RPGM - Completed - Vesperm - Magical Doll of the Dusk World [Final] [Hoshikuzu Garage]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Not really worth your time.

    The H element isn't worth much here. I love pixel art, but this game's has no depth and lacks good motion. Its extremely barebones, to the extent that it wasn't arousing at all.

    The gameplay is the same, you get level ups to increase your ability to walk around the dungeon and open chests, but its all so boring. Its not just monotonous, the core concept has nothing of value to it. None of the gameplay interactions .

    In summary its not painful to play, or even that grindy, its just that there's nothing here. Go do anything else. Literally anything else, besides self mutilation. This is the video game equivalent of watching paint dry.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Vesperm is a pixel-dot roguelike dungeon crawler. Your character is isekai'd into a place called "Dusk World" and after finding a living (sex) doll your mission becomes escape.

    Art 2.5/5 : I personally really like pixel games and this one is "okay" for my standards. Not really visually exciting, but it isn't complete garbage either. It is animated and voiced, though. Not very much to see, however.

    Music 4/5: It's actually not bad for the theme of the game and the style it goes for.

    Story 2/5: It's.. there. I don't know the over-arching plot because I didn't finish the game, but there is a clear goal and it isn't obstructed with needlessly long dialogue.

    Gameplay 1/5: Honestly it's just too hard early on for me to justify putting in enough time to get the scenes and complete it. It's not engaging enough to be interesting either. Standard RPGm keyboard controls.

    Overall 2/5: A game like this needs something more to keep players interested. The art isn't quite good enough to carry the game itself, and doesn't seem to have much H content. The gameplay really drags early because of a downward difficult curve (the game gets easier later it seems), and just isn't interesting enough on it's own, either. Ultimately this game suffered from lack of game design understanding overall because not any one thing brings it down. But rather the collective efforts of all the aforementioned faults.

    TL;DR even if you like pixel-dot like I do, this one is probably a pass unless you cheat or use a completed save for the scenes you want. Not much content and tedious early game makes this a pass for me.