Ren'Py - Vae Victis - Khan: Conquer, Ravish, Breed [v0.12.5] [Doorknob22]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Deffinetly one of the better Ren'Py games out there.

    The story is pretty good with a lot of options to be either good or evil, with a lot of women you can romance, and add to your harem or if you hate them for some reason throw them in your dungeon. And althought the story is still pretty linear, you can aproach the story in different ways, without the game ever restricting you to the good or evil choice, becouse you chose the good option 5 times before so now your character is too good to do the other thing. You can deffinetly get at least 2 playtroughs out of this game both with all sorts of different scenes.

    Gameplay is great! for the stardard of porn games which doesn't mean mmuch. Combat is very easy simple, despite it looking complicated at first sight, once you get the hang of it you will never again lose but it does get the job done of making you feel like you really defeated your enemy. The kingdom management is where the game shines, although its not really on par with a proper management game, and it is rought along the edges with some bugs regularly and poor optimization. I had fun with it, I was always pretty exited to get back into managing the kingdom and seeing numbers rize

    As for the sex scenes, the game has a ton of them with all sorts of different characters, most of the characters look nice, but there are quite a lot of ugly ones, the game doesn't go overboard with fetishes, but it has quite a lot of Rape and Netori you can chose to do, as well as a lot of Vanilla and pregnant sex, which you can also chose to see. So yoeah game is pretty great on this part.

    Overall, while the game is somewhat glitchy and the renders are pretty ugly at times, the game is really fun, and can deffinetly suck you in for quite a lot of hours.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I really liked the concept of this game. You're not going to find any deep stories here, but it really just activates my simple monkey brain neurons to conquer different countries piece by piece and collect new queens for the MC's harem like Pokémon, with the option of doing it through force and enslaving them, or taking a more gentle romantic path, or at least as romantic as a brutal conqueror gets. It's a porn game, so it doesn't HAVE to be completely realistic, lol. The game does pretty much exactly what it sets out to do and what I expected of it.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    As not native english speaking person i did let Chat GPT do the job - so you will see the english translation of my german review first, and for german speaking persons my original text after the translation.

    The game generally has decent graphics when it comes to male and female interactions, but the field for managing the kingdoms stinks pretty badly in comparison.
    The troop management system is really awful – the downward spiral triggered as soon as obedience and morale values drop makes the whole thing a sham – you get 4 troops, but two of them have to replenish a group of troops that deserted due to low obedience. Consequently, you have too few troops, so your residents first burn down your built structures like temples or gold mines – which causes your morale and/or obedience values to plummet. Who seriously wants to deal with this ridiculous mechanic – a battle that should be finished in three rounds turns into hundreds of game rounds where you’re standing with your feet on your hands. The whole rock/paper/scissors combat system is also unnecessary – it just artificially extends the gameplay time because you constantly have to go back to your saved game. Apart from that, the quests and the story are very nice – that’s why I still have 2.5 stars in my pocket, I can’t give half stars, so I think something should be said about the army cap – neighboring kingdoms have a cap, you have a cap – so you don’t need a map, your whiny team can only gather the kingdom that deploys the fewest troops in several waves. So, I’m withdrawing the half star I wanted to give, leaving two. Have fun with the game.


