VN - Others - Completed - Virgin Roster [Final] [ZyX]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    In 1 sentence: A very straightforward nukige with very dislikable MC. At all the game is very short with a few choices ... easy to navigate your route/ "or who u want to hunt". The artist artwork is beautiful. The sex scenes although only few ,are top-notch, the voice acting is also so nice.

    There is nothing wrong with the game, except the MC is not very much on my taste. And it's not that he's awkwardly build, it's just the game's plot. He is narcissistic asshole who rape, and find deep pleasure in what he is doing. I don't judge the developer plot, actually it is very real story, there is people like this irl, and people who would love this game just because this.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Virgin Roster is a visual novel about a person who is pretty much a douchebag. The game doesn't have a whole lot of choices - mostly what girl you want to "hunt".

    The H scenes were good, but the story was sort of slow and the MC was both cringy and a douche.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    this game felt like an Elliot Rogers Incel Dream Simulator and I just couldn't get past how full-on cringe the main character is. but the art style and animations were well done, as well as the translation. i wouldn't mind playing one of the blackmailed/corruption driven females, but this MC is just a total dickhead. i get that these people exist, but i have no desire to spend time with one during my fap sessions.

    the 2 stars are 2 very good stars, as again, the art style, sounds, and translation was all top tier. but the MC is such an incredible turn off who is mean and cruel to nice people for no reason at all is just ridiculous. there's also very little choice in your actions and the game abruptly ends when you think you're just getting into it.

    i've already deleted this off my computer and now need to go take a scalding shower to try to cleanse myself of the experience.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Virgin Roster aka when ZyX protags are assholes... sometimes XD

    This game is pretty straightfoward and is really no-holds-barred either in portraying your PoV character as a capable, narcissistic asshole. Thing is though, he can get away with it because he's good looking and cunning.

    The various targets he has ranges from demure wallflowers to strong willed women who'd sooner bite off his dick if he doesn't break them first.

    Also, as a nifty bonus, as with all ZyX titles illustrated by the very talented Keiji Mutou, certain H scenarios have animation, which was one of ZyX's best selling points.

    Overall, this is a decent nukige that is propelled by it's good art. It ain't Shakespeare with it's various scenarios, but nukige never tends to be anyway XD