[...] (I guess that eliminates any European institution
) [...]
To my greatest shame, I had to ask google if we still had a parliament or if it changed
This said, I agree on the need to still keep a familiar setting, but to which extend can it be applied ? What a none US citizen who haven't seen "West Wing" series on TV effectively know about the White House, and to which extend the said series was accurate ?
We all fantasize the reality, without really being sure that it's how it works. And a look on the political # on twitter tend to say that few effectively have it right ; except if effectively it suffice of one phone call for everything to instantly change, but I doubt of that.
Therefore, an unnamed country with something looking more or less like what is perhaps the White House (and probably every place of power in the Western world) should looks familiar enough.
If you use the office of the president of Donutistan, then people can make up their own image of what that means but it may be something else than what the dev intends, so the dev needs to explain things: is Donutistan a democracy or a Islamic fundamentalist state? Is Donutistan very wealthy or dirt poor? Is the president corrupt?
Isn't it needed anyway ? If you take the Iródou Attikoú palace (presidential residence of Greece) it will looks like any Western country setting, yet it's not especially a wealthy country. I'm not even sure if the president have a real power, or if he stand more outside of the politics, like the Italian president.
And if you ask a none US citizen about the US president (whatever which one), I'm sure that you'll have a majority of "he's corrupted in a way or another".
As for forcing the dev to stop, the White House, as well as e.g. the British Houses of Parliament or even the Kremlin have been the setting of quite a number of movies and games. So although in the present cancel culture you can't be sure anymore, I suppose you'd be fine.
Like I said, they are institutions, so not owned ; or people owned, it depend of the point of view. Therefore, paradoxically due to their effective power, they don't have the power to stop you.
A president can say, "he's mocking me", or "he's mocking the highest institution of the country", but well, freedom of speech like would say our American friends.
And if in top of that it's made by the citizen of another country, what can be done ? They don't have the power to sue you, especially in another country, and if they use the diplomatic way... Even with two countries as close than the USA and UK, the other one would not move, too happy to have some soft revenge for the last diplomatic affront.
little known fact: a parody of Ursula von der Leyen also featured in a porn game...
Well, what's the name of this alt-right idiots who have a pornstar doppelganger that used and abused of ?
Well the EU is more than just the parliament, it is a monolithic institution, it has 40.000 people working in its civil service.
Technically the EU is the territory, not the institution. But honestly I can be wrong on this one. I'm 49yo, which mean that I lived through 80% of the changes they made, both for the name, the status and the way it works ; they can perfectly have lost me at one turn.