Ren'Py - Vae Victis - Khan: Conquer, Ravish, Breed [v0.12.5] [Doorknob22]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    5 stars for me. This game doesn't hesitate to touch some sensitive matters and I love it. The plot is straight forward but still very interesting. You play as an alpha male, you come, you breed and you conquer. Some management and combat add more flavour to the game. This game is definietely worth a try especially you want a fast pace, full action story.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    + Near perfect English other than a few typos and missing punctuation. The story/subplots are pretty well written and didn't make me want to skip through to the good stuff.

    + Character models (including males) are nice to look at and don't have absurdly unrealistic proportions in either direction.

    + Combat and management gameplay is decent. Not very complex or difficult but not a copy paste of every game ever made either.

    - Sex scenes could do with more CG if not animation. They aren't terrible as is though.

    - For a game with such a heavy theme on breeding/pregnancy it's kinda an uneventful mechanic. Would be nice to see more belly growth stages that are reflected in all images/dialogue, more pregnant sex scenes, (optional) birth scenes and maybe a royal nursery or something.

    Final Verdict as of v0.5.8: 9/10 should easily be one of the best games of all time if it stays on track.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Quite innovative for the game category, it allows you to go straight into the action with less content or delve into the story by increasing the difficulty but with more content and a richer story. In general I love the game, it's a shame that it doesn't have a patreon. Since the donation platform that it has put many obstacles in the payments.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    TM | Twisted Games

    The short version:
    Vae Victis knows what it wants to accomplish, and it does it with conviction. A great concept, well executed on. That said, if the game was a lake, it would be 20 miles wide and 5 feet deep. How well the dev fills in as they go will determine if the potential is recognized.

    The longer version:
    Vae Victis establishes it's central premise right off the bat, and if you thought John Wick tearing apart a criminal organization for killing his dog was brilliant...then you have an idea of how a tale of revenge handled well can create a damn good main character. The MC or Khan in this story is a certified badass out for revenge against his mother, two sisters, and what appears to be a pseudo religious cult propping up their rule. It's a great entry point to the game, and it lets you know the stakes and goals you're working towards right away.


    Character building: Characters, whether it's the MC, queens, or the denizens that populate the side quests tend to hit more than they miss, and have distinct and well written personalities.

    World Building: The game really shines here, especially when the khan goes out on his missions. Different regions are well thought out, and the flavor that goes into them makes their inhabitants feel more real.

    Rendering: It's not the best I've ever seen, but it's generally better than average, and a wide variety of environments are captured. It's a strength.

    Storyline and Kinks: YMMV, but from breeding to the domination of mothers in front of daughters, to defeating the queens, and on down the line, there is a lot to like here. My hope is that more will be added in the realm of water sports, bondage, and the ability to raise your soldiers morale with captives...but we shall see.

    Campaign Integration: Campaign map play isn't going to challenge any AAA games, but it's inoffensive, fairly easy to understand, and it flows fine. Garrisoning can be a tad tedious/annoying.


    Depth: I'm a little concerned by the size of the campaign map. I don't mind a nice sized harem of ladies, but if it's all wham bam and on to the next one, and none of these characters are developed through corruption/humiliation/romance/politics, etc...then that will be a shame. There are a LOT of fun characters in this story already, it would be nice to develop them before they are buried in an avalanche of new ones.

    Combat: It's functional, but it's not really fun.

    H-Scenes: I'm not a stickler for animation, but the scenes are pretty short, and often fun combinations of characters are ignored. Hoping these are improved as game development goes on.

    Vae Victis is not a perfect game, but it has all the potential in the world. The dev seems to be continually refining and improving, and if that is the case, then I am confident that the 5* I've rounded up to from 4.5 will be increasingly well deserved.

    You've made something pretty damn good here, DoorKnob22...I'm looking forward to seeing where it goes next.
  5. 3.00 star(s)



    tl;dr Its rly just average but if you like (forced) pregnancy and forced sex, its nice.

    Fun fact: There is only one "animated" scene in this game and its not with MC. Just a bunch of goblings gang banging a girl while MC watches:FacePalm:

    - Well its pretty shallow writing. Every few sentences its about breeding a girl and flilling her unprodected womb.
    I know, its in the name of the game but cmon, at one point its just to much to read it every couple of lines... It just gets annoying.

    - The story so far isnt that good either. You fight against your mother and some feminism cult to retake your throne and on the way you fuck every girl you can.

    - The fighting parts could be nice but since you can just skip them without any consequence its kinda dumb to even try it manually.