    Das Spiel hat grundsätzlich eine ordentliche Grafik, wenn es um die männlichen und weiblichen Interaktionen geht, das Spielfeld um die Königreiche zu Verwalten stinkt dagegen ziemlich ab. Ganz mies ist das Management System um Truppen zu sammeln - die Abwärtspirale die ausgelöst wird sobald der Gehorsam-Wert und Moral bereits gering nachgeben macht das ganze zu einer Scheinveranstaltung - Du bekommst 4 Truppen von denen aber zwei bereits eine Gruppe von Truppen auffüllen müssen, die wegen zu geringer Gehorsamkeit desertiert sind. Daraufhin hast Du zu wenig Truppen, deshalb brennen deine Bewohner erstmal deine gebauten Dinge wie : Tempel oder Goldminen ab - woraufhin deine Werte von Moral und/oder Gehorsamkeit einknicken - Wer will sich ernsthaft mit dieser bescheuerten Mechanik beschäftigen - aus einem Angriff der eigentlich in drei Runden abgefrühstückt würde, werden hunderte von Spielrunden in denen man mit den Füssen auf seinen Händen steht. Das ganze Stein/Schere/Papier Kampfsystem braucht auch kein Mensch - das verlängert nur die Spielzeit künstlich, weil man immer wieder zu seinem gespeicherten Spielstand zurückkommen muss. Abgesehen davon sind die Quests und die Story sehr nett - deshalb habe ich hier noch 2 einhalb Sterne in der Tasche, halbe Sterne kann ich nicht verteilen, dann denke ich sollte man zu der Obergrenze der Armee noch etwas sagen - benachbarte Königreiche haben eine Obergrenze, Du hast eine Obergrenze - somit brauchst Du keine Karte, deine weinerliche Mannschaft kann nur in mehreren Wellen immer das Königreich einsammeln, das die wenigsten Truppen hinstellen kann. Ich ziehe also meinen halben Stern den ich geben wollte dafür wieder ab, bleiben zwei. Viel Spaß mit dem Spiel.
  4. 3.00 star(s)

    Penetrator God

    When I first saw the game, I thought I might like it, but as soon as I started playing it, my enthusiasm dropped very quickly. The gameplay is frankly not what I'm used to with VNs. It requires a lot of grinding. Some of the missions switch to sandbox mechanics and I found these parts a bit confusing. I mean, the combination of so many different mechanics created a big mess in the game. You can also skip the sandbox parts if you want, but then you'll miss a lot of content. The renders and animation quality are not very good. Some scenes don't even have animation. I also didn't like the story and the main character. If it continues to be developed in the future, I will try again, but for now I am taking a break.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm a developer too, and I'm constantly playing other games to grow as a better writer. I used to hate the first-person writing style until I played this game.

    The developer is superb; his writing immerses you in the world with just the right amount of world-building and a plethora of gameplay systems!

    This game is top-notch. I'm still playing it since I haven't finished yet, but it's a must-have for everyone. My husband even wishlisted it on Steam and plans to buy it soon.

    If I have anything negative to say about it, it would be that the duel system is based on guessing rather than stats and dice rolls, but that's just a personal preference!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    For another cartoon porn game this one is top notch. If I remember correctly this is the devs first game and he deserves many praises for this game. Some portions are pretty challenging. Lots of variety and choices to make to fit your play. Well done and one of my top ten.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Writing: 7/10
    Imagery: 8/10
    Gameplay: 8/10
    Kinks: 6/10
    Overall: 8/10

    What is best in life?

    Yeah, Conan would be pretty proud of the khan in this game. A man who, with a little help, break free from his evil mother's control, claims a bit of land, and proceeds to, one at a time, take over and conquer thew neighboring nations and fuck their queens. But man, the number of illegitimate heirs he is making is gonna come back to bite him in the butt.

    The game is more or less split between two modes. There's the kingdom management mode, where you allocate resources, construct buildings, move the army around, and decide on who to attack next. Then there's the infiltration/spy missions, where it plays out more like a visual novel with a few different outcomes. And depending on how you handle those mission, you can potentially earn more allies, take out more enemy forces, and just be better prepared for the eventual showdown with the ruler of the nation you are messing with.

    You can also visit your keep/castle, where you keep the rulers and other women you have collected along the way. Either keeping them as sex slaves, lovers, or just killing them. I generally just went the lovers route, as the payoff for it is the best in the long run. Think of it like the choice you get in killing or saving a Little Sister in BioShock, their death does result in immediate gains but the bonus for saving them all is worth it. Well, that is actually up to you, but I've made my point.

    Generally this is a pretty competent porn game, having both a good "game" side to it, and some good amount of sexual content with plenty of variety in genres. Just don't think this to be something you can bang out in a night or two, even in its incomplete state (0.11.5) as of the time of this review, it took me a full week to unlock all the content. (1-2 hours of gameplay per day)
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    This is a visual novel with a very basic strategic layer that ties the stories together and gives players a bit of challenge as well as a little bit of choice of which female ruler to subjugate next.

