Ren'Py - Vae Victis - Khan: Conquer, Ravish, Breed [v0.12.5] [Doorknob22]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Vae Victis is one of the best porn games that I've played and I've probably played thousands of them.

    This is what I like about the game:

    1. The MC is a warlord who focuses on conquering a distinctly different territory in each update. The conquest of that territory could essentially be a game on its own as it consists of a series of objectives and and meeting and fucking various girls on the way to achieving the goal of conquering the territory. Although each update has the similar objective of conquering a new territory, it does not feel repetitive or boring because they are all very different from each in terms of the type of quests, the cultures, the girls, the steps that the MC can take to get there, etc.

    2. There are many different girls in this game and I find the vast majority of them to be very attractive, but they are also all different from each other. There are many different body types, ages, races (real and fantasy), etc. and each girl has a unique backstory and personality, which makes the story more interesting and fucking her more satisfying.

    3. The MC is unapologetically an asshole and the general slant of the game is towards him raping women in the territories that he conquers. This is not forced on the player though. I like having the freedom to be as nice or as awful as I want to the girls in the game. That is one of the major reasons why I like the game. I've played the game several times and on each playthrough I try different variations in terms of how I treat the girls, which makes it have better replay value than other games where there are fewer choices.

    4. I also like that there are usually many different options available in terms of how to fuck the girls. Anal, oral, and vaginal are usually available, which is nice because I can choose whichever ones I want with each girl and do not need to limit myself in what I can pick.

    Those are the reasons that I like the game. There are a few negative aspects to it, but in my opinion the positives outweigh these, which is why I still gave it a 5 star review.

    1. There are both visual novel and strategy modes. While I enjoy having the option to play one or the other, the strategy version doesn't really seem to add much to the game. It creates extra work by having the player decide which buildings his subjects should construct, fending off raiding parties, and so forth, but I haven't seen plot-advancing or sexual events that result from these features which make them seem irrelevant to the gameplay.

    2. The MC often has the option to get girls pregnant. I very much like this feature and it is a key aspect of why I like this game, but there doesn't seem to be any follow-through on this so far. I mean, the girls get pregnant and disappear to have birth, and it is announced that they gave birth but then we never get to see the babies afterwards or see the births themselves. I think it would be far more interesting if we could watch the raped girls give birth and then have some involvement in raising our offspring afterwards.

    3. The combat system is boring and tedious. There is a "chicken button," which allows skipping the combat entirely. I use that button every time and I appreciate having it there, but I think it would be great if the combat system were less boring by being more interactive or something.

    4. I like the sex scenes in the dungeon, but I think it would make more sense if the repeatable later sex scenes were more different than the initial ones since the girls would probably react differently after the MC has already raped them before.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The game fulfills its promise: You get to conquer, you get to ravish, you get to breed.

    The protagonist
    The player can choose whether to play Karder as a magnificent bastard or as an unrepented rapist (or a mixture of them). He might call himself a brute, but he actually appears smart and thoughtful (even if maybe a bit rash). He is not brooding or self-doubting, and makes for a great lead for a power-fantasy plotline. One of my favourite protagonists of all AVNs (and he'd do well even if competing beyond that area).

    You can play Karder as an outright rapist, but you don't have to. I consider the word "seduction" to name the other route (choice is on a case by case basis) ill-chosen. The attitude to me seems to me more like "My dick is going in you one way or another, but I'd prefer it if you want it too and enjoy it." Basically, he's utterly unsuitable as an RL role model, but the game can be very enjoyable even if you dislike the "rape" tag.

    Sex partners
    We get some genuine variety in bodyshapes and looks from the women (and few men) Karder beds. Old and young, tall and short, thin and thicc, big tits, small tits, white skin, dark skin. All there, and more to come.

    Game play
    The game has standard VN-parts, a strategy part, and duels spliced into the VN-parts. I like the strategy part - it makes the whole "Karder is conquering the known world"-come to life much more than JUST the VN-part could. There is an easymode making the strategy part trivial, if this is not your cup of tea. The duels are not my cup of tea, but there is an auto-win button. So don't let the game play component scare you away.
  3. 3.00 star(s)



    + The infiltration storylines of each kingdom are each unique and offer the biggest incentive to play the game.
    + gallery

