VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - ValiDate: Struggling Singles in Your Area [v1.1] [ValiDate Game]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Anyway, let's start with art style. It is weird, at first I was glad it wasn't another anime style vn. 5 minutes in I wish it was anime. Facial expressions, choice of colours, mix of different artists just gives you a feeling that someone puked skittles over your monitor. Everything visual in this game induces cringe. Writing: it's not bad but it tries too hard to be "hip with the kids" I guess. And finally, characters. Ugh... Literally none of them is likeable or relatable. They are just weird for sake being weird. Waste of time and effort.
  2. 2.00 star(s)

    Penniless Degenerate

    Yes, just about almost every criticism regarding this game is related to political reason. Because the game itself is more or less just "body positive and may or may not but most certainly trans poor gay black people trying to find love because we are such sjw who fucking hate white people and totally not from Tumblr" the dating sim.
    Not that it's bad to share a political view within your own game, but the game is full of that... sense of color, other main aspects just start to fall initial intentions and lose its own light.
    But anyway, while it's innovating for having a dating sim for black people, even including a cast of various different nationality and personality. It's another one of those games that attempts to "promote" its "intended audience" while portraying them in a negative light, as these characters are written in the most "hip" and racist way possible, with the "special snowflake" status and personality exaggerated to the max, and attempts to justify it "you won't get it if you're a bigot", and keep on insulting its audience.
    For a dating sim which is heavy on the characters and their story, it has a rather unlikable and problematic cast, it makes a major flaw to the game.

    Besides its uh, "interesting writing", their intend to have a colorful cast failed rather miserably, character's artstyle often varies from one another, and they felt it was necessary to add a radical design to each, uh, "female" character. Like, the uuuuhh, "male" cast, minus the artstyle and the hipster hair, they mostly have some minor traits that don't speak out too much yet can give you a basic idea of what their personality is, and they all look pretty different without the need for "good designs", with only one person with an exaggerating bright yellow design because it fits his character.
    While the "females"? Except for the chick (heh) with the headband ...and maybe that girl in pink? They are all "body positive people without care in the world", and they realized that they need the artstyle and an exaggerating design to be different.
    In my words, it looks goddamn stupid and just makes me nailed down the last nail I need to make sure that this is made by "the Tumblr people".

    So yeah, it's pretty bad just from my impression, and I look more like an idiot than the devs for writing an in-depth review on this shitty game.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Alright, you saw the title and the art style, you know what type of crowd this game is for, if you are not in that crowd I recommend that you dont even touch this.
    I played most of the routes but only really fully played one and that was what made me give this game 4 stars.
    Pros: This game is a lot more wholesome than I thought, I specially recommend the Ashlie route some top tier bonding. And most of the routes (4 at the moment) follow the same vibe. Most of the characters are enjoyable and its something different from the average vn so kudos for that.
    Cons: The art style. Normally I dont give a fuck about art styles in hentai games but this one is a little distracting, the art on the game varies from good to bad, not all characters were drawn by the same artist and this make some of them feel out place.
    TLDR: Meh pretty interesting but not a lot to do now, the art style can also be a turn off for most.