HTML - Viceburg [v0.0.8] [MadProd]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Doesn't seem to have a direction. There is a potential for a lot to be there, but there doesn't seem to be a roadmap to get there. Takes WAAAAY to long to get anything going. Feels like you missed everything and you have nothing.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    It seems like an extra effort has been made to make it difficult. Even if you choose easy, it's hard to even talk to someone. At the beginning, the options attracted me to the game, but once the game started, I couldn't do anything but wait. I've played a lot of html based games, but I've never seen one with as many non-functional buttons as this one.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Off to an interesting start. The UI overall is quite clean though there are some interesting decisions in places, like listing EVERY room in the dorm which kind of clutters it all up. An odd choice to link stores to individual NPCs rather than having set interactions with workers at a store. Having to scan through all the NPCs to find the right one to interact with to buy things is a pain.

    Eventually it would be nice to have proper body images/references to body shapes for the player and NPCs. Clothing system could use more depth.

    I like the range of options for characters and it overall is very promising if the dev implements more refined systems over time. Will change review once game is further along, but as it stands in 0.06 it needs a ton of polish which is why 2 stars.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Lots of good sandbox elements to start despite the bugs but the game instantly locking on an ending when you get expelled is retarded and makes zero sense. If I'm playing as an 18+ yo adult then I can decide for myself whether or not I want to abandon school for other things. Forcing people to waste their time being a good student with classes goes against the open world format here since it limits options for roleplaying and making different character archetypes, and it's just going to drive away people that like to play sandboxes to do whatever they feel like on a given run.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Interesting premise for a game, but the game feels flat at the moment. The amount of clicks required to do everything is pretty high, the amount of writing available and NPC interactions are pretty low, the UI is terrible. It gets boring and repetitive very fast.
    I have hope future updates will make it good, in the mean time Curse of Temptation offers a text-only alternative to this.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    I think at its base, this game is good. There seems to be a decent foundation for something great. I quite like the ui, it's clean and nice to look at. Certainly a lot nicer than a black screen with white text and blue links. Not that that is the worst thing, it is just a positive with this game. Customization, activities, etc. are promising. It would be cool to have more options for the character profile image. Not sure if that is a difficult thing to do but I do find the lack of variety in other games similar to this to be somewhat disappointing. It's not a big thing but just something I always look at since it's your character that you will have to look at the whole time. I guess the same could be said for the npcs. A greater variety would be very nice. They all kinda look like they're between the ages of 28-45. Also, more stats would be awesome. Currently very few. Though there currently isn't anything that really pulls me towards this game like a compelling/entertaining story or gameplay. I am looking forward to the future of this game. I truly hope that it continues to be developed and not get tossed aside as I feel most end up being. The changelog for the newest update seems quite promising so I will definitely be checking that out. I appreciate the dev and wish you the best of luck and success with this.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Let me be clear, this game is very bare bones at the moment, but wanna know why I am giving it 5 stars? BECAUSE THE DEV FUCKING HEARS US AND IMPROVES HIS GAME.

    When it first released, most people voiced their problems with the game, myself included, and I gave a few suggestions on what could be improved. Now I come back to see there is a new version and would you look at that, the dev actually put the effort into fixing that shit.

    So yeah, might not be a 5 star game now, I might change this score later down the line, but right now? I see a bright future ahead if the dev can keep it up.
  8. 2.00 star(s)

    The UnHolyOne

    interesting premise of a life sim kinda concept.

    but where this games imo completely lets its self down, is the inconsistent gifs in scenes. the inconsistency of scenes and gifs used turns this game from an 8, to a 2. in one scene i was several different races, with different faces. ADVICE. choose actors, stick to their gifs. or cut off the heads of the MCs gifs for variety. it completely ruins any form of fun to be had, when one minute im white, now im black, now im asian, now im hispanic.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    I love the Game Interface, Character Choices and easy enough Game Mechanics for a Game, that is to "inspire" arousal and not have a deep storyline to immerse ourselves in.

    For this well-implemented and solid Foundation, I give it 4 stars since it looks awesome, the Interface is easy to understand (even though it could use some more "ergonomic" placement of buttons for easier access and maybe some balancing still - it's not a finished product after all and still in development.) But for the current state and also not having run into any bugs (so far), I think this Game is well worth the Stars since it has most definitely the potential to be a pleasant and easy-going replacement for any expensive porn-site subscriptions for those who also like to have a little bit reading stimulation and dopamine for progression of relationships and stats or even Gender-Changes - which I have turned off for my tastes, but love to see the option for it.

    So, it's hard to make Games, that everyone can enjoy well enough for their intended purposes and I think this one definitely has the potential to be(come) that.

    I know there are similar - older - Games like this, but it still has enough unique visuals to give it its own well-deserved place among them. Unless something's getting handled or messed with too badly, of course, I give this Game in Development a really good Rating. If the Game progresses to its full potential, I'll gladly upgrade my Review to a 5-Star one then.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    The energy and fight system is trash. Energy makes the grind miserable.Everything is too expensive for what little you can make when the game's energy system isn't fucking you over anyway. As is the game is garbage. UI is nice so maybe just make a new game with it?
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Great foundation so far. Please keep adding to it. The mechanics are good but I have encountered quite a few bugs. None of them game breaking though.

    Would give it a higher rating but the game is still in its very early stages.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    I like this game, I think it has potential. Could easily move up to a 4-5 range in the future.

    A little grindy, and the fights are hard at the beginning. I found my character getting feminized a bit too easily since I kept getting attacked and fed pink pills before I could train up my strength and muscle. I think combining both skills into one could be a nice way to ease the grind. I also couldn't work as a martial arts expert even at 85/100, so maybe that being reduced could help.

    Another recommendation would be to keep the videos (which I think are excellent by the way) consistent with character's skin colour would help immersion.

    Had some fun with this, and excited for the future.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    I gave it a shot as I liked the inclusivity aspect, but the design is flawed from the start. Not being able to save, hundreds of random generated NPC which have no personality and it's impossible to care about or even remember. The romance progression is just a mindless time wasting grind day after day, and the sex reward is miger with just six scenes to choose and just stop when you get bored.
    Right now it is only worth 1 star, but it's clear the dev has put a lot of work into it. He just needs to find some soul to put into this impressive programming effort.
  14. 2.00 star(s)



    It's more like a giant foundation of (hoperfully) upcoming optimisation for story or set characters or other stuff.

    There are no charakter or specified sex content. Meaning: You can work to sleep with a black woman and the scenes will show a white woman (genderwise it's ok). More like a show. Grind friendship/love via talk every day -> sleep with her. As much as that. Same scenes for every girl.

    You can talk charakters into being a hooker, but then you have to pay to sleep with her. If you go to a regualar hooker, you can talk her into sleeping for free with her. As far as I noticed, you don't get money from her for talking her into it. Furthermore you can talk charakters into plastic surgery making, for example, a female into a shemale.

    Not more to say about it. Basically a grindy pornshow. 2,57GB out of 2,71GB are porn scenes. Should tell you something.
  15. 2.00 star(s)

    Golden Twink

    Decent foundation but massively lacking in actual content, especially since it's a 3GB download filled with tons of porn videos but to actually see any of the content, it's a massive RNG grind to get relationship points up.

    The foundations are also lacking a bit as it's definitely designed with focus being talking to females as almost all pronouns in buttons, despite the character's sex, is labeled as "her."

    It's a decent foundation but it's a tech demo at best on version v0.0.1, that showcases it can just randomly generate a lot of characters. The interactions need to be massively streamlined to be more User-Friendly, along with the "gameplay"