Ren'Py - Vae Victis - Khan: Conquer, Ravish, Breed [v0.12.5] [Doorknob22]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I think Vae Victus is absolutely great and worth your time playing. Especially if you're interested in the male domination genre (Be it mild domination or hardcore - you have options)

    To address the negative reviews - yes, this is indeed not a visual novel. There is also some combat and some navigating. Interestingly enough, I find these rpg elements quite fun. They are not complicated and there are also walkthroughs available to get through them quickly if you need. And most importantly, I think the final reward is always worth it after completing the missions.

    Apart from the rpg elements, the game still has:

    Male Domination: You get to choose the level at which you dominate the various characters in Vae Victus.

    Great Writing - I mean it, the story Doorknob - the dev - is writing is genuinely interesting to me. I can't wait to get to the juicy bits of the main plot, but even the side quests are in itself excellent. I remember I was impressed within the first 5 lines into the game.

    Good Renders - They aren't S tier but they're more than acceptable. The outfits each of the characters wear are all great, the lewd scenes have several angles and they match the expression of what you expect the character speaking to have.

    Repeatable scenes for the ones you like in your dungeon/prison.

    Incest among certain characters (soon to be with Karder's - the MC - sisters and mother).

    Choices: Almost every thing you do in Vae Victus has a choice, you can choose to leave characters alone, interact with them kindly or dominate them, avoid certain kinks, choose which fiefdoms to attack and in what order.

    Great Diversity among the characters - I feel this is particularly important for a lot of you guys. Other games have only milfs with massive breasts but here there are some petites, some normal type women and even if you're interested a woman with the largets breasts ever. All of this again are optional and you can pick the ones you like.

    If you're interested in a good male domination game, Vae Victus is worth playing. The reward for any so called 'grind' also pays of in my opinion. And I'm saying all of this because I'm a genuine fan for this game and I've got a lot of faith that this is just gonna get better. The negative reviews all seem to reward 1 star just because this game isn't a visual novel - it's not but it's still great.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    When I first saw the description and the tags, I thought I would enjoy it. However all of that enthusiasm fell off really quick when the world map was introduced. So here are the mechanics, you gain troops and money with morale and leave some garrisons, sounds simple right? ITS NOT, you gain troops and money BY CHANCE while negative events such as loss of buildings and desertions happen every 2 turns, furthermore this also culminates in raid events by enemy nations which destroys more obedience because troops desert event pops out more than the MC saying he gonna impregnate someone. You cannot even catch a breath after invading someone because you have no money and no soldiers due to RNG. Overall, not worth the sex scenes with this frustrating mechanic.
  3. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3176988

    I really liked this game when it first came out because it played as a fantasy adventure visual novel, and you were a hardcore MC who went around dominating sexy women. But then the style of gameplay completely changed. I didn't mind the minigames in the beginning where you navigated a maze to find a cave... or the rock, paper, scissors type combat. But later it turned into some weird strategy map game. I was ready to give up on the game but then the developer wrote that he might add a visual story mode later. But that was false hope. Many months later, a huge update was released with this wrote in the changelog "Vae Victis is a game, not a VN", so I'm thinking that there is little to no chance of there ever being a visual novel story mode. It's like when a hot female stands outside of a business and touches your arm and invites you in with a wink and sultry look. But then you go inside and it is actually a small warehouse with dozens of guys lifting boxes and she tells you to get to work. The only thing that I liked about the game was the first release, which I will now consider a misleading intro. After that, it just fails. I remember giving the strategy map game a try and it was like 99% broken (read the thread comments). Even if he fixed some of it, I doubt that he fixed all of it. And I'm just not in the mood to play strategy map games. I was mislead from the very beginning. I was mislead in the middle when I thought that there might be a visual novel story mode in the future. And now I'm at my end. And done. This game thread is now ignored.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    About 6-8 hours of content, 15ish h-scenes. About half consensual vanilla stuff, the rest mostly non-con. One optional netori scene and one optional gay scene.
    Story and writing is pretty good, protagonist is confident and competent.
    There are minigames and I would say they're good enough at what they're going for.
    Mostly, this VN just needs another year of development time.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Niv-Mizzet the Firemind

    Review for v 0.2.7

    The renders are good, varied and serve the story rather well. The character models are very good and also vary a lot. The only problem I have with the character design is that someone pointed out that mc looks like Steve Tyler and now I can only see a young Tyler when mc is in the scene.

