What I want to know is why you want to make the outdated imagemap
use layered images, when both add
and imagemap
Main question was about hot to make
which can support
as u said, for custom layeredimage, maybe created by class... i looked some of games and they have hardcoded, so i wanted to use simple things of renpy or ~simple code for that.
About why i wanna use, i have 2 .png for example, one with ground, second with all elements without background =>
(with broken a bit alpha so set to False and it's works fine when mouse in bound), that's work as i wanted.
But because this can't be used for
, for example if i want to place char sprite as button i should use imagebutton and find ~coord for looks fine, but also wanted supporting dynamic sprite as layered image. (Maybe is of duplicate of first msg of this post, but for clear)
Some bonus questions because learning renpy so hard and wanna know everything but sometimes info or doesn't exist ot work or not work as i want... (i know it's my mistake because low knowlage so wanna increase :3):
default Inventory = Class()
saves info when reload about class objects in this object? example:
myobject = Inventory(properties)
myobject.list_of_items[0] = Item(properties) #Example and simplified without definition functions and etc, just showing what i mean.
+ should i use 'renpy.python.revatableobject' instead of 'object' or it's autohandle Class('revertableobject') if i'll set Class('object')
2. Can i somehow use
or call another screen with properties from using action's from current screen, like when hover or click?
3.seen this function in some of games and they are used this after calling a screen, what it does, prevent from Return to next possible label? (lower than current), tested, if i action return, it's continue current scene and doesn't call next block.
def label_loop():
while True:
if not _in_replay:
#Achv.check() #This were uncomented and looks each frame checked info
result = ui.interact()
if result:
if type(result) == unicode:
return result
4. Somehow once i did this steps for check savability and setinfo into class like check what will be:
4.1 defaulted class object, increased value in that class some times in label, removed them from code, in label afterload checked existed attritube, value was stored, when i press back it's decreased count and when forward it's not increased. Looks like should be BUT, somehow i did back <> forward worked, after removing persistant data looks it's broken. This i did for check what to do in future if i'll need use save compability... but for simple saving\reload(and reload by reload R) loooks not requires.
5. Without
block in hotspot or imagebutton hovering doesn't work, so thats why requires NullAction() right?
6. + Forget some questions because 3days without sleep learning everythins xD... hope i can ask when remember, ofc first i'm spend tons of my time for search and test from google and etc.