    - The character development is not good. Some scenes are very awkward or flat out don't make any sense why we would be acting a certain way or why certain characters act the way they do towards us given the circumstances. Sometimes the Khan will make major decisions outside of your control that will feel out of character (regardless of your previous choices as the Khan).
    - Although I like the idea of playing a conqueror and uniting various nations under your banner, the gameplay for getting there feels rather clunky and repetitive. There's a lot of waiting for gold and troops. The core gameplay of beating a kingdom, then waiting for gold so you can build the same key buildings over again is boring. The gameplay for taking a nation is purely based on waiting for enough troops to be in your army, and then attack when you have a numerical advanatage. It's rather boring, oversimplified and repetitive.
    - The troop cap is annoying especially when garrisoned troops count towards army count. So everytime, you want to wage war, you have to remove all your troops from all your garrisons then wage war. Then you lose a bunch of your troops and would have to wait for army count to slowing increase and Obedience decreases due to having 0 troops garrisoned. Most of the time, the game's army limit cap will not allow you to have enough troops to garrison 20 to each captured kingdom (nevermind the 30 needed to grow obedience). This could be easily fixed if garrisoned troops didn't count towards army count and couldn't be removed from the garrison once assigned.
    - The H-scenes feel unremarkable. They are still images, lacking much escalation, arousal, and tend to feel short.
    - The models are ok but could be better
    - The rock paper scissors dueling combat is just a guessing game with very little depth

    The infiltration questlines for each kingdoms function like a story arc in a visual novel. In my opinion it's the only thing that this game does well. Everything else feels boring and repetitive
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    This game has a great base story that makes you want to see the end but it is a little too straight forward and repetitive at the moment.

    The repetitiveness also make the characters seem like they have no personalities at all, from the parlay's which are all the same to the dungeon visits which again are all the same, none of the characters actually act different and it becomes easy to mix them up.

    At the moment the are very few side stories or extra events and what there is lacks content, choices don't direct the game at all, they really are just treat the person good or bad but one of the big problems with this game is the lack of commitment, picking the bad options doesn't lead to anything really bad even when it is very well deserved and everything(even when told it is not) is reversible, after breeding the women you would expect to be different in both looks and personalities but apart from one side story they go back to being exactly the same.

    The MC is ok but once again the character lacks commitment, even in the bad "choices" he still treats the women better than you would expect him to with the worst things he will do being a quick rape and lots of bad language.

    Story 3/5 interesting but a little too straight forward
    Art 3/5 good but could be better
    Sex 2/5 needs more verity
    Fetishes 3/5 some but apart from preg the rest are only used once
    Choices 2/5 no real difference
    Characters 3/5 no personalities
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game. There is actual gameplay mechanics throughout which might seem tedious at first but work nicely if you put some time into it. You can also just ignore most of it and play in VN mode.
    The different kingdoms have different cultures that are very interesting as well as different characters. You can take a gentle approach or a harsh one and there are missions after you're done with a kingdom.
    It's very well made in my opinion and deserves nothing less than 5 stars and support.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    I play lots of grand strategy games but i really cant make heads of the world map. I just click around until i take over the areas, its too simple to be fun but too complex to be a breeze. The "quests, that are the visual novel part is also annoying. Moving around between scenes in a grid map like its an RPGM game is not fun.

    But the fetish content is good, forced stuff all kinds of unsavory stuff crying and all. But disappointingly imprisoning the foreign rulers is underdeveloped. You can put them into your dungeon or not. And its irreversible so you have to pick on or the other. There should be more romance stuff like having them come along with you on your missions or something, but this isnt that type of game i guess.

    Good fetish content everything else is rather subpar, and incest isnt in the game yet.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the game so far. Don't have as much of a problem with the 'ravishing' as some people do. I just wish there was a way to only sleep with Dian without Antiop. But I don't if there are any plans to even add new scenes for already conquered wenches.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Excellent writing, honestly the sex scenes don't do a lot for me, although the domination aspect is enticing.

    The "min-game" with the map is okay, a bit bugged, but still fun. It's entertaining to put the rulers in their place.

    The addition of the black-only lands where they call white people "salmon" is a nice addition - in today's politics you only see the reverse, so it's kinda a nice reminder that racism goes both ways (and the black chicks are hot).

    Honestly, I keep playing for the writing - getting to know the individual girls and their desires and vulnerabilities is written well. I almost have sympathy for them, until I remember that I play this to get an 'Absolute Power Corruption' feel from it.

    I haven't gotten as far as the pregnancy, which is the reason I d/led it in the first place, so I'm hoping for some good pregnancy fucks, we'll see.

    TL;DR - kinda just going through the sex scenes quickly, the writing is what is really keeping me going.

