I have a suggestion. If there's any obvious dependencies it needs like scamp or riddler skins, it can narrow down the search dramatically. I keep thinking it's similar to pogdaddy's art and she looks korean so looking on the korean VAM thread (arca?) might work. You might even just try posting on VamHub and see if it jogs anyone's memory there?
As i mentioned, this request comes from the old vam thread that was closed. No clues, no info about anything related to this look there, i also posted on VamHub a feel days after making this thread, asking if anyone knew this look, any info, i mentioned that "I've found this image on google", and the only reply was asking for the source of this image, so, as far as i know, the hub community despises this forum, so i did not mention the "original" source for the image ( the old vam thread, also no mention of original source there either...).
And i've also searched arca, no luck either, and at this point, this is a lost cause...
I really wanted this one, but, we can't have everything, and that's ok.