Unity Use of Unity Asset Store


New Member
Jun 28, 2020
Hi all,

A similar question was asked a few years ago but I wanted to check in and see if anyone had any more recent experience with this.

The Unity Asset Store EULA forbids the use of Asset Store assets for 'pornographic' use (you can use Unity to build without issue but you're supposed to remove the Unity splash branding). Has anyone had any problems as a result of using Asset Store assets in their game?

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Dec 22, 2017
I read that part of the EULA and as far as I can tell, by purchasing anything from the asset store you oblige to not misuse that asset (e.g. for pornography or other offensive things) and if you break that obligation the licensor or Unity itself (however that'd be quite extraordinary) may choose to terminate the license, meaning you'd no longer have rights to use that asset in your game. It wouldn't affect your Unity licence since that isn't mentioned. At worst, you'd have to find a different asset to use.

The way I interpret it, it's a clause giving protection to the asset's creator. Like, if I made and sold a character asset, I'd want some say in how that asset got used, within reason. If suddenly someone made a beheading simulator or like a white supremacy game with my character in it, I'd want to have the the right to deny them that license, even after they payed for it, for obvious reasons. Comparatively, pornography is the least offensive thing on their list of offenses to me, but I'm not exactly a prude.

Sorry I don't have any direct experience with this and I'm not a lawyer. However, I doubt it happens very often.
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New Member
Jun 28, 2020
I read that part of EULA and as far as I can tell, by purchasing anything from the asset store you oblige to not misuse that asset (e.g. for pornography or other offensive things) and if you break that obligation the licensor or Unity itself (however that'd be quite extraordinary) may choose to terminate the license, meaning you'd no longer have rights to use that asset in your game. It wouldn't affect your Unity licence since that isn't mentioned. At worst, you'd have to find a different asset to use.

The way I interpret it, it's a clause giving protection to the asset's creator. Like, if I made and sold a character asset, I'd want some say in how that asset got used, within reason. If suddenly someone made a beheading simulator or like a white supremacy game with my character in it, I'd want to have the the right to deny them that license, even after they payed for it, for obvious reasons. Comparatively, pornography is the least offensive thing on their list of offenses to me, but I'm not exactly a prude.

Sorry I don't have any direct experience with this and I'm not a lawyer. However, I doubt it happens very often.
Thanks for that, I kind of figured something similar - I mean how many games out there could be considered offensive, violent, or condoning the use of banned substances (i.e. drugs)? I was wondering about asking some of the asset creators for permission, but I guess it's easier to ask for forgiveness (and also I don't want to be on their radar...).

Interested to hear if anyone has had any issues at all? I can't say I've seen anything around...