    Note to dev: Finish your renders; they are a bit grainy. Change your girls/women to show more emotion during scenes. When I betray a rich merchant woman, I want to see her pissed off.,
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Based on V0.6.9 -

    I'm enjoying the game and content. The story premis is interesting and keeps you wanting to play. Its a good idea that the 'inflitration' missions form part of the games unique questing. I like the MC has a decent sized dong, IMO i'd of gone bigger but its big enough.

    Nice to have the option of playing like a real uncaring mofo and controlling through fear and domination and or being a lethario, charming the loin cloths off your rivals.

    The combat system is basic but it works and gives you a decent sense of a strategy and management system.

    There could be improvements but overall its a solid body of work. Looking forward to more content and good luck to the dev with completing this.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Very promising! I'm giving 5 stars although it still needs to be finished and could have also some adjustments. I would push more on the strategic management of the territories, implementing a mechanic that rewards good management with NSFW scenes (maybe by reaching specific development objectives).
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Overall this game is great. If you like Struggle with Sin, or Peasant Quest, or the type of breeding / slave making games the polifrate this great website you will like this one. 5/5, reviewing this now at 0.6.9, and I can't wait to play again when there is even more content. Here are some brief pros and cons.

    Great renders
    Lots of characters,
    Breeding fetish + BDSM
    Decent writing and fun mini-stories within the main story
    Interesting consquences for how you solve the quests

    Not a super fan of the the rock papers scissors minigame but its okay, the subdue mechanic is fun in that it make it higher risk but better rewards

    The strategy aspect feels like it should be played more like a risk style game, it feels underdeveloped, not a big deal since you play it with essentially cheats on, but I feel like the developer is SO close to pure gold here.

    Lack of intercharacter interactions - each little nation is seems to be a walled off story with a few exceptions.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    when this game first appeared on this site I thought nothing of it,
    I just thought it was just another poorly made game just trying to make a quick buck

    so I slept on it for about a year and then I saw it again
    and decided to give it another try and OH boy did this game receive a ton of gains in terms of content

    I was pleasantly surprised to say the least bravo to you DoorKnob22 keep up the good work
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    A promising start.

    Vae Victis is a refreshingly dark game that merges some rudimentary strategy elements with VN components where you build a harem mainly consisting of rulers who once opposed you. As another user put it, very reminiscent of CK2.

    Thematically there's an emphasis on impregnation, rape (although you can often choose to seduce or abstain), domination, and worldly power dynamics. You can play the MC as a pretty unrepentant bastard if you want, and the world building is not bad for a porn game. Note that the dev seems to have a fetish for voluptuousness (there are some truly thicc physiques in this game, almost beyond reason) and MILFs/mature. Not a bad thing, just a strong influence. Also there are strong hints of incest content that is yet to be implemented, as your endboss is your own mother and your sisters. This is NOT my cup of tea at all, but thankfully there's no sexual content to go with that in the game yet.

    Content wise there's enough to see where the game is headed, but it still has a long way to go to be complete. Worth playing to dip your toes in, as there are four provinces/queens to conquer, and associated story content. The strategy mechanics are quite simple and repetitive (and do NOT warrant a comparison to CK2), but they can be skipped, with VN mode.

    Visuals are mainly still images based on somewhat inhuman looking 3d renders. I can't knock it too much, since such visuals are incredibly common in porn games. But there aren't many animated scenes.

    I would give it a 3/5 if it were more generic due to the state of completion and the average visuals, but the unique themes, and subject matter bump it up to 4/5 for me.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Gameplay's eww. Not the sex stuff, that's refreshingly good for a rape game, you get to choose whether or not to be a rapist piece of crap for once! Still, the 'consensual' scenes are still in the "don't worry you'll learn to like it!" zone but baby steps...?

    What I really dislike is everything between the sex scenes, i.e. the gameplay. It's infuriating and takes longer than it should be considering I'm only here for the teddies, not to mention buggy. Combat's my least favorite part of the game, it consists of rock/paper/scissors (not the fun kind fake lesbians do) and I have no shame in saying I've cheated every combat encounter!

    I rather like how when you go the 'not so piece of shit' route the ladies ask you to prove that you're not a piece of shit by helping your people, which is much better and quicker than other games where you gift them stupid crap for +1 "LOVE/LUST" stats which I've always hated.

    Overall, great teddies, great lewds, crap gameplay!
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a great game. Developer proves that well written sex scene is far better than any render. There is a small number of renders compared to other games but they are replaced by good writing and plot. This is a big plus because I think many game devs put too much focus on creating time-consuming visuals and too little on plot, good descriptions and dialogues.

