Seeking Virtual Strip/Virtual Poker Games


Oct 25, 2020
How to use the cheatcode:
If you enter the cheat code during the game, it will say 'CHEATS ON' at the bottom left. From then on, you can see your opponent's cards by pressing Q and adjust your own cards by pressing 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5...
But of course the game is much more exciting if you don't use cheats.....
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Jun 27, 2022
It is good to know that there are more forums that share news about Torquemada's Video Strip Poker :)
Hello Rhodanaj, and welcome to this thread. I know your name from rarityguide (for example ) because I absolutely love Video Strip Poker HD. I was searching Internet and find out this game by accident, and after that I was more and more curious. Eventually I went on rarityguide, but registration prompt was broken on website, so in desperation I was driven in here. My "investigation" was full blown in December and january, and during that time I discover some things (as you can see in prev post). I know , I know, 'hacking" game is not morally and if all people will only do piracy then don't have money for another girls... but to my knowledge ... that doing absolutely fine and there is no signs to stop ;D And I as many will love to play strip poker with one of hundreds of girls.
BTW I try your program to convert from format to avi, and it work. So thanks for that !
But at this moment I still want to work out only one thing - how to register in game that I have 'access' to specific file, lets say Lovenia( bc she have DEMO, and I want to swap full version file) to the same location and play it? There is something sneaky with Edge player in background, and constant checking the internet connection for legitimate list of 'what is on account and what not' ,but since I am enthusiast ,not professional, i do not have idea what is going on?

I know It was time when some guy Budger on some other website get like 'machine id' and crack it so account have all access to girls. but he don't do it now. Poor people like me have to walk around the app to even play anything at all XD

So yeah, once more, Good you are here Rhodanaj :D If you know how to make things (anything at this point) work, please tell me



Oct 25, 2020
Hello Daniel !
Thank you :) for this nice welcome !
I found this game in 2005 when I was searching at Sharez org for some crowd pleasers. The Classic game with the Absentia crack did a good job with it. When Sharez went offline I got to W4Club eu and i did learn a lot more about this game, like how to remove the XOR codes at the start of the VS4 files to get the avi file from it. W4Club went also offline and then I found Rarityguide. This is working fine for some years now, but at the moment nobody can make an account there .... I did try to contact the site about this for several times, but I never got an answer, nor did they fix the problem. Perhaps Rarityguide will not be open for long either ... Someone from this forum invited me to this site and then I noticed that I already had an account here :)


Oct 25, 2020
Just to be clear: I don't have a crack for this game and I have no desire to make one. As Kdaniel111 said, Torquemada won't appreciate it if everyone can play the opponents without having to pay for it.

However, there was indeed someone ( FunnyLookingBadger3 ) who created a well-functioning program for the Classic and Supreme games that calculated the activation code when you gave him your computer code (created by the poker game). He was able to do this by going through the poker game step by step until he arrived at the calculation for the activation code. He did this more for fun and recognition than to actually be able to play all opponents for free. He never made this program public (as far as I know). The codes he created were such that all opponents can be activated, both previously released and yet to be released. However, every time when you get a new computer (or even just a new boot disk ), you needed a new code...
But of course it is good to know that there is a universal code for your computer that is valid for every opponent!

He has also created activation codes for Poker HD, but every time when you play HD and you are connected to the internet, a new code is requested. This happens automatically when you have purchased the opponents, but for offline activation you need a new code...

At one point Badger got fed up with all those requests for codes from all those new and old 'friends' so he gave up...
I can't blame him for this... :) Of course he also had a life besides generating codes for others .... :)


Oct 25, 2020
at this moment I still want to work out only one thing - how to register in game that I have 'access' to specific file, lets say Lovenia( bc she have DEMO, and I want to swap full version file) to the same location and play it? There is something sneaky with Edge player in background, and constant checking the internet connection for legitimate list of 'what is on account and what not' ,but since I am enthusiast ,not professional, i do not have idea what is going on?
Like you say, poker HD is checking, everytime when you are online. So even when you would find a way to activade her offline, you would have to stay playing this game offline....


