Video files causing Wine to crash


Jul 9, 2017
I've managed to have a decent amount of success running VNs in Wine on my Mac, but time and time again the program just runs into a wall when it comes to any sort of videos (openings/cutscenes/credits/etc.) that play automatically during the games. I only have a basic knowledge when it comes to creating prefixes, so most of the time I try to track down any video files and delete them from the game folder. This bypasses the problem sometimes, but in cases where these videos aren't skippable the VN will force Wine to shut down. I'll be able to load a previous save but never get past the point where the scene plays, making progression impossible. I was wondering if anyone that uses Wine has come across this issue, and if any workaround exists other than deleting the files.

I know running VNs on a Mac isn't optimal in the first place, but its my only option. If there's some sort of universal method to creating prefixes or wrappers so they are capable of handling video files, I'd be grateful to know.
May 24, 2017
As a mac user, I tend to avoid Wine, I use Crossover or VMWare and just run an VM of windows, I found that Ren'py usually runs great under Crossover, So just some options to look at.


Jul 9, 2017
I don't have any issues getting Ren'Py games to run at all, it is just VNs that fall under the "Others" tag (updated OP to hopefully make this clear). I've looked into Crossover a little bit and it seems like it functions almost identically to Wine, creating bottles for .exe files and making it so they can run on Mac. I might give it a try just to see if it can successfully play videos, though.

I'm trying to avoid using a virtual machine due to the fact that they can use up quite a bit of memory. I'd use one as a last resort if there was something that I was absolutely dying to play and I couldn't get anything to work at all. Costs do play a factor here, and Wine is nice because its free. I'll keep trying to find a workaround before ditching it completely, as it seems to function properly except for video files.
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Oct 26, 2017
Did you find a solution for this? I have the same problem trying to play Rpg maker games under Wine, with random crashes here and there, It's really frustrating. I feel your pain :FeelsBadMan:


Jul 9, 2017
I'm trying as best as I can, and if I get something to work I'll be sure to post it here. Its just a lot of trial and error right now with potential fixes that I find on Wine HQ and whatnot, but nothing has been successful yet.

Fingers crossed that someone will read this post and magically have a blanket solution. I have a bad feeling this is a case by case basis depending on what game you're trying to play.
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