
Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2017
Hmm. Wasn't looking to nitpick or say thou shalt not, so much as attempt to avoid confusion.

Getting opinions on game stuff in the game board is the way to go and all that.

To Snekk: Ran out of time, but tried to lob you a thing as an experiment. How the heck you manage to write so much in so short a time is beyond my feeble human comprehension.

Also all milking interactions at the underground clinic are currently borked, but they may also just be wips.
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Jul 19, 2021
A personal observation in this run to find more bugs. Several enemies have the possibility after defeating you to take PC to their lairs/base. Referring to the "wild" NPCs, could we reduce the percentage of this forced "kidnapping" or even give the player the possibility if he has "high Luck" to play "dead"?
Mar 23, 2022
for some reason the images won't load for me is there any way i can fix this
Images won't load implies that either the image is named wrong or they don't exist. Is the image folder in the same folder as the qsp and qproj file? Your files should look like this picture I just sent. Also it's safe to ignore the txt file. That's just there for modding the game.


also you are using QSP version 1.9?

Solid Snekk

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 5, 2017
As in the actual image was deleted from the files or just the code to access it?

1. Yeah about that..... I'm going to be that guy and say I have a quest that is like half written and it'll introduce a new NPC. Currently I don't have much in the way of fun times with them yet. But it will technically introduce an NPC. So uh.... Sorry? You don't have to add it offically of course I'll leave it in the experiment file.

1a. Honestly the quest is kinda short and I've just been putting it off, that's why it's taking so long.

2. Talking about this NPC. I plan to use them to test a few things. Of course if the quest line is added it'd be what you've allowed. So if you're not fine with that but want the story/quest then that'll be fine. I guess when I post the experimental build eventually we'll see.

3. I also reuse a lot of art that exists. Like for a workshop I used the image/farm/anvil. Or should I find new art? Don't worry, the new character will have new art though.
1. They can join the other NPC's that I have that are unfinished, they'll be in good company.

1a. Diamonds take time to form.

2. Have at it, I can't wait to see what you'll make.

3. Up to you. If you add new areas to the city you can also also add people talking about it to the rumors passage where they talk about it so it seems like a living part of the city.

Haha. And so it begins. The sequel.

I tease. Mostly. Snekk is a fully grown Snekk anyway, and can judge if something fits or not, and they did say commissions for scenes are welcome if they suit.

Though a PM may be the better way to go about it, especially if you are changing exploratory content within the actual game. The bugfixes are wonderful, but the game can be confusing enough for random players stumbling through it with the occasional coked out bug trying to devour a users kneecaps alone. And, uh, the internet being the internet, putting it out on the forum, even with a big ass disclaimer of 'this may bork your game' could backfire as a the gamer, playing the text based game, refuses to read.

Maybe stick it in the dev /wip section in the ledger, if anything? That would probably do the trick.

Oh, and more importantly, good luck with the creative mojo!

1. Not a prob. That's mostly what I'm looking for anyway. Got a few pictures I'd like to emulate (mostly to see how difficult they are to do) that mostly involves sex or fondling in a bar, the PC dressed as a barmaid or such.

Mariko's bar has a bit of a happy go lucky, cheering you on as publicly do the deed (loving bred and being bread for example, has the crowd cheering you both on), but the lumberjack is also pretty chill, along with the other trap servers. Maybe I'll just split up anything fancy between 'em, depending on the content. Any excuse to finish an image is a good one anyway.

3. Kind of related, but what keeps Annette out of trouble with her slooting it up over in Britmor? Avedon seems pretty brazen with patrolling that area, and it's fairly public. Maybe a deal under the table with the mayor, bribing the soldiers in regard to that spot or something? With Annette's skills it probably brings in a fair amount of commerce to the town, and Melina Britmor is no fool.

3a. Kind of also related, and a tricky one. I think it would require a toggle or option at the start, similar to engaging with 'Goblin Magic' studies with the Gobwife back at the Avedon gates, to open the floodgates for a specific style content (in that case, it's whoring and sex with the gobwife, with her taking an active role), but I've got this writing itch regarding Melina that could combine a lot of the various ideas I've had for her in one glorious lewd package.