Jun 27, 2022
Like you say, poker HD is checking, everytime when you are online. So even when you would find a way to activade her offline, you would have to stay playing this game offline....

ooooooch, so that's it.. two codes, one for online and one for offline play... strange but for sure working to 'guard' this app. To be honest with you, at very first I wan's going to crack whole game to play infinite opponents, but really play very few probably multiple time OFFLINE. So my biggest interest was co somehow find checking code line in json files and edit it, or remove it, so I could play already downloaded free opponents -and those that I mentioned from very beginning to I think 17 in row, working fine when you start it from source vs4 files, so no verification, BUT it not appear in library, yet you can still play whole poker. My limited internet at that time was crashing on left and right, so even when I was able to run opponents, I can't actually play since constant internet checking. Then I was bugging out PC app in various ways - like F5, and putting specific numbers in code verification, or closing parts of Edge Player, or even directing files to real Edge browser so I can obscure play in browser window, ... but nothing works for more than 5 sec, due to " no access on this file, contact support''.

Yeah I do understand FunnyLookingBadger3. I was looking into it when I was 'educating myself' and at first it was fun and all, but after it was like 50 request from guest per post... I don't blame FunnyLookingBadger3 for not responding any more.

I was shocked when I found out that opponents are tied up to emails and accounts rather actually presents of file in hard drive. Thanks to someone on this site, I and some other, could play a little on shared email with different opponents than already claimed codes that everyone know already ;D

I love this game. btw when i was looking into game files, i was shocked to learn that Torquemada is ... polish project. I am also from Poland. I knew they are from Europe, but in some way them being from Poland make my a little more happy XD
Yet I am too poor to buy every code
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Oct 25, 2020
So, I don't know why, BUT aparentlly , you can actually download whole vs4 from web source, and paste in respective folder, and for some really really earlt vids it actually work !
It's interesting to know why these numbers work and the others don't...


Oct 25, 2020
I was shocked when I found out that opponents are tied up to emails and accounts rather actually presents of file in hard drive.
Toquemada had good security with their activation code, but as Badger showed, it can be discovered if you put the time and effort into it.
The security with an email address is better in a way that someone has to make his (her) email address, together with the opponents, public if he (she) wants others to be able to play this game for free...
This of course also means that at some point he (she) can no longer play the game because there are already too many people playing the game with this email at the same time...


Oct 25, 2020
I love this game. btw when i was looking into game files, i was shocked to learn that Torquemada is ... polish project. I am also from Poland. I knew they are from Europe, but in some way them being from Poland make my a little more happy XD
Yet I am too poor to buy every code
I know several people from Poland and in my country (the Netherlands) we see them as real hard and good-working professionals, who are becoming extinct among our own people...
So you can be proud to be from Poland :)
The opponents cost something like 6 euros each, but to purchase all the HD opponents, you quickly end up with about 2000 euros .... And that is indeed a lot of money ...


Oct 25, 2020
I did reread some messages that i got from Badger and this will be still interesting (I told him about my cheat code tool for the Supreme girls):
FunnyLookingBadger3 To Rhodanaj
Posted Tue Apr 10, 2018 1:15 pm
Subject Re: HD Poker girls
Hi there - sorry for the late reply.... I dont often read the PMs.

Good to hear from you. Did you make the Supreme cheat tool? Nice to meet a fellow reverser if so Smile

I did something similar for myself (I created a full tool for cheats, extracting stuff from VS4 files and interacting with servers). HD calculates cheats slightly differently - the VS4 files still have the {aaaaaa....} string but cheats dont use it, instead using the girl's unique opponent id. Not sure why they did that.

tbh, HD can be cracked quite easily by rebuilding the opponent's as 'demo'.... I've done it but not uploaded. The keygen works but needs patching too because there is server auth and some binary is downloaded at auth time..... again, you can fool it but takes some memory patching/exe patches which I haven't bothered to release.

