Version v0.1.02 things may change with later releases.
So, this is just a slow, kinda clunky sidescrolling zombie shooter / beat um up game.
The good is that it's not too clunky to play, other than just figuring out exactly how far your kick reaches and the timing of when you can shoot vs run vs kick to avoid damage.
The animations and character models (all 2 of them besides the zombies) look ok. There's a bit of jank in the animation for the MC, but not really bad, just ok.
Animations with guro / gore are marked in the unlock menu so you can avoid them if you want.
The bad is everything else.
The story seems to be Not Lara Croft is fighting zombies to save people, and saves Not Ashley Graham (Resident Evil 4 character). So nothing interesting or unique currently, might change later on.
It's got a level up system, more HP, more ammo per magazine, more carried magazines, exc. The issue is that even getting the first upgrades is EXPENSIVE. you might get 1-2 cheap upgrades from beating the first (currently only) level.
The description mentions the character dashing to dodge enemies, which you can do... If you buy an upgrade, see the previous point.
The interface is clunky as hell, especially the upgrade menu. It's incredibly easy to accidentally buy things you don't want, and I don't remember seeing a refund option like many games of this type have.
There's only the one real level and an endless mode. The level is basically a set of linear halls that enemies are either in or spawn in as you move. There are some 1 room side paths with mana (upgrade currency) or ammo, but nothing else I recall. There are also spike traps, some of which WILL hit you if you didn't get the dash unlocked. You can also end up stunlocked fairly easily by the faster spikes and sometimes the spikes and 1 enemy. The enemies are also unaffected by the traps, which is just annoying since it seems like they should and would fit into the Survival Horror roots them seem to be pulling from (at least a bit).
So the level is go generally right until you get a key (how a standard key unlocks the portals who knows) , then go left until you find your rescue target. Then go back right to escape from where you started from. The only supplies until you get to the rescue target is ammo. After getting there you get a full heal, clothing repair, and full ammo. Then you get the cutscene with the target, which leaves you stripped again...
The rescue cutscene seems to be missing almost all the images / animations, but that may just be an early release thing.
The endless combat level is just boring (with a level 1 dash), since you basically just run right and left shooting a few enemies and getting a full refill of supplies each trip to the opposite side of the screen.
I feel like I've forgotten something, but whatever. Regardless I'd definitely wait for a later version.