    The story is interesting. You play a fugitive prince trying to claim his throne against his step mother and a powerful all-female cabal. To do that, you complete quests and conquer provinces. Each quest and battle can take one of two paths, the noble or the asshole.
    The writing and the characters in both paths are very very good, especially during the sex scenes, and imho it's the strongest/best feature of the game.
    While the writing in each path is good, it seems to me that the asshole path has been given extra care. It is just excellent and quite honestly the best way to play this game imho.

    The management part of the game is average. I didn't immediately try to find cheats nor did it detract from the game, and quite honestly it makes sense that it's there. There are a few issues with random obedience drops here and there, but they are very manageable and don't really matter much because by the time they do matter you'll have conquered everything there is to conquer.
    I am heavily biased against management gameplay, so take the above assesment with a few kgs of salt.

    The combat mechanic is good and fun. It's a rock-paper-scissors game and you try to find the pattern with which your opponent attacks in order to counter them. The other game mechanic is exploration, which again is good. My main gripe with both of them is this:
    both of them are covered in detail in the walkthrough in the first page for those who don't want to deal with them. Since there is the solution on the ready, they could be harder.
    Also, don't skip the minigames. They are quite fun and you may miss content.

    Lastly, there is a lot of content for a second release. The only negative I can think of is that the game isn't finished yet.

    Overall I enjoyed the game very much. If you want to play a wronged prince or a total asshat, the game is highly recommended.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This is possibly the only game on this website that features true rape, where the women don't enjoy it. If you are into that, then this game is for you.

    One of the best things about the rape in this game is that you don't beat or kill the women afterwards. The women stay beautiful after that and are there to carry the consequence: the baby.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game! Hilarious writing and some real mental characters. Main character is a complete jackass and moron! I really enjoyed the writing and mechanics of he game. Look forward to the progression of this one!
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Loved it so far,combat system felt overwhelming at first but when you understand it,it's easier than you expect, but I still think the gold and troops farming is harder than expected as obedience goes down so fast. looking forward for Lusty dungeon and lovely palace scenes
  9. F
    4.00 star(s)


    The game's main objective is conquering your birthright that was stolen by your mother. You start with a single province in the shattered empire whose local lord pledges his allegiance to you. From there you can start conquering neighboring statelets.

    It's a nice change of pace from games I usually play. It has management elements but they're handled well and quite easy with a simple UI. Game's strong point is imo the "Ravish" part in its title. It's quite male (MC, that is) dominated but you can choose to knock it down a notch, I personally enjoy cranking up a couple of notches.

    Before starting, the game allows you to auto-win minigames. My suggestion, don't skip them! Minigames in this game aren't exactly the minigames found in the other games they're more like a mini chapter/quest and also includes sex scenes.

    Overall it's a great game, since it's early in development I'm giving it a 4 star but a couple more updates with current quality and it's a 5.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I rarely review games this early in development, due to the high number that are abandoned or go down hill, but this game honestly has so much potential. A lot waits to be seen, but it offers a strong amount of content for its version, an intriguing realm management system, and a not bad (though not great) combat system.

    After a few updates I do hope the content expands beyond the mini-games only (do NOT skip), but for now it makes sense, and hopefully a return for earlier characters. It already has a good number of options (rough, romantic, etc.) and does not really force anything (even lesbian content, thank you so much for that) while still giving you the ability to do it if you wish.

    Again, really a few more updates are needed for a more full picture, but right now this deserves five stars hands down.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has a decent amount of content for a new game. It has turn-based strategy elements, management, role-playing and adventure.