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4. Ah, okay. Speaking of traps, how unlikely is it that other would be adventurers are exploring underneath the lake? The PC doesn't nosebleed (so it's not a toxic environment), and Satty seems to find her way through there easily enough. Though the goat girl is pretty special.

...Actually, while it doesn't have to be the lake thing, it could be kind of amusing to see the occasional disheveled adventurer, bowlegged and leaking a spunky snail trail, stumbling their way out from the entrance of a dungeon.

6. That does sound tricky. Maybe just have one or two in particular, and the rest 'exist' unless being called up or referenced directly? Good luck!

7. If you get bored or want a hand to flesh an idea or person out, feel free to shake me down.

7a. True enough. So short interactions can be mostly without consequence, then.

7b. So Kitsune are happy go lucky, bimbo sloots spreading joy (and their thighs) for the most part. Question. What happens if Avedon tries to crack down on their behavior or attire (or lack thereof).

7c. Monduval seems to celebrate being in the buff as stunning and brave. Who *is* in charge over there anyway?

8. Cool. I'll dabble with a concept piece and if it turns out decent enough, lob it your way.

8a. Since I'm all about the punch punch, I'm clearly invested in the Monastery and whatnot.

When writing up potential interactions or smut, what personality or tone should I write for Mitsu?

Silly eastern style fortune nooky cookie with a splash of the Sphinx from Mystery Men? I.E. "If you do not master your cock, your cock will become your master."

It may be easier to just phone it in with Mai art, but I'm going to try taking a stab at her design later for grins and giggles.

X. Absolutely unrelated, but it feels odd to defeat a bandit or baddie, only for the game to say 'you don't want to take their monies, it'd be stealing'. Like, if you are a baddie, your wealth *and* your ass should be on the line if you get caught. Just saying.
3. Succubus magic. A Chosen One character is completely in the dark about Annette's whoring in Britmor, only knowing that she has a lot of 'boyfriends' and dresses sluttily. I'll eventually add in sleeping with guards as a higher tier Succubus to forgive some/all of your crimes.

4. I can add that as a random event.

6. I am overthinking it, the main issue is redirecting them to the correct version of the animal.

7. If you want to take Mitsu then by all means. I'll bump up the lewd combat system. She currently uses a random monk image but if you want to give her a specific character then I'll add it in.

7b. Avedon does crack down on their bimbo behavior, that's why there's only a handful of Kitsune in Avedon.

7c. Elected president. I plan on adding them but I don't know if I should.
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8a. Her dad is right there and he is a perverted old man. Having her be a bit of a repressed slut and none of the other monks having such a libido could be her main driving issues. Mastery of self has issues where certain needs are unfulfilled.

X. You have to turn things on in the ledger. I've tried really hard to make the experience customizable.

Images won't load implies that either the image is named wrong or they don't exist. Is the image folder in the same folder as the qsp and qproj file? Your files should look like this picture I just sent. Also it's safe to ignore the txt file. That's just there for modding the game.

View attachment 3771051

also you are using QSP version 1.9?
Wait, did I leave the text file in? Ah fuck.
Mar 23, 2022
1. They can join the other NPC's that I have that are unfinished, they'll be in good company.

3. Up to you. If you add new areas to the city you can also also add people talking about it to the rumors passage where they talk about it so it seems like a living part of the city.

4. Elected president. I plan on adding them but I don't know if I should.
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5. Wait, did I leave the text file in? Ah fuck.
1. No place like home except in the unfinished pile am I right?

3. Well the plan was to have it as an "abandoned house" away from cities, so possibly in the forest, due to story reasons.

4. So a silent hills 2 situation?

5. You didn't leave it in. That's my one I made. The first thing I do after getting the new version (after unzipping it) is make a txt file. I save that base txt into the folder with the game. This way I know it's the base with no mods or patches. I then make a second txt to a second file for modding or patching. This way in the off chance I messed something undoing it is just a simple copy and past.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2017
3. Succubus magic. A Chosen One character is completely in the dark about Annette's whoring in Britmor, only knowing that she has a lot of 'boyfriends' and dresses sluttily. I'll eventually add in sleeping with guards as a higher tier Succubus to forgive some/all of your crimes.

