Unreal Engine Virago - (Foot Fetish Femdom Bully Game In Unreal Engine)


Apr 17, 2020

I'm working on a new game in Unreal that I have big plans for.
Want to make the game kind of in the same style as the cult classic Bully from Rockstar. But instead you play as a strange and fierce girl named Ashley.
I just finished texturing the girl's dorm where Ashley has her own room, she can sleep in, place/store items and play "nasty" pranks on her classmates, sometimes for money offered to her by other weird kids, just for revenge or simply fun.

Little bit later on in the game we want her to meet with a really smart dorky genius which she finds in her room in a compromising position during one of the missions, "doing things" to her shoes. Eventually the dorky boy ends up strongly in love with the main protagonist and makes amazing weapons that Ashley can use to take over the school and later on the entire city.

This is the story in short:

You play as Ashley Vorontsova, a strange girl with a noble/aristocratic past. With no friends, starting her first year at college and tired of living in a large dilapidated castle left to her by her grandparents that fled to America during the Soviet era, she mostly keeps to herself. Her father, once a successful businessman and fed up with his wife's daily secretive nightly outings left the American dream for the countryside back in his homeland, hitting the bottle hard and trying to pay off his never ending debts and annual property costs in the US, to try to give his daughter the life he never had. Her mother that left the family life in search of something more fulfilling and luxurious decided to pursue a more "spiritual" journey with countless yoga instructors and their promises of eternal enlightenment. Leaving their 18 year old daughter to fend for herself in Capitalist America with the ever increasing wealth gap. Until a dorky boy shows up on her doorstep one day..

The Virago game will be this ever-growing, expansive 3D, story-focused adventure/exploration game with lots of femdom/footdom based story-telling. Use the infinitely immeasurable dorky genius of your knowledgeable friend to break the boundaries of science, understand the meaning behind light and dark, creative versus conscientious, angelic versus satanic, UNDER-STAND the mind of Alpha brain waves versus Beta waves, the male versus the female and the dominant versus the submissive. The critical Beta and rational logical mind under the standing of the creative flow of new information through the concentrated Alpha waves being put out through the soles of the feet of the Virago, "a strong woman with "manly" capabilities/energies. Creating this electric spark in the mind of the trampled Beta waved individual giving rise to new breakthroughs and eurekagasm's. Find new and better ways to trap the genius juice from your feet imbued with Alpha waved energies in shoes/socks or whatever you come across, let your dorky friend rise to his full potential by trampling him, using your socks on him or by letting him have his way with your lower extremities. Use the breakthroughs he invents to your advantage to get rich and powerful and ascend to heights never thought possible.

In the game lots of the "starting weapons" will be crafted from Ashley's socks or the socks of the girl's staying at the girl's dorm, you can turn them into lethal weaponry to either humiliate your opponents or make them pass out by stinking up their rooms. As the game will progress the dorky genius will invent the "shrink ray", with this you'll be putting your enemies closer to the floor and end them with a single step. Or if you feel like prolonging their suffering, put them in your shoes and feel them slowly breath their last as you walk on their broken bodies.

Make friends, make enemies, be careful and climb to the top..this game will be a long journey.
But I really want your feedback and hear your thoughts, let me know what you think.
I'll try posting here about the game's development every month to keep you all up to date. :)
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Apr 17, 2020
The game is slightly more complex in the way it works, I didn't want to take the simple fetish giantess crushing route, that get's uninteresting way too quickly, I always enjoyed it when there is a reason to it all, I wanted there to be a story and a reason for the things that occur in game.

In the game elitist "science" comes up with a term to decribe different class people because of the wealth gap, the elites start to want to differ from the (average common rats) they view as lowly workers. So they come up with two terms: The hallow's and the hollow's". The hollow's tend to be great learners because their soul's potential is rather low thus allowing the body to fully experience and understand the outer world and it's physical behaviors and traits. Hallow's on the other hand tend to be creative with their high soul potential in everything they do, they hate/abhor working, rather want others to do it and also have an untapped potential with which they can do actual infinite magic though because of their lazy nature it has remained lost knowledge for thousands of years. Though the elite's know this, they prefer to keep this information a secret, which they've been profoundly good at for multiple centuries now.

Ashley has a dorky genius science "friend" that's madly in love with her, he's a really good learner but mostly only knows the in's and out's of science, the physical and it's inner workings, he's a "hollow", good order following potential wage slave. He's not very creative which requires a more "free spirited" individual or a "hallow" which is described later on in game what it (exactly means), that has an abundance of creative and sexual energy that flows from her soul towards the sole of the feet because of "gravity". And get's released into the earth, usually. Lot's of people don't know this but it's wasted potential for the hollow's since their knowledge of the physical fuelled with the creative output of the hallow's creates "mediocare" lesser magic also known as science which makes the so called "impossible" become more than possible.

