Solid Snekk

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 5, 2017
Not sure if I should even update the main thread or even count this week's build as 1.99.35 as it is about four bug fixes and a single scene that sets me up to add the rest of the Miko Magic.

Last week I tried working on the Incubus class and got nothing done that I wanted, scrapping the whole thing for now.

This week I tried working on the Miko Class/Talisman magic and trying to balance it in ways that are both fun and useful is difficult, but I just have the scenes up in my notepad for now.

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I'll probably get a release out tomorrow I just want to show everyone what I'm working on since I don't really have a blog. I am slowly driving the game towards finishing questlines and nuking Monduval is something I eventually want to get added.
Mar 23, 2022
I'm not quoting the messages individually to pick apart the correct arguments so I'll add them here at the top. I had one post half written but then more happened when I wasn't looking.

1. The mansion is the mansion from Rubedo, a ruin in the forest that was a nod to/tied to another QSP game that I can't recall the name of.

1. The Elven City is the Elven City from Rubedo, although more abandoned due to tentacles tentacling everyone. You, and Loksi, will eventually repopulate the entire city with Elves. Maybe.

2. Percy getting GobWife pregnant was added so that First could be born to players who only play female characters. Same reason why the Kitsune Alraune gives you a cock to impregnate herself only for it to fall off, some characters need to be born but the PC doesn't have the equipment to make them.

3. There are separate tags for your goblin children and other goblins that happen to live on your farm for the purposes of incest and tracking. It will be made aware if the goblin you're banging is genetically related to you or not. Goblin Wife will also eventually collect more goblins passively that are not blood related to you to raise the Goblin Army you can use to fight Avalon with.

4. The brothel mansion should now be profitable due to the math being changed. For some reason I used fractions the first time I made it.

5. I read every post. Every. Post. 178 pages. Main problem is I read and comprehend the post, make a note in my notepad and don't reply.

6. I received the most scathing criticism and negative comments about NTR when the Percy-Meat rape scene was discovered that most of the male NPC allies I had concepts for were shuttered or set aside.

People were unreasonably mad. It was crazy.

7. Technically Percy isn't human and shouldn't be able to get pregnant but the seed of the PC is just that potent.
1. So I was right about them being seperate, even if they are remnants from Rubedo

2. Makes sense why now. Some characters need to exist but they aren't in existance yet. Also I'm not 100% on this but I'm pretty sure there isn't a scene forcing gobwife onto the player or Percy forcing First to be born. The player could get away with First never exisiting (though unlikely).

3. I thought I did notice that while digging around the farm to look for a fix for First's broken image a while ago. But it was more of a back end not a front end sort of thing. Meaning the code knew who's was who's but the player couldn't tell. It means nothing in the end apart from a few cases.

4. The brothel does technically make a profit even though the books don't say so. Also I think that brothels security is broken too, I think one of my 1.99.32 runs had the brothel security keep going up. Again none of these are needed to get the story related to running the brothel just more of a grumble bum from me.

5. At least you have a reason to read all post. I'm doing it to be I mean learn the lore and answer questions. Yes, that's it.

6. I remember reading all that, it was not fun.

7. That actually makes me think. I'll put my questions into spoilers just incase.

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Last question, I asked it before and got no answer.

5. What makes a demon a demon? If you'd rather not answer it that's fine. I figured it's better to ask again in case you forgot/didn't remember to reply.


Sep 20, 2021
Where do I get the robotic sex toy?

Where do I find Mariko?

And how do I progress Port of Famine? Ive looked everywhere in the warehouse and have made repairs to the fence but I dont see anything else? The quest just continue to tell me to look around more.

Also for the "House of Pleasure" quest, Ive already invited my friends at the pub, who else am I supposed to look for?

I have also noticed that some events that occur in the game aren't listed as quests even though they should, such as looking for the Fleshsculptor, finding the corresponding Hell pillars in the overworld, finding the kitsune gates, stealing the ship for Three, going to other islands for the Eye of Averdon as well as a myriad of other events that I don't even recall anymore because they weren't registered as quests

There is also a bug while working at the archives where some events that occur while working don't give me any options to proceed further, forcing me to keep using the emergency exit to move past the event
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Jul 19, 2021
Still Bug
Sub Sewer,an event during exploration appears like this and forces you to make an emergency exit.

I also wonder if the emergency exit couldn't take you to the last bed where you slept or chose as "home".
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Mar 23, 2022
1. Where do I get the robotic sex toy?

