Review version: "Final"
Very little art (five variants of the protagonist in all), the story has no rhyme nor reason, the writing itself is incredibly basic, the gameplay is so straightforward and puzzles so simple it might as well be screaming the solution directly in your face, the closest thing this has for a challenge is the amount of grind you're going to have to do, as enemies later on hit hard damage and your starting total HP is a whooping 100 (which can be increased by 30 for every few battles' worth of gold).
Oh, and yes, there is no actual sex here. Just the aforementioned standing art of the protagonist and some writing (which, again, is very basic).
Constructive criticism, or how to improve this into a game worth playing in a few simple steps:
1. Add art for at least each of the failure scenes as well as the game completion scene. It's a grand total of five images all in all, and I'm not saying they have to be superbly drawn or animated or whatever, just have something to go along with the text.
2. Add more puzzles and make them more difficult. The only fun puzzle you had was the time puzzle early on. The second quarter of the game just saw you sustain a certain enemy's attacks a sufficient number of times (since healing has zero cooldown and you're probably overstatted from the first wing, you literally just stand there doing nothing 'till the head gets transformed, kill, go restore everything, repeat), the third wing saw you clicking cobwebs hidden-object-style, and the last one was when the game officially gave up and just tossed a series of fights at the player.
3. Once the player has been transformed a certain way, just let him interact with the environment that needs that transformation. It's so gosh-darn tedious to go, get one transform, eliminate one bit of environment (open a door or eliminate a plant or whatever) only to have to go get a different one. Yes, you can instantly transform into multiple things, and that's nice, until you realize that enemies will immediately try to transform you all into one thing if you get into a fight. It's boring and tedious, so cut it out of the game.
4. Even with everything mentioned above, the run time is pathetically short if you cut out repeatedly killing the basic enemies over and over for stat ups (which, again, isn't optional; you just won't have the health or damage to go into the later wings without it) and going back and forth because "Oh no! One enemy got into combat with you and their first sodding move was to transform the one part that you needed them not to!". So perhaps add another two wings. It'll also mean you gotta draw more art, but then, you barely did any of that.