Here is where the shrink ray and giantess part comes in, Ashley will use the shrink ray to do the worst kind of things..this will be a secret for now.

So her size starts off normal, she's not quite the average schoolgirl, meaning she's brutal, mean, but at the same time likes to help people she feels are truly in need. But when it comes to the people doing her wrong or if there's good money to be made, she won't hesitate to drop everything and humiliate, brutally hurt or even cruelly murder the ones standing in her way. Her main objective is to find some way to pay off the family debt, get rich and go back to the life she feels she was meant to be having until the Soviet era came along and prosecuted everyone who had the slightest amount of money set aside and especially anyone that was an aristocrat got the death sentence. In America where she feels the system is already set in stone with the illusion of a fair and just system, she's angry and feels as though she and her family have been thrown to the dogs. Her elite pride runs in her genes which tends to become quite the toxic mix in the broken depth's of her soul..and thus her wrath awakens to put everything in their rightful place, which in her mind is beneath her, right underneath the sole of her majestic foot.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2019
Oh this has potential I'm interested! Will follow and potentially support this very closely!

Tough I will hold my enthusiasm for now until you have a playable demo, but I like the concept. Also very refreshing to know that this will be real time 3D too, we don't often get much of those games, let alone quality ones.

As for the feet fetishism, could you please elaborate on what specific types of it that your game will include? You described giantess and sock/smell, but I wonder if there will also be foot licking, tickling, body stepping and dom, and ofcourse can't forget normal footjob and stuff.

Oh and will there be some lesbian feet content? That would be lovelly too.


'Dirth ma, harellan. Ma banal enasalin. Mar solas'
Dec 9, 2017
Viraginis you can click 'insert' and select 'media' and post the youtube link there and the video will show up here rather than the link. :)




Apr 17, 2020
Oh this has potential I'm interested! Will follow and potentially support this very closely!

Tough I will hold my enthusiasm for now until you have a playable demo, but I like the concept. Also very refreshing to know that this will be real time 3D too, we don't often get much of those games, let alone quality ones.

As for the feet fetishism, could you please elaborate on what specific types of it that your game will include? You described giantess and sock/smell, but I wonder if there will also be foot licking, tickling, body stepping and dom, and ofcourse can't forget normal footjob and stuff.

Oh and will there be some lesbian feet content? That would be lovelly too.
Thank you for the interest!! <3
There will be almost every kind of foot fetish scenario imagineable especially femdom/footdom ones.
The main fetish will always be foot fetish because the story revolves around it, I want her to be cold and harsh with her enemies, she believes they're unworthy of being near her higher "privates". So the fetishes that will get explored will be: foot fetish, dirty feet, smelly feet, trampling, sneakers, high heels, barefoot, socks, humiliation, femdom, footdom, findom, giantess, shrinking, crush, slaves, maybe even foot fetish cucking of her enemies. The end goal of her doing this is to bully money out of her foes to rebuild the elite life she believes she was born to have.Though some enemies might "try" to do more to her, but let's leave the "try" to her tryhard classmates who are bound to fail, they just don't know it yet.....unless? :)

Honestly I planned Lesbian feet content but Ashley herself in the story is a typical Russian hardcore hetreosexual girl with a mean streak, though she might not be into having "sex" with other girls, she likes to humiliate them, especially if she finds out they actually have a thing for her. She wants to feel as a Queen, a ruler and everyone regardless of their sex and or sexual preferences needs to submit to her.

But there will be lots of competition because Ashley isn't the only dominant girl at school and society.
The female enemy factions will absolutely try hurt the reputation Ashley has, especially with other girls you’ll be fighting/competing for your popularity/respect, they’ll try to humiliate you, if they succeed they will take selfie’s while they making fun of you and post it on social media, this could hurt your status as “queen” thus also hurt your authority and your “slaves” will become more disobedient which will result in you making less money. So all this has it’s consequences. So there will be Lesbian stuff implemented but not in the common way it tends to be done. :)
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Engaged Member
Apr 2, 2018
After reading the OP my 1st thought was that I'd like to play as Ashley's sidekick ;) I love the idea of foot focused game (and the fact that giantess fetish will play a small[er?] part in it), but at the same time I'm not sure how much fun I'll have playing as the girl doing the humiliating stuff to others. I do however really like the pics you posted, especially the one with the boy in the classroom, but again I'd prefer to be him and not Ashley. I will - of course - definitely check out the game when you'll release it and I wish you good luck with such an ambitious project!
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Apr 17, 2020
After reading the OP I got my 1st thought was that I'd like to prefer as Ashley's sidekick ;) I love the idea of foot focused game (and the fact that giantess fetish will play a small[er?] part in it), at the same time I'm not sure how much fun I'll have playing as the girl doing the humiliating stuff to others. I also really like the pics you posted, especially the one with the boy in the classroom, but again I'd prefer to be him and not Ashley. I will - of course - definitely check out the game when you'll release it and I wish you good luck with such an ambitious project!
You need to look at the game differently you're not Ashley, you're helping Ashley become a Queen. But I know what you mean though. :D
The sidekick you speak of is her weapons dealer, he get's all the feet in his face haha, he's Ashley's closest "friendzoned" friend. I understand that you prefer to play the victim role, the one being abused by the girls. I also thought about a future project which will have the same graphics and gameplay, if not better but focused on a male detective getting strange cases that "smell funny". If you know what I mean. It will be a mystery game. But that's far off for now. I need to get this game going first, maybe even expand to a real company before starting to think on making more games like these.