4. I can add that as a random event.

7. If you want to take Mitsu then by all means. I'll bump up the lewd combat system. She currently uses a random monk image but if you want to give her a specific character then I'll add it in.

7b. Avedon does crack down on their bimbo behavior, that's why there's only a handful of Kitsune in Avedon.

7c. Elected president. I plan on adding them but I don't know if I should.
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8a. Her dad is right there and he is a perverted old man. Having her be a bit of a repressed slut and none of the other monks having such a libido could be her main driving issues. Mastery of self has issues where certain needs are unfulfilled.

X. You have to turn things on in the ledger. I've tried really hard to make the experience customizable.
3. That's right, I totally forgot that the PC was somehow oblivious to that.

4. Cool. Mostly I'm kinda thinking ahead, as the PC isn't the only adventurer, then obviously getting shagged until one goes crosseyed isn't the rarest of occurrence. So finding other adventurers in compromising situations seems par for course.

If anything, that makes for a great idea of a group of bandits that work as fake adventurers, preying on other would be heroes or hired hands when they are vulnerable.

7. Hm. Can give it a go. I'll backtrack through some various posts and consolidate the stupidly long list of random ideas in a PM, maybe to narrow down the direction or scope, haha. I write a lot of crap.

7b. This is kind of tied to 7c, but my impression for Monduval was it was almost a more open, relaxed free spirit merchant city sort of vibe. For example, you have kitsune roaming freely in the park, if they have been freed from the mountains and the gate fixed. If anything the bandit presence seemed oddly removed.

It might be the collection of schools, parks, and three central hubs, I suppose.

8a. Hm. It's true. Dear 'ol Dad may have to go off on another mission, be entirely hands off / oblivious, or something else. Will ponder a bit.

X. I guess my point or quandary is I'm not sure taking stuff from bandits *is* stealing. Like, let's say a quest is to recover a jewel encrusted silver dong statue the bandits yoinked. Would reclaiming the statue after giving them a sound thrashing then be considered theft?

It's a silly nitpick, but it's also kind of odd that when accepting the idea of victory loot from baddies you also accept the broad blanket of You want to commit crimes, excluding big ticket items that also need toggles like kidnapping, murder and rape.

X1. I'm not sure how nicely grape is going to interact with concepts such as combat sex. Goblin logic is if your ass can fight, your ass can fuck. Clearly, your foes are often eager enough to take advantage. Then again, writing a post battle interaction like that for every encounter also seems absurd.

Though the toggle mostly seems to be used in regard to home invasions and such.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2017
Here's a odd one: Went to do the arena tournament. Took Alex as an ally, beat the Troll. Tourney was over fast enough to do a second one that same day.

All was well until there was NINE goddamned hellhounds, each with a life draining aura. Bit of a difficulty spike, and overall pretty high on the bullshit factor.

They give you a cup for 'humility' for winning a arena tournament for the first, then literally unleash hell on your in the next. Avedon really is the worst.

Curiously, Alex didn't have anything to say after the first tourney, and only that she enjoyed herself after (failing) the last.

For shits and giggles I did a standard human fighter match where Alex usually is.

Once I won, I was given a dog for winning the entire tournament, as if this battle just now, somehow triggered the victory for the tournament I got curbstomped at earlier.

Alex also doesn't seem to show any indication of having a kid earlier, if traveling to Amazonia from her was supposed to be an option.

Just got back to the second pair of not Steelwinds, but I'm not sure where to go from there next.

This is more of a plot and lore question regarding the summit of Dragon Isle, but:

This bit:

The peak of the Dragon Isles, giving you a fantastic view of the surrounding area, along with the smell of lavender that seems to grow freely here.

You stand at the summit of a high mountain, with Chaos watching you.

There is a shimmering light at one point that faces you no matter which direction you look at it from.

There is an option to speak to a faceless Chaos.
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Solid Snekk

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 5, 2017
3. That's right, I totally forgot that the PC was somehow oblivious to that.

4. Cool. Mostly I'm kinda thinking ahead, as the PC isn't the only adventurer, then obviously getting shagged until one goes crosseyed isn't the rarest of occurrence. So finding other adventurers in compromising situations seems par for course.