    - The worldmap, including the management parts is kinda meh since nearly everything is just random (income, troops, raids)

    - Afaik there are two routes for every girl. "romance" or "slave"
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This gets a rare 5 stars from me, but I love my impreg so ymmv. There's homo too and it's skippable so everybody walks away happy. There's a bestiality scene, again skippable. You can play as a noble or as a bastard, or even as a little of both. There's gameplay or you can just play it as a VN. It's these choices that really set this one apart from the rest.

    I'll be eagerly anticipating future updates.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Okay, so, the game is certanly far from perfect, but the only gripe I trully have with it is combat. Its not RNG like some people claim in the comments, since most of the opponents have attack patterns with which they start, but aside from that the combat is just bad. You have set ammount of health, and if you want to beat the girl without killing her you are forced to either study her attack pattern, which is a timewaster, or guess, which is even bigger timewaster, all while most opponents, aside from the weakest ones, can drop you with just two or three hits.

    Aside from that:
    graphics are between good and ok.
    Kingdom managment is really easy so even if you dont like that part you might as well ignore it with how little time you have to waster on it.
    Storywise this is way better than in half of the local porn games, at least the 3D ones. Not GOT levels of good, but dicent enough to compliment the fapping.

    P.s. Keep in mind that the game themes are very male dom and very anti-femenism, with latest patches also including some race questions, so that kinda gives you a hint from where did most 1 and 5 star ratings came from. Thanfully, non of this touches IRL politics like in certain other games on the site that claim to be parodies.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has great potential. Whether it's drama or governance or sex slaves. One minor drawback is the name written on the page "Vae Victis" ,
    And the game program name "Khan" , Name chaos , hope the author unified .
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow, now THIS is a proper porn game.

    The MC is a character, a real character. We might have some influence on their actions, but this really feel like a person with goals, dreams, ambition, and life. In otherwords, the opposite of what a lot of people seem to be going for lately. The wenches (former rulers) are less so, in fact for how important they are, there doesn't seem to be a lot to their personalities. I feel like I know more about the harlots (side characters with extended interactions) then I do any of them. As of this review, it seems the dev wants to work on that, which is why it won't be costing them any goodwill from me, though they may acquiesce if popular demand goes the other way.

    The world is rich and full of wonders, how much they'll draw upon this in the future remains to be seen, it's still too early to be sure. A big part of this is that they're taking the "we trust you to figure it out" approach: they leave some things vague for you to figure out, rather than exposition dumping you with every little thing. This helps keep the flow of the narrative steady without too many bumps. I haven't been taken out of the story once while reading it; people remain in character, and nothing is jarring to the point of breaking immersion. It's a more natural story telling experience that isn't used as often nowadays, which is disappointing as I find it to be the best one.

    Lastly, the system around everything. Combat is a bit frustrating IMHO and if something come close to ruining the flow of the game, it's this. However the tutorial does a good job explaining how to use it, and with patience you can get through it (or you can cheat yourself a ton of extra health and brute-force your way through, not that I'm advocating such underhanded tricks~). The overworld land management is simple enough, you conquer lands, you help rebuild the lands after you raze it to the ground, and you keep the people happy and inline, all of which is properly explained on how to do so. There is a fair amount of RNG to the whole process which can bog things down, but such is the life of a rising monarch.

    I'd give this game a solid 9/10 and if even half the tags are in your taste, give this a shot as there's something there for most everyone.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This is amazing! Forget simpering wusses, in this game you play a conquering Khan. Every province has an infiltration mission which is basically a series of short quests which give you a bonus. Then it can be conquered. Once conquered their queen is yours.

    The MC is dominant and conquering. You can choose to be a total asshole or a gentler touch, but either way you are here to conquer. There is tons of pregnancy content too, you are conquering wombs not just lands.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    OK premise but at v0.3.16 things are just too underdeveloped. Sex scenes are rare, short, contain only few images and choices and results of them really don't matter. Turn based over world tactic thing is too hard at first and becomes very easy very counter intuitively. 1v1 combat is complete trash that relays on RNG.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Exactly what I look into a lewd game : conquest and breeding. It's quite good. Give you choices. It's but not the default UI, it has quests and choices making. it's good so far ! Also the map indicate that the end content will be plentiful ! I am waiting for the next updates.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Vae Victis is game in which you play prince betrayed by his mother queen. You are on quest of reclaiming your empire from queen and bunch of female rulers all in same feminist sect.
    I really like the setting and breaking strong women. Writing is solid (although often too much of it) and characters are interesting.
    Game have tedious kingdom management and mini-games. Both are done quite badly, boring and confusing.
    Game is played at v0.3.16 version, so you have only 3 kingdoms or fiefs to conquer, but to complete everything, you can still have several hours of play (even with walkthrough).
    Will look at this game in future again, it could easily turn to a great game, but at the moment it is only possibility with lot of bad gameplay.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is good and well varied, with plenty of opportunities, the story excellent and full of potential with mysterious undertones, just a note about the naming in the combat system: I would recommend the symbols be replaced or integrated with the initials of the attacks.
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    Dazai Suya