2. Where do I find Mariko?

3. Also for the "House of Pleasure" quest, Ive already invited my friends at the pub, who else am I supposed to look for?

4. There is also a bug while working at the archives where some events that occur while working don't give me any options to proceed further, forcing me to keep using the emergency exit to move past the event
1. Do you mean the sex toy for the bat? That should be found in junktowns sex shop.

2. Do you mean the first time? She should quite easily found in the Sleepy Fox Inn. If she's not there then I believe a quest is active that locks her on tentacle island till you finish that quest. Although that shouldn't happen unless you've done her (and quite a few other) quests.

3. Yeah that stumped me for a bit too. Have you been back to the foreman at the sawmill a second time? You have to ask him about building road there.

4. I thought I patched that. Although considering the circumstances it might not have been placed in game by Snekk. Best part about that bug is it lead me to another bug. One where you'd get an error when doing the events after placing a gold page. Causing a white screen.

Still Bug
Sub Sewer,an event during exploration appears like this and forces you to make an emergency exit.

I also wonder if the emergency exit couldn't take you to the last bed where you slept or chose as "home".
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Sigh. It's probably rats again being rats again. Unless Snekk added something there to 1.99.34 that I'm unaware of. I'll see if Snekk decides to release an update or not later before doing anything. (Not rushing/forcing Snekk just making observations/plans.)

Haha. Progress is progress.

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2. I think it's less like a collage and more like a secondary education. Where I live they call them TAFE (Technical and Further Education). It's a sort of middle ground to collage (university here) and primary schooling. Collage has higher degrees and more clinical/technical studies. Where a TAFE is for more practical skills. Best way to discribe it would be what to do a "smart" person job? A lawer, doctor, physicist etc. then a Uni (university) is for you. What to learn how to "muscle" job? Welding, plumbing, chefing, etc. then a Tafe is for you. Also Tafe's offer courses for people past primamry education who didn't quite get it so to speak. So yes they do offer basic maths and english classes for adults. They do also offer other things that are part of a primary education that help with getting into Uni.

2a. So I think that's more like what the School is becoming. Although a lot more simpler due to the populace enducation level.

3. One would assume that it's be similar to how Kitsune do it. Although I doubt it'd be the same cause. Kistune are cursed, thesaurus might just curse them similarlay to Kitsune or it might straight up physically change them. Who knows what Snekk has planned.

5. First off I agree that it's weird how there is no obvious indicator that the dulahan is in the swamp. Except maybe later when searching around for percy or one of the other crypts. In saying that having her head and body be seperate I don't think would be the best choice. First off it would add much more chaos to the already chaotic graveyard. There's Percy, the grave keeper, Death, The changling, the investigation plus a few more things that I'm forgetting off the top of my head. Second if it's a violent body while that would be accurate to current world dulahans (sort of) it wouldn't make sense. Why would the body be there but not the head? Dullahans if are neart their heads know where it is on an instinctive level. If it's a sexual body then how you could get away with it being a instance of it's own, sure. But that leads to the next point point three, how was it's head seperated? As stated by the violent one they know where their head is. Okay I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and let them be basically seperate things when detached because it's not good for the story. Still begs the question of how did this powerful being have it's head taken away? If something is that strong why wouldn't it just kill them?

6. Maybe some mention that Det locks you in for those who refuse and don't understand?

6a. As for fighting him. Yeah nah, it's Det. I'm sure you're aware of what they're capable of. Also apart from the obvious he's not true evil. He does bad stuff but a lot of it's for good. A bunch of the funds from he's crimes are used to help lizard folk move away from Dragon Island. They'll just need to pay him back natrually. Also due to he's position he's quite influentiall in certain circle, like a lot of circles actually. From a game play perspective even if you never use he's crime serviced he still lets the player claim properties for free. He give the player the farm and the clinic for helping Solomon. Basket and Knight also sort of work under him. So a few quest relating to them might need Det or at least the thieves guild access.

10. Firstly rude, I'll have you know my friends invite me all the time to parties. Paper Percy and Paper Player being quite ecstatic to spend time with me.
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Solid Snekk

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 5, 2017
That actually makes me think. I'll put my questions into spoilers just incase.

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Last question, I asked it before and got no answer.

5. What makes a demon a demon? If you'd rather not answer it that's fine. I figured it's better to ask again in case you forgot/didn't remember to reply.
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Haha. Progress is progress.