If anything, that makes for a great idea of a group of bandits that work as fake adventurers, preying on other would be heroes or hired hands when they are vulnerable.

7. Hm. Can give it a go. I'll backtrack through some various posts and consolidate the stupidly long list of random ideas in a PM, maybe to narrow down the direction or scope, haha. I write a lot of crap.

7b. This is kind of tied to 7c, but my impression for Monduval was it was almost a more open, relaxed free spirit merchant city sort of vibe. For example, you have kitsune roaming freely in the park, if they have been freed from the mountains and the gate fixed. If anything the bandit presence seemed oddly removed.

It might be the collection of schools, parks, and three central hubs, I suppose.

8a. Hm. It's true. Dear 'ol Dad may have to go off on another mission, be entirely hands off / oblivious, or something else. Will ponder a bit.

X. I guess my point or quandary is I'm not sure taking stuff from bandits *is* stealing. Like, let's say a quest is to recover a jewel encrusted silver dong statue the bandits yoinked. Would reclaiming the statue after giving them a sound thrashing then be considered theft?

It's a silly nitpick, but it's also kind of odd that when accepting the idea of victory loot from baddies you also accept the broad blanket of You want to commit crimes, excluding big ticket items that also need toggles like kidnapping, murder and rape.

X1. I'm not sure how nicely grape is going to interact with concepts such as combat sex. Goblin logic is if your ass can fight, your ass can fuck. Clearly, your foes are often eager enough to take advantage. Then again, writing a post battle interaction like that for every encounter also seems absurd.

Though the toggle mostly seems to be used in regard to home invasions and such.
3. Before the Chosen One PC died Annette's magic worked on them. You should get a little message about feeling her/Bill's aura when you talk to them until the PC has become "slutty" enough. Not sure what else to call it.

4. They sort of do that by tying up women in the forest and jumping people that try to save them.

7b/7c. Bandits is a vague term for the criminal element in Monduval. They operate more or less openly and when I get to them they're going to be running escort services and sex shows. The slavery status of the women is going to be pretty obvious and the PC can choose on what to do about it.

X. I am working on trying to fix the combat, combat rewards and adding in sexual combat. My current combat system is, as hard as I worked on it, rather shit. I hold no qualms for doing it over as I've done it before.

X1. By default sex combat will be turned off, but that does not stop enemies from raping nude PC's. Armor will be given status and it will be more difficult to be stripped if you are armored, depending on the armor. Nine goblins will be able to strip a lightly armored adventurer quite quickly, and so on.

Solid Snekk

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 5, 2017
1. Here's a odd one: Went to do the arena tournament. Took Alex as an ally, beat the Troll. Tourney was over fast enough to do a second one that same day.

2. All was well until there was NINE goddamned hellhounds, each with a life draining aura. Bit of a difficulty spike, and overall pretty high on the bullshit factor.

3. They give you a cup for 'humility' for winning a arena tournament for the first, then literally unleash hell on your in the next. Avedon really is the worst.

4. Curiously, Alex didn't have anything to say after the first tourney, and only that she enjoyed herself after (failing) the last.

5. For shits and giggles I did a standard human fighter match where Alex usually is.

Once I won, I was given a dog for winning the entire tournament, as if this battle just now, somehow triggered the victory for the tournament I got curbstomped at earlier.

6. Alex also doesn't seem to show any indication of having a kid earlier, if traveling to Amazonia from her was supposed to be an option.

7. Just got back to the second pair of not Steelwinds, but I'm not sure where to go from there next.

8. This is more of a plot and lore question regarding the summit of Dragon Isle, but:

This bit:

The peak of the Dragon Isles, giving you a fantastic view of the surrounding area, along with the smell of lavender that seems to grow freely here.

You stand at the summit of a high mountain, with Chaos watching you.

There is a shimmering light at one point that faces you no matter which direction you look at it from.

There is an option to speak to a faceless Chaos.
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1. I need to adjust match times then, it should last all day.

2. It is hilariously bullshit and I love it. The hellhound is the worst enemy in the arena and I hope more people hit it.