    Overall the game is epic, it has all I ever wished for. It's the best game I have played so far.
    It doesn't have grinding, which I liked.
    Queens are made to appear fantastic and the options to manage him is excellent,
    What makes the game best, so far I didn't have a bad ending no matter what I did, for now, it seems in favoring me. Wish the game was completed, I could enjoy the ending. It's so addicting.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Vae Victis is a fresh breath in the sea of "young boy gets x and harems his school or neighborhood etc."

    No in this tale you are on the path of conquest and revenge. And just how brutal you go about it is up to you in many decisions. This is a game and story that doesn't shy away from rape, bondage, captivity, breeding slavery etc. It doesn't set up cuckold captives that have a say in how you treat them and having to 'win their affection' to do more with them.

    No VV wears it's intentions on it's sleeve and doesn't apologize for them. The creator of it enjoys variety and has given themselves a huge world to explore the various women to conquest. From buxom women, to dainty elves, muscular powerful women be they human or not, orcs, goblins, and so much else is on the table to be included one day.

    The quests have interesting stories and honestly to me are some of the best content in the game. All and all I absolutely must recommend this to anyone that's interested in domination and conquest and is tired of too many other game softballing it.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    The renders are fine, and the writing is decent, but the core RTS-type gameplay is very poorly done. It's pretty confusing and complicated and your success and failure seem far too dependent on just random RNG. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but my troops are deserting constantly and I simply don't have to resources to stop that, even with forcing the yields every turn. Seems like the dev was trying to do something too complex and just failed to implement it in a way that works. And if nothing else, they fail to explain it clearly at all.
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    Canto Forte

    Players get into the head of a prince on the run from the ruling family who wants him dead. Play the conan you always dreamed of and slash and talk your way through scores upon scores of rivals to rise to the top again and become king. Hot and heavy babes will be the conquests every adventure will provide so ... Game on!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Playing 0.3.16
    I'll admit it. This is one of the best written games I've ever seen. The dialogue is informative and emotional. The lore is immersive and different. The characters are unique and individual.

    There are, of course, some areas for change and improvement.
    ~Map colours: As it is, the world map is fairly clear. But I'd like to see the areas under your domain change colour to reflect your control over them. Meaning that by the end, the world will be painted your colours. Really play into the whole "conquer, claim and make your own" mentality.

    ~Impregnation: So... you always get women pregnant, that's the lore. Then why do my wenches only have a chance of getting pregnant?!?! Simple fix; make them always get pregnant. But make taking birth control an option.

    ~In game economy: I was left with about 600 gold, and nowhere to spend it. Maybe let us hire mercenaries? Or throw a festival to raise moral? Or post bounties to hunt criminals to raise obedience?

    All this being said; the wold is immersive, the choices have consequences, the character are interesting, and the graphics and girls are lovely.

    Give this game a try
  20. 3.00 star(s)

    Frim der Wel

    The setup of the story sounds a bit ...weird..: Some feminist cult empowers women and drives men out of their well deserved positions, but fear not, the MC is on his way to overpower all those bitches and show them their proper place. In the actual story arches, the women figures often start out more interesting and likeable than the MC, but end up treated poorly (even in the "kind" route versions). The setting is low fantasy; the tone cynical; the writing actually quite good, renders and production values are good, sex scenes are fine, I guess, if rape is your cup of tea. The MC is a repulsive ass but at least somewhat aware of that fact and unapologetic, which is better than the alternative. The LIs..., well, that is probably not the right term here; maybe "rape interests"? The RIs are mostly of the type "arrogant bitch (or strong, reasonable, independent woman; depending on point of view) that is turned by MC and his trusted horsecock into submissive slut begging for sex". Which is to say that the RIs seem rather interchangeable (apart from body type). The gameplay seems to be a bit of a clusterfuck (but could be salvaged with better tuning).