    The skippable "mini-quests" should NOT be skipped, they're not mini-games. They are full quests with branching paths.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game that gives you multiple options on how to approach your conquest. You can play as a brutal conquered or a more grounded, negotiable ruler. Great game especially if you are into maledom and female submissiveness. The amount of C&C is really nice, and you get different scenes depending on your approach thus encouraging multiple playthroughs.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Always loved kingdom management thingy.. i just started the game, but was hooked, the story is decent and make me want to play more.. The fighting is interesting and interesting forward enough. Wish there is some cg or animation during the fight other than just the result tho. Looking forward to the war stuff
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    It’s quite early to review VV after 2 updates, but it was well worth my time. I think it’s very refreshing contentwise, not playing the all too noble and good prince in shining armor rescuing the princesses in a fantasy porn game and pounding them afterwards. It’s ravish, conquer, breed – VAE VICTIS! You don’t have to be an asshole, but you can in this so far interesting game. Morality is up to you, the game won’t punish you for this. I really like this approach. Furthermore I really appreciate the various choices and ways you can solve your quests. I just wished, that the player could take some of the infiltration side quest women with him to his castle. After all the more (playthings) the merrier, right? Maybe this will be expanded in the future, I really hope so.

    The renders are really good. So far the cast is hot, enough variation for different tastes in women. The women also have realistic hair colors so far, which I really appreciate. (For me it’s a turn off, if there are pink, green, blue, violet haired weirdo women in the cast, which really don’t fit into a medieval style game, but into a cyberpunklike universe)

    Animations aren’t many for the time being, most are still pictures, but it’s fine and I’m sure it will improve.

    The combination between strategy (you have to manage your army and conquered provinces to some degree), after all the mc is a conqueror and story driven porn is amazing. If you like medieval fantasy, harem games and pregnancy content, this is the game for you! For the time being 4 honest stars for being a good and promising game, 5 once this game is finished, because it’ll be excellent.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is really entertaining, I found myself having fun many times.
    It has some problems but the good parts are really enjoyable.


    - The writing is wicked, self-aware, it’s crude... it comes as a really good combination that keeps you entertained
    - Renders are good and also most of the sex scenes
    - You have a lot of choices
    - The managing part is fun and makes you wonder about the future kingdoms you’ll invade.
    - Interesting characters and world, the protagonist is refreshing he is not a coward neither a dumb pervert but a Fiersome conquer (that can get better or worse)


    - Sometimes there are too many black screen with only little descriptions
    - The sandbox can be tedious not for everyone ( I personally enjoyed the first puzzles)

    Overall even if it isn’t too long, it is a really nice game, I’ll be looking forward for new updates and lots of good luck to the dev
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I really like this game, fetishes and not being a pussy mc is really great, Renders are not bad, writing is ok BUT freeroam part is cancer the temple stage is awful, forest stage is awful they should be deleted from game
    If these parts redone i will change my review to 5 stars Dev listened to people and made the free-roam part easier (y)(y)
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    This is an absolute shitshow. The only redeeming qualities it has is the premise and feeding those with an impreg fetish. But to get that you have to suffer thru inane dialog that would make a pubecent 12 year old touching their first tit look mature. Never mind the protag is a doucheknuckle that you want to kill yourself. Never mind having the most punchable face to ever grace a porn game. If banal juvenility with sad sack sex scenes is your thing, have at it. Never mind the map movement. Must be the biggest god damn temple in the world to take an hour to go from one room to another, never mind you mind is clearly shit since you can't map it. This is going on my ignore list.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is very ambitious and with a unique setup compared to the majority of content out there.

    It starts off great for an alpha with a clear goal and simple path regarding how you wanna approach your goals either a benevolent guy or straight up cruel bastard. Mechanics are pretty easy to follow and the story is interesting enough to make you wanna look out for more content.

    ps support the dev he is doing something unique at least
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the storyline and the art style. Keep things dark and add more characters and this will definitely be a great addition to the genre. Here's hoping that animations aren't far behind ! I would also suggest working out the battle mechanic to round out an already great game.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    amazing, loved it. the game has amazing renders, a very good story, some very nice fetishes, the dialogue is very nice, and the combat, despite being a little annoying, is easy to understand. really great game and i'm looking forward to what comes in the future. i'm a fan of the angilia and oda, the mother looked a little weird for my tastes but still fappable, loved the seamstress+ sissy husband scene as well.