3. I think it works but if you somehow eat it should mention your cup and give you extra temp HP for it.

4. Alex, before winning with you, conceded the fight. It should be mentioned when you return after you get a reward.

5. It didn't clear the variables for that. Fixed.

6. It is unfinished. I have a lot on my plate that I'm trying to tie off at the moment.

7. I think that was a joke based on part of a quest I can't exactly remember. I'll take a look at it later.

8. Chaos gets her face back when helping Avee learn her powers in the southern forest. I just need to go through and update the references to Chaos and her picture.


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2017
Oh, as a melee type without heavy armor there is no way I'm beating that without cheesing the hell out of the Monastery for 10k martial skill or whatever. Those doggos absolutely rocked my shit.

That aura thing is absolutely something that should be able to be manipulated with learned powers or whatever.

Kobolds seem kinda borked, too. First you're told you can't sex them because reasons. Then you can't sex Lo, because other reasons. Then you can, somehow, bang one kobold at a time like the earlier scene with the sex not working, and Lo speaking, never happened.

Oh, and if you gain the portal thing to the island, it only leads to the top, so after you get the 'gift', you need to go back to the port and charter your way back to the island if you had something unfinished. Possibly cursing all the way.

I can't help but imagine
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New Member
Apr 26, 2023
Images won't load implies that either the image is named wrong or they don't exist. Is the image folder in the same folder as the qsp and qproj file? Your files should look like this picture I just sent. Also it's safe to ignore the txt file. That's just there for modding the game.

View attachment 3771051

also you are using QSP version 1.9?
yeah my files are like that and i am using QSP version 1.9 but it still doesn't load any images and also beds don't work it just gives an error message if i try to sleep anywhere


New Member
Jan 12, 2023
hey im stuck on the port of famine quest. im past the part where i did the wooden bars for the warehouse but i don't know what else to do.

Solid Snekk

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 5, 2017
1. Oh, as a melee type without heavy armor there is no way I'm beating that without cheesing the hell out of the Monastery for 10k martial skill or whatever. Those doggos absolutely rocked my shit.

2. That aura thing is absolutely something that should be able to be manipulated with learned powers or whatever.

3. Kobolds seem kinda borked, too. First you're told you can't sex them because reasons. Then you can't sex Lo, because other reasons. Then you can, somehow, bang one kobold at a time like the earlier scene with the sex not working, and Lo speaking, never happened.

4. Oh, and if you gain the portal thing to the island, it only leads to the top, so after you get the 'gift', you need to go back to the port and charter your way back to the island if you had something unfinished. Possibly cursing all the way.

5. I can't help but imagine
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1. I need the people to see that their OP characters are only dealing with things in Avedon. I, currently, do not have a way to show that giants exist in Primora and that packs of hellhounds roam the deserts of the Sultanate like wolves so having the player get wrecked in the arena is a step towards that.

2. The PC gets one of their own if they're a succubus.

4. The PC can use abilities to get down once they finish that quest. Catfolk don't take fall damage and can jump, the Acrobat class can climb up and down with no issues, and if you have wings you can fly. I'll make it so you can tie rope and climb down.

5. I'll add the Dragon Isle to things to mess with this update.


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2017
1. Mission accomplished! Although it makes you wonder how the fuck they got the hell doggos in there to begin with.

I keep trying to come at it with different styles, like a chosen one would be from a stance of 'this time, I'm playing a sword and board fighter', how would I do this legit?

2. True, but I was looking at it more like, how could the player train themselves to deal with / resist it? Such as a Paladin or Monk style purity of body / diamond soul sort of nonsense.

I mean, Silas Law fought these in the past and managed, for example. So there had to be means to resist and combat them in close quarters; the man used a spear.

The other horseman (Juste? The Cook. ) was just too angry to die and used dual swords or whatever.

William had to have some sort of trick, considering whom he was married to and all that.

4. Kind of wild that Acrobat is their own class. Most of the stuff they do I attribute others for. Falling long distances? Monk. Climbing walls? Thief. Running up walls (or even dashing along water at high level) Monks again. Performance stuff? Bard. etc. Losing both parents in a freak accident and being picked up a square chinned, masked crime fighter? ...Okay, Acrobats can have that one. (But technically the crime fighter is a martial artist, sooo...)

