Hook: Manage a brothel with a bunch of IRL porn stars.
+ Good porn and huge selection of girlpacks from the mod page.
+ Nice QOL inclusions such as autosave, preferred scene type, full-size porn vids pausing game-time, customizable girls in the json files, and drag and drop video adding/removing the file structure.
+ Good focus in game design; focuses on the enjoying the porn 1st and gameplay management 2nd.
+ Literally hundreds of community-made girl packs. Even if a few are duds, there are many more that are good. My favorites are the ‘deepfake’ packs.
/ Most of these starter hos are fake-as-hell boobjob bimbos. Of the starting / default girlpacks, I only use two.
/ Secretary girl isn’t hot enough to be a main character IMO
/ Would like a ‘hands free’ mode, where after I assign girls at the start of the day, they automatically serve clients without me having to drag and drop each girl individually.
/ Kinda wish there were anime girlpacks, but I can make do without
- Grind is bad in the early game. I Strongly recommend reducing the price of girls.
- wish I could opt-out of certain fetishes, such as footjob
- Gameplay features such as managing cigs and booze are tedious.
- takes about 5-10 hours to grind up to being able to see sex scenes
- date minigame is not fun. It’s hard and the reward is seeing the secretary topless, not even sex. When there are so many other girls available, it just isn’t worth the time
Score: 7.8 / 10
Ver: 7
Date reviewed: 11/3/20