VN - HTML - Completed - Vera Blanc and the Island Phantom [Final] [Fleetp]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    The game does have issues, mainly due to the software used to develop it (looks like an early JavaScript attempt to implement RenPy in a browser). The interface is tolerable on a desktop browser, but I think the mind-reading minigame would be unplayable on a phone.

    I consider this poor engine choice forgivable on the basis that the game was apparently last edited in 2016, and presumably started years earlier. Hopefully the writer has moved on to something better by now.

    The story writing isn't bad, it's clear that the author put some effort into the story and dialog and either the writer or editor speaks fluent English. In an adult game, that practically qualifies for a Nobel literature prize.

    The rendered images are a bit primitive, even for 10 years ago: Low-poly models and low-resolution images are the norm. If you're mainly in this for the visuals, then this may not be the game for you.

    All in all, I'd say that if you can get past the UI, the game underneath it looks like it's well worth playing.