But the gargoyle quest giver statue hybrid is flipping adorable. I'll give her that.
Mar 23, 2022
yeah my files are like that and i am using QSP version 1.9 but it still doesn't load any images and also beds don't work it just gives an error message if i try to sleep anywhere
Okay, this might sound dumb but are you running the game or are you running the game through QSP? What I mean is if you double click the game to run it it might have issues. Where if you run the QSP engine then load the game it won't have those issues.

hey im stuck on the port of famine quest. im past the part where i did the wooden bars for the warehouse but i don't know what else to do.
If you aren't a ratkin or I think a fairy you need a batgirl. A batgirl will find a rat.

1. Mission accomplished! Although it makes you wonder how the fuck they got the hell doggos in there to begin with.

I keep trying to come at it with different styles, like a chosen one would be from a stance of 'this time, I'm playing a sword and board fighter', how would I do this legit?

2. True, but I was looking at it more like, how could the player train themselves to deal with / resist it? Such as a Paladin or Monk style purity of body / diamond soul sort of nonsense.

I mean, Silas Law fought these in the past and managed, for example. So there had to be means to resist and combat them in close quarters; the man used a spear.

The other horseman (Juste? The Cook. ) was just too angry to die and used dual swords or whatever.

William had to have some sort of trick, considering whom he was married to and all that.

4. Kind of wild that Acrobat is their own class. Most of the stuff they do I attribute others for. Falling long distances? Monk. Climbing walls? Thief. Running up walls (or even dashing along water at high level) Monks again. Performance stuff? Bard. etc. Losing both parents in a freak accident and being picked up a square chinned, masked crime fighter? ...Okay, Acrobats can have that one. (But technically the crime fighter is a martial artist, sooo...)

But the gargoyle quest giver statue hybrid is flipping adorable. I'll give her that.
1. Duh, that's easy. They went "Here doggy, doggy, doggy. Here's some nice malnurished steak for you." to lead it onto the boat and closed the door on the slave/intern unlucky enough to be luring it onto the boat.

2. One would assume that there would be either a class or armour that negates it. Or possibly a quest that gives immunity.

After all:

Silas Law had either armour or was immune because they are a true palidin

Juste The Cook (great name btw) was the same I think. If not they are similar enough that I'd say the cause is the same.

William is William. How he does stuff and why he does stuff is a mystery even to he's family.

4. I think you might be confusing monks with ninjas. Ninjas were often seen doing well those. Where monks were potraied as hand to hand gods. Monks didn't often do the extreme feats that ninjas did (like running on walls). They were more often shown as the one dude who'd take out a whole army with their bare hands. This is going by old school movies though. As new school stuff just does what ever it wants. Monk/ninja/samurai, same thing.


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2017
I'm not confusing nothin'. D&D nerd, DM, and player for over two decades here. Every silly edition. Ninja's could be considered either a rogue or monk style, but were typically stealth and pointy objects. Scary dangerous glass cannons. (They also get melted by lone Samurai. It's a critical weakness, unfortunately.)

Monks are the type that will perfect the same strike 10,000 times to master the ability to punch through a target, a wall, and the guy behind that wall. (Monk weapons do exist, and some of them are quite strong, but most eventually grow outclassed as the hand to hand die improved.)

Monks as a core class were running up and down walls, flipping through the air, deflecting missiles and chucking them back, becoming immune to every kind of poison and disease and saying 'nope' to fear and charm spells, regardless of the level.

They still typically got outclassed by pure Fighters, especially when you add magical weapons into the mix, but Monks had all sorts of really fun nonsense, as well as hyper mobility. So long as you had chi to burn, there was a lot of neat nonsense to be done.

One of the silliest combinations is a Centaur Monk, for example. In the later levels, monks can run up walls, so long as they don't stop. It doesn't matter what race they are. So clickity clomp, clomp, clomp up the castle wall they go. (Surviving to make it to those later levels could be tricky though, depending on how many ladders show up across the journey.)

Endgame, wizards and sorcerers are still the top of the pack, but that's just how it goes.
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