit of his twisted pleasures.

The Playboy's depravity knew no bounds as he orchestrated a scene of unspeakable horror, each moment more vile and grotesque than the last. As CW and SD retched and vomited in revulsion, he callously collected their bodily fluids—urine, vomit, and feces—into a repulsive concoction of filth.

The air was thick with the putrid stench of decay and degradation as The Playboy bent SD over a table, her body trembling with fear and disgust. He inserted a funnel into her anus with a sickening squelch, the sound echoing through the room like a grotesque symphony of horror.

With a callous disregard for their humanity, The Playboy poured the bucket of mixed filth into SD's rectum, the vile mixture filling her with a sickening sensation of dread and despair. Her stomach churned with revulsion as she felt the repulsive mixture seeping into her very core, a cruel reminder of the depths of depravity to which she had been subjected.

But The Playboy's sadistic pleasure was far from satisfied. With a brutal forcefulness, he grabbed CW and forced her to suck on SD's anus, the taste of filth coating her tongue with a sickening pungency. The sheer horror of the act left CW feeling violated and humiliated, her senses overwhelmed by the repulsive sensation of the vile mixture coursing through her mouth.

As SD's body convulsed with the force of The Playboy's punches, the filth was forcefully ejected from her rectum, spraying into CW's mouth with a sickening splatter. The scene was a living nightmare, a grotesque tableau of degradation and despair that seemed to stretch on for an eternity.

The Playboy's depravity reached new depths when he introduced a candle into his twisted games with CW and SD. With sadistic glee, he inserted one end of the candle into CW, while the other end found its way into SD, binding them together in a grotesque display of brutality.

As the candle penetrated their bodies, the pain was excruciating, leaving CW and SD writhing in agony. The Playboy reveled in their suffering, feeding off their torment like a predator relishing its prey.

The candle became a symbol of their degradation, a cruel reminder of the inhumanity they endured at the hands of The Playboy. And as they struggled to come to terms with the horror of what had transpired,

sadistic ritual reached a grotesque climax as he plunged a candle deep into both CW and SD's anuses, ensuring that they were bound together in a sickening display of degradation. With each thrust, the candle penetrated further, eliciting gut-wrenching screams of pain from both women.

To intensify their agony, The Playboy mercilessly beat them with a cane, forcing their anal sphincters into spasm and tightening around the candle lodged inside them. The excruciating pain was unbearable, as CW and SD writhed in torment, their bodies convulsing with each strike of the cane.

In a depraved act of humiliation, The Playboy ordered CW and SD to bounce against each other, thrusting the double-ended candle deeper into their tortured bodies. The sensation of being forced to violate each other only added to their anguish, as they were reduced to nothing more than playthings for The Playboy's twisted pleasure.

To intensify their agony, The Playboy mercilessly beat them with a cane, forcing their anal sphincters into spasm and tightening around the candle lodged inside them. The excruciating pain was unbearable, as CW and SD writhed in torment, their bodies convulsing with each strike of the cane.

In a depraved act of humiliation, The Playboy ordered CW and SD to bounce against each other, thrusting the double-ended candle deeper into their tortured bodies. The sensation of being forced to violate each other only added to their anguish, as they were reduced to nothing more than playthings for The Playboy's twisted pleasure.

As if the brutality of the act itself wasn't enough, The Playboy further degraded CW and SD by urinating and defecating on them, adding to the foul stench that filled the air. The vulgarity of the scene was overwhelming, as CW and SD found themselves trapped in a nightmare from which there seemed to be no escape.

In the candle scenario orchestrated by the Playboy, CW and SD are subjected to extreme physical and psychological torment. The scene unfolds with the Playboy inserting a candle into both CW and SD simultaneously, an act that symbolizes their degradation and serves as a tool for inflicting excruciating pain.

As the candle penetrates their bodies, CW and SD experience unbearable agony. The sensation of the candle forcing its way deeper into their anuses causes them to scream in pain, their bodies writhing with each thrust. The Playboy, reveling in their suffering, further exacerbates their torment by mercilessly beating them with a cane. The strikes of the cane cause their anal muscles to contract around the candle, intensifying their pain and anguish.

To compound their suffering, the Playboy orders CW and SD to bounce against each other, effectively driving the double-ended candle further into their tortured bodies. The act of being forced to violate each other adds a layer of psychological torment to their ordeal, as they are reduced to mere objects for the Playboy's sadistic pleasure.

Throughout the ordeal, CW and SD are consumed by a sense of hopelessness and despair. The Playboy's callous disregard for their well-being and his enjoyment of their suffering highlight the depths of his depravity. The candle scenario serves as a harrowing reminder of the brutality and cruelty inflicted upon CW and SD, leaving them scarred both physically and emotionally.

The horror of the situation was heightened by the fact that CW and SD were mother and daughter, their bond twisted and perverted by The Playboy's sadistic desires. The humiliation of being forced to endure such unspeakable torment together added another layer of torment to an already nightmarish ordeal.
4.50 star(s) 13 Votes