    The 3D artwork ranges from quite good (and fappable) to pretty bad (e.g. the intro story.) Breasts look distinctly unnatural in some poses. The ladies are very diverse in appearance. There is something for everyone. Personally though, I find this a weakness since you are forced to look at a lot of flesh that you might find repulsive. (For me, it's GILFs, tomboys, obese, etc.) Some scenes are animated, which is very nice.

    You can conquer and develop provinces on a strategic map. However, this layer is extremely rudimentary and the way you are unable to exceed a strict maximum troop limit means you barely even have a real choice of which province to attack next. To weaken the enemy rulers, you can first "infiltrate" their realms, visual novel style. You can choose whether to throw conquered rulers in your dungeon and use them as breeding bitches or put them on your council (and use them as your breeding bitches), but due to their submissive and forgiving nature, it doesn't feel like this choice matters much. Throwing them in your dungeon is called "irreversible", but usually you get another chance to put them on your council anyway. There is no gameplay around breaking their will or corrupting them. You can knock them up, and they spawn a lot of kids, but the fantasy feels diluted by the lack of feedback of when births occur and what happens to the kids. (You do get to see the ladies pregnant though.)

    The writing is pretty good and there is actually some decent world building going on. However, the personalities of the female cast are just ridiculous. They hate your guts, you ravish them and then they love you and want to bear your children. It always plays out the same.

    If I made a game like this, I would beef up the strategic gameplay, add gameplay (and scenes) for breaking or corrupting women in your dungeon and cut down on the lengthy click-through VN parts. Oh, and maybe find some use for all your royal bastards...

    For fapping, I'd honestly rather just look at a gallery of the hottest pictures and animations.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game. Just play it.
    • Incredibly diverse cast with different body types, races and personalities.
    • Freedom to choose either domination or seduction paths.
    • Replay value.
    • A lot of content as of v0.11 (took me 25 hours to reach the end of the version, and that's because I only did the domination path).
    • Incredibly well-written dialogue.
    • Some depraved kinks here and there. Nice.
    • Surprisingly good gameplay, both the combat and the kingdom management. The game is very well-coded too.
    • Ability to choose between bushy and trimmed pubic hair for the girls, as well as being able to toggle some of the kinks.
    • QUEEN YIDRIL'S ASS (very important)
    And that's about it. This game definitely had plenty of care put into it. I can't wait to see how far this game will go, because it is certainly shaping up to be one of the best porn games in recent times.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    V0.11.3 I had played this a long time ago, was impressed but it didn't have much in content, well I just gave it another go, and I was very impressed at the changes, updates, quality and experience.

    This is a bit of an flashback to old games with the Genghis khan or Conan type games of taking over other countries and managing your realm in small ways. It is fun, simple and not complicated.

    Now insert the intrigue (great idea) and the sex and porn and you have something kinda special.

    Some reviewers comment on the rapey stuff, well it is 100 percent avoidable as a seduction/gentleman path exists. I play that, and there is zero rape on that path.

    The adventures are well done, the interactions are very good. The english is excellent and the conversations are very well done, its not choppy, stupid, and makes sense in the a world such as this.

    Quality of the images is good, seems to be getting better as well. Lots of different characters and lots of choices - seems to always be a choice so far if you want a character or not, or how to approach them.

    It is still in development, so things I find lacking might come later thus the 4 stars. Really needs more interactions in the palace, more development with the current cast of characters. A better - perhaps deeper relationship system with the ladies you have met. A relationship panel would be awesome.

    Excellent story, engaging porn, fun gameplay - I am looking forward to the future of this one.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I like this one! Actual gameplay mechanics, a fun story, fairly hot scenes and the option to make quite brutal choices fairly often. Makes the setting believable. The GoT vibes (clearly intended) are a bonus.