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The Kitsune are not extinct, just scattered. Loksi is going to do some very unethical things to bandits to turn women into broodmothers and men into living cocks. She saw firsthand, as the head scout to the holy armies of Avalon, just how the demons did it and she has had access to the Maceasy library long before her sight left. Mariko would be abjectly horrified if any such things were happening to or near her kitsune.

Paradise cannot be made without siding with the younger fox. The older fox abandons the physical realm, existing only in the Spirit Realm alone so that she can no longer be harmed.

I do want to consolidate all things into one area so the farm is currently the hub for your lovers. How much land you own is left purposefully vague.


Somewhat. The university is more for the educated, the slum school has you teaching people how to read and that sex causes pregnancy rather than handholding.

As for the teacher: of all the individuals that die during your travels, an old woman dying of age doing what she loved is honestly the best end one could hope for.

3. The reason this plot point is progressing is due to lack of good art. 90% of male gob art is rape.

4. I'm unsure if she is going to be an ally. Exterminating her own race or possibly ruling Amazonia as the Orc Queen are the plot points for her at the moment but characters are getting massive overhauls due to me liking them that we can only see.

5. When Juliet attacks the Captain on Dragon Isle when she denies carrying the body of William Steelwind she is FURIOUS that her head has left her shoulders when Juliet knocks it off and attacks you. She was killed due to being decapitated and rose as a vengeful spirit, you have to slowly ease her into the concept of not having her body and head attached.

6. You being considered a member of the Thieves Guild has no effects on any gameplay. Det, like demons, resides in the making of deals to get things done and since you technically accepted he has the power to work with you.

7. My style of "This game is my game and I am simply allowing you to play it" allows me to shrug off most criticism. Even the massive WIP it is I enjoy Vicindio more than most other QSP games as a player.

8. Combat sex is going to have different mechanics than regular combat. I honestly don't know what stroke of genius or inspiration caused me to write the code for it originally or which guide I used as trying to replicate the current combat system is also the reason for the drought of content for the last two weeks.

9. Blue, as she blends into the water and you can't see her.

9a. Standard Avedonian Elves are pale, a skin tone not available to other elves as an Avedonian PC is recognized immediately as such. Other Elves can be regular tones or darker depending on where they come from.

10. There's not enough protein on Avedon for people to have exceptionally well defined muscles. I do want to add more characters that are just ripped but finding the non-hyper fetish muscle art is difficult as it is always exaggerated.

Still Bug
Sub Sewer,an event during exploration appears like this and forces you to make an emergency exit.

I also wonder if the emergency exit couldn't take you to the last bed where you slept or chose as "home".
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I found it, something was named "rats" instead of "rat".

I am also trying to add in teleportation in a way that doesn't break quests/conversations, and in doing so I'll set the PC's ability to change where the Emergency Escape takes them.
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Mar 23, 2022
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Interesting. A few more questions before I drop this topic here.

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Completly unrealated and a funny idea (that shouldn't be implemented) popped into my head. I can just imagine the player going to a stall to buy some bread or something normal like that. Every things normal until the player opens their pouch of gems to get some out to buy it. Then screams of the damned bellow from the pouch scaring everyone except the player because it's normal for your pouch to scream when you have so much wealth.

Solid Snekk

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 5, 2017
Interesting. A few more questions before I drop this topic here.

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Completly unrealated and a funny idea (that shouldn't be implemented) popped into my head. I can just imagine the player going to a stall to buy some bread or something normal like that. Every things normal until the player opens their pouch of gems to get some out to buy it. Then screams of the damned bellow from the pouch scaring everyone except the player because it's normal for your pouch to scream when you have so much wealth.
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Mar 23, 2022
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1. That brings up another question but that's for different time. I'll make due with this change.

2. So quite clearly a very long time, got it. That's wonderful for my plan.

3. Makes me wonder about how long and how secretive Primora is about that. I mean it doesn't change what I've been concocting. But it might way later down the road.

All in all apart from a possible change to the instigator I think I've got a pretty solid basis for this.

Solid Snekk

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 5, 2017
1.99.35 is up on

Not much is added aside from a few images that I can't recall exactly which to add to a separate download file.

It's mostly a set up for me to finally clear out some of the questlines that were left hanging.


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2017
Thanks for the lore and story stuff. Gives me things to ponder and keep awake with, haha.
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