Ren'Py - Vae Victis - Khan: Conquer, Ravish, Breed [v0.12.5] [Doorknob22]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Some mentionned it already on the previous reviews: The game is neither 1 or 5 stars.

    I do rate it 5 stars however for the simple reason that it's very promising despite being on a very early development stage. As of the current state, I would naturally score it lower (3,5 stars probably) but I deem stupid to do so as it would only dissuade people from trying it.
    From what is available so far, I strongly believe that I would genuinely rate a "close to complete" build a 5 stars if the game follows the same direction.

    Game is fun. Story is simple yet effective and compelling. Renders are great. You can choose to be a degenerate rapist or a good boi. Nothing is forced upon you, you can 100% decide what route to take which is a very good thing.

    Gameplay wise, so far it's been a great mix of "rock paper scissors" (for npc fights), ultra simplified conquest strategy game (a la RISK) in addition to some dungeon crawler bits.

    As I said, game still in a very juvenile stage hence lots of bugs, but I still liked it and will be watching its development. The Dev mentionned it was his first game and in all honesty, it's pretty promising already. Hopefully the project goes through successfuly.
  2. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2261700

    4 star as i have immersed and repeated this game beyond normal! the progress gets agrivating and HIDDEN STATS!? as of review 0.1.18.
    (update change rating due to how hasty ... the hours ive spent understanding this games clunkyness at an early build. for a demo its good everything else is kinda randomish and no direction for skippers.)

    Yes i got beyond the temple then what?
    The creator a pro did alot of work but having to repeat everything is just annoying.
    the few bugs that happen in this game is detrimental to the point where it can cause casuals to lose intrest after a bug forces you to start all over.

    game menu disappears after combat, no save option due to error, click area is lanky, progress lacks the ever love permenent "help" button anytime for hints. the rng combat is somewhat workable.
    i hope to change my review for a better score once the changes are more or so fix'd.

    ps - i'd personally go for the text base menu for naviation which the click/touch i think the creator made for touch devices.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    At the time of writing this there are 4 reviews, 1 being 1 star and 3 being 5 stars.

    All you need to know is that this game is neither 1 star or 5 stars.
    There are a few positives and a few negatives in this game which makes it so it is neither perfect or actual trash so in either case it cannot be rated 1 or 5 stars.

    Pros:The renders are okay, not amazing but okay. The premise of the story is interesting to say the least. Choosing to be either a "good" or "bad" guy is a nice choice overall so people at least can make a decision based on their own preference.

    : Flawed gameplay is an understatement, the combat is RNG reliant and the map movements are quite frustrating and feel buggy, it needs a lot of work overall.

    In closing this game is a middling game like how most games should be in their base, there is nothing perfect about it and nothing too trash about it for it to deserve anything else.
    IMO rating 5 star means it goes above and beyond what most devs do in content and creativity and 1 star is basically just unplayable games.

    This game has more than enough promise to be a really good game overall though so hope for the best.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    At the time I'm writing this, there are 3 reviews, one being 1/5 star review. And trust me that is a false review, the game is seriously good. I would rate the game 4 stars but it has sooo much potential and could very soon be a 5 star game. There are just a few flaws preventing it from being 5 stars yet.


    Already quite a bit of content, for a prologue it is definitely big.

    Amazing male domination scenes - with meaningful choices! - You can choose between coercion and straight up domination. That way, if you're into the tags mentioned in the game but don't want full domination you still have a way to enjoy the game. The domination route in particular was done really well too.

    Incest? - It seems there will be incest scenes involving the MCs family members, but also even currently there is incest involving other families - like the mother and daughter seen in the renders.

    Writing 11/10 - Look, not many of you might be too interested in the writing. You prefer something that's coherent, but this, this game is seriously something worth getting credited just for the writing. I was actually taken back and very impressed within the first five minutes reading into the game. The game is extremely well written, you will notice it yourself.

    Renders - See, I would give 8/10, honestly maybe even 9/10. They seemed really good to me but there are few who dislike it. For what it's worth, the majority of the renders do not have noise like some may claim. If you like what you saw in the previews, the quality is going to be about the same.

    Combat system - Wait, woah, most people are complaining about this right? While it definitely could have improvements, I genuinely liked it's implementation. Fix the few bugs and it'll be all good, it's a very unique way of rock, paper scissors, everyone knows how to play it. Just roll back everytime you guess wrong if you want. I consider this a pro! It's a nice unique idea.

    Sound/Music - It was a hit or a miss. There was a jumpscare with the music once but it was really really good, I loved it. But in a later scene the music seemed really unfitting. The entire game doesn't always have music either, but it is a prologue. I don't think music is a big priority, the fact that the game has some should be a pro.


    Map system - Most people found it extremely hard to get through this - call it grind if you want. Personally, I actually liked the idea and once I understood how it worked I was able to get around quite easily. But truth is that it can still be implemented better so that anyone can get around the game without much struggle. (Don't let this stop you from playing the game though, I would say it's the just the right amount of 'grind' that it doesn't bore you)

    Very minor bugs - Sometimes saving doesn't work, but even then I was still able to finish the prologue with any frustration.

    Andd that's it? There isn't a lot to compare this game to, there are very few games with such tags of male domination, rape and incest and only a very small handful are good. This game really is among the best and is worth supporting. I'm sure the future versions can fix the minor issues, so if you are looking for a game with male domination, this one is a definite download! Dev good luck with your game, I hope you become really successful, you've done a phenomenal job so far.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is certainly not going to be everyone's cup of tea. Clearly quite influenced by an extremely popular book series, and TV series which ended recently, especially in terms of tone. True to form, the MC is no saint but one may choose to behave on par with the myriad of characters from said story, from full-on Ramsey, to someone significantly more "noble" than I expected from reading the description. Personally, I appreciate being given actual moral choices, rather than the more typical choice of preference, as moral choices are the only ones which really define a character. Interesting that forgoing sex often results in gaining some game-play boon, though I am uncertain that is a good replacement in a NSFW game, given that no one is primarily concerned about gold or "battle luck" while playing an adult VN.
    Objectively, this game is solidly above average in terms of renders, world-building, and writing.
    Though some flaws are evident, it has a fairly impressive level of narrative and game-play depth, for a first release. Even if one does not care for the subjective aspects of the style or tone, I struggle to comprehend how anyone could justify calling this horrible.
    My only real complaint would be in the dueling system, which lacks any form of tactical value and, as such, just feels tedious. If that evolves into some form of actual turn-based tactical game-play, I could see this evolving into a high quality project.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    The managing system need a bit of works but is playable.
    You should be a real asshole to get all the sex-scenes: that is perfectly fine with me, but others may dislike it.
    The fighting can be sometime boring, I wish a cheat system to win them all.
  7. 1.00 star(s)

    Raptus Puellae

    this game is shit on stick. the renders have lots of noise on them.
    characters look faccialy deformed.
    the combat system is purelt based on RNG
    the kingdom managagemnt in it's simplicity is anything but user friendly.
    and the "free roam" is just pathetic