    Perhaps the mechanics could be fine-tuned further but still deserves a solid 4.5 rating and I'm eager to see more of this one.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Review for v0.11.3

    Pros: Interesting Story, MANY characters with different Races, Pregnancy (not fake big belly), Mythical Creatures, good Animation and Pictures
    Cons: bugs from time to time, some mechanics can be overwhelming , Dark tune (not exactly a con but might be for some people)

    Overall: 4.5 but since it's on the higher end, I can't give it a 4!
    Highly recommended!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    i enjoy good games proper stories and not just porn, luckily this one provides all !

    its too much cloak and dagger stuff, but thats the fun part of the game

    what is missing is proper politics but i can imagine that can be reworked once the bulk of the game in terms of provincial politics are solved !

    there is no effective army against army mechanics which is a pity i would enjoy to take on a bigger army and out maneuver them to save troops or to be able to conquer a province even if outnumbered!

    but considering the average game in F95 this one is a gem
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    as Stated in Comment in Thread of Vae Victis - Khan: Conquer, Ravish & Breed, but make it Short & Sweet : Its pretty good, defintly fits in the list of Great Sex Games Folder, were "Good Girl Gone Bad" & "Summer Time Saga" or "High Rise" or Other already Great Sex Games, now are Legendary on this Site. I will give it 7 out of 10 Personal Rating, which equals as "Good" Rating on the Site.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    2 star for gameplay, renders are meh, story starting good but getting boring quickly, puzzles are stupidly hard for adult game(i mean dev want you to read "everything" bruh did you ever do that yourself while playing any adult vn? )

    and major problem is endless grinding never gives you the REAL reward: 1 average scene and next to another grind...
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Juicy Blueberry

    Decent game with great classic concept: Dominate and conquer different women! The 3D models are beautiful. Hope to see more great stuff and eventually get revenge on MC's evil mom. Wish there could be more bdsm stuff in the future
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    The bottom line: nothing is explained and I can't figure out how to play this game.

    - I'm told I need to boost troop morale, but that costs 80 gold and the most I can hold is 70 gold for some reason.
    - I'm told I need to infiltrate neighboring states, I did, nothing happened. I mean, I got some neat images, but that didn't change anything about my empire status. The infiltrated nations don't offer me more money or troops, I can't attack "through" them to other states.
    - I can't regular-attack and defeat neighboring states because I can't seem to get more than 18 troops, and both of my opponents have 40. And they keep 40 after a failed attack.
    - Walkthroughs all involve things *after* this point. They might be helpful if I had a fledgling empire going and needed some tips, but absolutely none of them indicate anything about how to start. It feels like everybody started on a much earlier version of this, when it was easier, and imported their save files.
    - I can't even get into one-on-one combat to beat up ogres or something. I'm literally locked at the map. When I say stuck, I mean full shutdown, the game is over after the first little combat tutorial.

    It's a shame. It looks like a lot of work went into this. The map system is far more detailed than any other game I've seen. By all accounts the MC is a huge bastard -- awesome. Sounds fun. I imagine later, this is quite good, if only there was a way to start playing. I'll probably revisit this on a later version (or try to find an earlier version) and update my review accordingly. Maybe a cheat mod or something.

    Edit: Figured I'd knuckle down and figure how how everybody else was busting into this game. It didn't work. I fought one nation until it had one troop left. Regrettably, despite dropping all gold on morale boosters from the shadow-thingie, I can't get more than 7 troops and they can't kick that one guy's butt. I literally can't start this game. I don't know what you expect me to do, but you better put it in inch tall red letters, 'cause I don't get it. Most people just close the game and won't say anything. I'm telling you there's a huge problem here and it's stopping people from playing and giving you money. Put in a wizard that takes over the neighboring kingdom, something, anything. I can't do shit like this.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Well, as a sex game - very good. Scenes and situations are quite hot (although they are mainly aimed at "certain" fetishes, which not everyone can appreciate). And there are no animations, X-Ray and most models are either very slender or "cows". No middle ground hah.
    In any case, the other aspects of the game are mediocre. No good plot. Fighting and kingdom management do their job, but rudimentary. Realizing this, I just opened the entire gallery with cheats and viewed the scenes
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Well, this game is amazing, the renders are good the content is good, you know the basics for a 5/5 game.

