That is the problem in my opinion, QSP is not designed to include so much content, the dev is fixing the same bugs that pop up in each update over and over because some lines are fucking themselves up , I wonder how Solid Snekk haven't burned out from such an engine yet.
It gives me something to do, I guess. It took so long for me to add a Subscribestar because I wanted to prove I wasn't in it for some sort of monetary gain, this is a pet project I like working on.
1. If the books are useless after reading them. Or if they just sit there until needed then probably best to have the ledger seperate. The ledger is used too much and is used in such a different way from the sounds of it.
2. So now I have to read to learn on top of me needing to eat and sleep? What next, I'll need to ask fo permission before enteing homes as a vampire? Or possibly bath for general health reasons.
2a. That was a joke mostly. I was wondeing now that you have to read spell books to learn, which is fine. Does that mean youu no longer need someone special to teach you about it's content. For example Death teaching you about the blue book or Avee teaching you about the grey book/collars.
3. That sounds more like a dossier or possibly a diary. Not exactly lore but I guess it works.
4. Will that include less friendly but still welcomed people. Like for example let's say we theoretically had a thief follower, they are a human, would they be allowed? Just hypothetical of course because I don't know of any followers like that. Makes me wonder how the school would react if they found out that their hot best friend/classmate was a hot undead dressed up in heavy makeup. Sort of Zombie Land Saga style.
5. So you're telling me that someone that stable doesn't come from the upper crust? Honestly fair move, would also explain why the caregiver is so broken already.
5a. unrelated but why was the graveyard and church separated? Just curious.
6. So even though the PC owns the place or at least runs it completely. They can't enter that one room? Sounds like a challenge to me. On second thought I'm pretty sure Yvee would some how destroy me, my soul and some how death too if I tried. And that's if she's feeling nice.
1. Some books, like the Black, Gray and Blue books, give spells or new abilities. The other books are contraband and can get you arrested.
* If you're a vampire working for the City Guard and you have a warrant to enter a home, are you able to enter the home?
* Vampirism is on hold until I can add the code for sex because, as a vampire, you'll need permission to come inside.
* I had a third one but I'm blanking on it.
3. I dunno, I want to give as much information as I can so people don't ask here how or why something is the way it is when I can have your journal tell you.
4. Yes, you can enroll the zombie gf in the school eventually and, once you find Yvee, get her employed as a teacher.
5. I added a few hints as to what happened to Aspen but they were locked in books and papers, and an off comment by Basket.
5a. The city sank during the collapse, but the Temple is still at the original elevation. It'll make storming the Temple at the end of Act 1 a slog instead of sneaking in through the graveyard. Also most dead are burned rather than buried so the gravyard is often just ignored. It's why no-one cares about Osirus. The Acrobat will be able to enter the Temple through the graveyard though, or if you get wings.
6. I'll have a scene of the PC entering it eventually and getting wrecked by fox magic.