I'm a one girl team right now lol!
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Engaged Member
Apr 2, 2018
male detective getting strange cases that "smell funny". If you know what I mean.
Sounds like a foot fetish version of Detective Masochist, only better. I'd definitely play that.

Wish you all best of luck with the projects and the company.


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2019
Well that's all I needed to hear really!

I love the focus solely on feet fetish, and the range of kinks within the fetish that you've described sounds great.

Also regarding Ashley, welp it is fine that she is straight because despite that it seems that she will do lots of feet humiliation/domming to other girls (and maybe receive as well? since they are competing) and I'm super ok with that!

I'm very hyped and will wait patiently for the 1st playable demo! Good luck to you and your team!


Apr 17, 2020
Well that's all I needed to hear really!

I love the focus solely on feet fetish, and the range of kinks within the fetish that you've described sounds great.

Also regarding Ashley, welp it is fine that she is straight because despite that it seems that she will do lots of feet humiliation/domming to other girls (and maybe receive as well? since they are competing) and I'm super ok with that!

I'm very hyped and will wait patiently for the 1st playable demo! Good luck to you and your team!
I'm glad it's to your liking. :D

We went with straight Ashley because we didn't want to give off the impression that she enjoys being humiliated by other girls which is one of the game's mechanics, she hates it, that's why other girls will try to humiliate her even worse, forcing their feet in her mouth or choking her with their socks, tying her up, dragging her to isolated locations to humiliate her even more and for longer until Ashley either breaks free or loses consciousness only to wake up with humiliating posts/pictures of her on social media making fun of the so called "Queen". She even hates it if men try to dominate her. She has this extreme sense of pride and only wants to do the dominating herself, she doesn't care who or what she's dominating, she just wants to stand tall, taller than anyone else. She only cares about her family and getting her life together to live life as an Elite, the way she feels she was meant to. She's a rare breed, her actual sexual fantasy that turns her on immensely is to protect the ones she cares about by crushing her enemies in vile ways, because of the immense love she feels for the ones that need protecting. Part of her backstory is that as a kid she used to go to graveyards, taking off her shoes and socks, stepping on the gravestones of the deceased, trying to imagine her as the Queen walking through a battlefield of the fallen who tried to invade her kingdom. She made sure to step on every gravestone until her dad caught her doing this one day and got angry with her, telling her how disrespectful it was to do such a thing. But this fantasy stayed with her and so did the excitement.
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Aug 4, 2019
She sounds like an interesting character, and I'd love to play as a female protagonist like this! (even though I'm not too much of a foot fetish person - I do love luxurious shoes hee hee - but I would enjoy the power dynamics) Good luck!


Apr 17, 2020
She sounds like an interesting character, and I'd love to play as a female protagonist like this! (even though I'm not too much of a foot fetish person - I do love luxurious shoes hee hee - but I would enjoy the power dynamics) Good luck!
She's totally sadistic, wanting to be the Queen and Boss of everyone. I got lots of interesting ideas there. ))
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Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2019
Right, this game can end up becoming legendary based on the concept... but it can also end up being all talk and no substance.

That's why I'll be cautious and keep my hype in check for now. Once a playable demo is out and we can experience first hand and feel how it plays, then I'll make a proper judgment.


Engaged Member
Apr 2, 2018
That looks pretty good actually, if the action will be fun to play and the story engaging I think I could enjoy it as an action game no matter the erotic content. It kind of reminded me of Assassin's Creed: Syndicate (but I guess mostly because it's the only game where I preferred to play as a female MC), unfortunetely the action was extremely repetitive in ASC and instead of finishing the game I was bored out of it. Here's hoping (and wishing) that your game will more fun.