    But the really good thing about it is the world and the story both are very well designed. You know most fantasy worlds are fleshed about the expected cultures of different races and when there is sex related to it you can expect the basics. Elfs don’t fuck, goblins fuck like crazy… the expected stuff.

    The author tries to add a little bit more to it, races and places have culture, things like religion, a way of speaking and doing things, very interesting but don’t think this is done in a encyclopedic way, you just learn it while you travel and fuck in the most natural way. Lastly the characters are very well done, curiously the protagonist is not the cookie-cut silent one or the generic Isekai, but a really smart asshole... What a giga chad!!

    The gaming mechanics like rock, paper & scissors or the management are optional but also very well done. Gay and zoophilic stuff fortunately are optional and can be skipped in a very natural way.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    TL/DR: Unless you like rape kink or are really into the narrative of being a conquer, there probably isn't enough meat on the bone of this title to interest you; as rape slots in at ~60-70 % of available scene content. I didn't like the protagonist since he was too big of a bastard/meathead and there wasn't enough latitude to be a decent person. The story vignettes where you infiltrate the provinces you are about to make war on were the highlight.

    + The infiltration stories were legitimately fun.
    + While the kingdom management was really bare-bones, I still enjoyed it. It'd be a lot better if you could do more with the kingdoms after you capture them and they continued to have more stories.
    + There were some short stacks in the game. (But not nearly enough)
    + Art was passable.
    + The author has a certain cleverness to them and some of the narrative build up / manipulations were interesting.
    + The dev did a decent job of making the paths unique despite usually recycling some art assets b/t the two. There were some scenes where it felt like the "Seduce" path scene was jank af, due to large parts of its art being cannibalized from the other path's art, but it worked okay most of the time with a few extra renders thrown on either side.
    + The main plot is somewhat interesting. Particularly the feminist cult.
    +Decent world-building via the infiltration quests.
    + Pubic hair options were nice.

    ~Unavoidable Lesbianism
    ~MC looked dope with his beard- too bad it got trimmed!

    -There didn't really seem to be any consequence for being a huge cunt most of the time.
    - After you conquer a country their leader either becomes a willing set of three holes with no personality OR and unwilling set of three holes with no personality. There is almost no feeling of connection or world building involved with the queens you conquer and recruit. This is super boring for two reasons. 1) In the "good guy" options the woman still just sees herself as a useless whore and there is no meaningful relationship. 2) They provide no in-depth world-building or kingdom management aspect outside of a small statistical bonus if you have them as a counselor. You just move on to the next country and the next set of holes. There is no soul in it. Its just the same song spinning on repeat.
    - A lot of the sexual plots felt rushed and unrealistic to the point where they weren't actually hot. Likely as a result of their pacings mirroring the opposite pathings, which were mostly rape. Rape....doesn't exactly require a lot of set-up so it can be implemented quickly. A more romantic or consensual route takes more time to set up well.
    - The scene writing is very repetitive. "You're a whore this," "You're worthless that." Blah, blah, blah.
    - I liked maybe 20% of the in game scenes due to kinks I didn't care for.
    -The game generally divides paths into "Dominate." "Ravish." and "Seduce" options. The problem with those is it was not always that clear what sexual content you'd get on any of them and some of it really grossed me out. "Ravish" generally meant resist rape. "Dominate" generally meant coersion rape, but occasionally was just maledom, "Seduce" generally meant consensual sex, but also often involved having another male in the room watching, or some chick tongue punching the MCs fart-box.
    - Not very much choice in the scene content. You can choose where you cum- and what hole you fuck pretty often, and if you'd like to share with other men, but that was about it most of the time.
    - Too many whorish LI
    - I hate rape kink
    -I don't like cuckoldry type kinks where you fuck someone in front of their dad, brother, or boyfriend.
    -I don't care for anal play of the male MC. There was a lot of rimming.
    -Not into twinks/femboys
    - There were so many huge women that it made the super dominant "big" male character feel at best medium sized in the setting.