    Suggestions for the developer:

    1. I would add some scenes showing another rulers’ reactions to the progress of world conquer by MC, maybe sometimes in form of gathering some of the rulers. Actually, there is one scene like this with mother and sisters.

    2. Maybe adding some scene with ruler before we conquest her country allowing us to know her better (it is not the same as post-conquer scene).

    3. Maybe some group sex scene for some pack of leaders assuming we choose for all of them romance/domination path.

    All of these suggestions are time consuming so I would consider them carefully.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Are you one of those people that always wished there was a game out there that's was like your modded Crusader Kings 3 playthroughs with all the sex mods installed?

    Well, this game is essentially that. You paint the map by conquering fiefdoms, taking the female rulers as your concubines/wives, and carve your name into history as you go about your conquest of the entire known world.

    The game has an engaging and well written story that really helps you get immersed. Each zone has a unique atmosphere to it and the people you interact with in each of these zones actually feel like they're from there and not just copy and pasted personalities/models from other zones.

    At the time of writing this review I think the game is great. All the updates have been pretty frequent and have only made the game better. I also really like the fact that instead of rushing to add an entire new wench and fiefdom, this latest update is all new content for the current wenches which flesh out their stories. A lot of games forget about characters and constantly add new ones without fleshing out the already existing characters. So props to the dev for that.

    TLDR: Crusader Kings but with a very well written immersive story and lots of conquering of lands/wombs.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I might be baised here since the game has so many of my fetishes except for rape. But this game is so good I'm just overlooking that part. Finaly a game where the MC isn't some spineless, senile, lost skinny boi making over exaggerated faces when something odd happens. I think we are all to familiar with that kinda game. But all that aside holy sh*t the story on this one goes hard. I was so immersed into the Ziruan, the oasis in Marbia story. Alams the best girl I actually felt like a SHITTY person for exploiting Alam's insecurity, and I usually don't feel this way, rather I prefer and enjoy spineless, scumbag MC where they are not some dumb, kid brain, with a horse shlong for a dick and actually have some personality preferably bad/toxic ones. NOTE: I haven't played the full game *yet* and I'm still in between but the game was so good that I had to rate it before I forget.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is one of the best game ai ever played...This game hae nice classic test for antient time. Also this game is heaven for breeeing,imoregnation, harem lover player though you can do it two way romantic or forcefully it depenes on your personaly like romantic plot.
    1. This game has nice antient plot
    2. Ntr is minor though you can also avoid minor thing also..
    There is no bad ending in this game.
    The thing also I personaly like that" after conquer your women you can also do adventure with them" though it was only one time...
    And finaly many love and hands off for the developer of this game from an android player. I hooe this game will keep updating soon and soon if it possible
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I played through this game, up to the current version (5.8), on one of the tamer threads.
    The scenario is excellent, the story is quite good, most of the characters are quite well developed for the scenes they're in, and you have a surprising variety of options for interacting with them.
    If I had one note of complaint it would be this: don't make me bang the old broad. C'mon.
    There are a handful of scenarios and sequences that don't feel entirely complete, or that have a sort of unavoidable path to a goal that shouldn't be limited to that one path.
    Without spoiling anything too much, you kinda have to bang an old broad in the tutorial.
    There's also a situation in one of the mini-adventures in which you have to pick one path to get access to a delicious little minx, but it involves also some women of unappealing proportions. The alternate path to complete that section disposes of those women, but in the process the little minx just kinda disappears from the world :poof:.
    No game is perfect, but this one is pretty close.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    It has it's pros and cons.

    The short list of pros is: it's a good blend of adult and of game. It's not a porn experience, its not a game experience, it's both. The renders are fairly well done. The writing is above average. The dev includes some non CIS kinks but makes them very easy to avoid.

    The short list of cons is: the gameplay is a bit fucky, none of it is rewarding because (due to the fuckiness) the game has had to explain exactly how to beat it. It's more of a process you have to go through instead of gameplay. Also most of the female characters: I don't give a fuck about any of them, they get maybe 5min of story and we're fucking. A consequence of having so many sexable females.

    In summary, I respect what has been done here, but I kept searching for something that was sexually compelling, and after conquering the first 3 regions in the game and finding none, I closed it out, unsatisfied.

    Edit: Dev apparently already has the list of cons above on his radar for investigation, so the game could see improvement in time