Have fun!
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Oct 25, 2020
An other way, of course, to play poker with all the opponents, is to make a game of your own and use the videos in this game. There is someone who did already a good job with this. I did invite him to this site too. :)
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Mad Eddie

New Member
Oct 11, 2021
Hi peeps,

I have been able to write a program which extracts all the videos for any of the models on the site. I then was able to build my own VERY SIMPLE poker game (best of 3) to play any of them. Amazingly I recently discovered that I deleted the game part and only have the video downloader! I have started to try to remake the game now so if anyone enjoys writing Angular then give me a shout :)


Jun 27, 2022
Welcome Mad Eddie To our even more interesting circle of "Virtual Strip Poker HD" community. Now that you here we see more clearly things are possible, when you speak about 'remaking the game ;D Let's the big brain fusion ;D XD

ok so, Rhodanaj, you asked " It's interesting to know why these numbers work and the others don't... " well, first of all, it might be very simple that they are the oldest and do not have protection implemented correctly, or even without protection - you simply pull out freshly downloaded Tori.vs4 into the 4001 folder, and then on the file "open with VSPHD" it will simply run. However, it will run ONLY like that, and it will not be present in app library...HOWEVER if you will gain hearts on that opponent, it will be visible in the 'shop-> Tori' section.
Also, I want to point that out that, in the very first try you do that (it works from 4001 -4015 i think) in the app window it will be information 'formatting file' (or something like that), and after that it will be playing without any information. If you will do that pasting into folder method with other, it will say you don't have access. I do believe they have less protection and I tryed re-formatting this files like with Lovenia, and still have no access information.

So I try other things. Mostly I try ... well "different version of VSPHD", and that is simply Torquemada web app. Did you know that in the PC version you only have what you have ACCESS, but in the web app, you can have ANY opponent yet in the DEMO version. Because it is online all the time and linked to server you can play with Demo version any girl. In that case I was wandering in the HTML code of the website app. And, Och boy, it is messy. I do not have any idea of java script (that would help me greatly) so I only focus on the 'player'. I wonder If I or anyone else could find something interesting in that ;D
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Mad Eddie

New Member
Oct 11, 2021
I appreciate you are talking about the game so all I can add is that the videos used by the online game are all unsecured and there is no secret protection happening online at least. You just need to know the format of the file paths to each little video clip and their naming strategy. Trouble is - you then lose the Poker part which is enjoyable - thus my writing of the game
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May 8, 2024
It's been a while since I've played around with reverse engineering this game, but here are some things you guys might find interesting:
The game is programmed in C# (.NET Framework) and is protected with .NET Reactor (an obfuscator). I'm not sure about the latest version of the game, but you can deobfuscate it with NETReactorSlayer and decompile/debug it with dnSpy. Variables and methods have random names, so you have to figure out what they are and rename those. Unfortunately I couldn't manage to save source maps, so I had to start from scratch every time.

Rhodanaj I also wrote my own 'vs4 player' and figured out why you're getting artifacts with 4338-ginger.
You XOR the first 1499999 bytes, but it should be the first 1500000 bytes. When you change the byte at address 0016E360 from 8A to 20 you should see no artifacting.

You can't easily crack this game because whenever you pick a girl in the game, it sends a request to TQ's servers to check if your email has access and replies with a list of every possible move and its start and end offset in the video file.
I managed to make an emulated server which intercepts all trafic to TQ (changed the .HOSTS file to redirect to and figured out what to reply to the client. The only issue I have/had is that I need the offsets of all moves for all girls.

However, because the online app only asks for an email you can use someone else's and figure out the offsets with some javascript. The number of moves are in JS variable: tabSekwencja.glen. You can find the start and stop offset with tabSekwencja.startframe(i) and tabSekwencja.stopframe(i) where i is the number of the move.
With some Google-fu I managed to find some emails of their employees and some users who post on forums or their Disqus. I got access to a lot of girls that way (I'm sorry Rhodanaj, but you're easily Google-able). I then partially automated extracting all offsets and saved them to a file. I'm now at 218 girls that I can play 'offline'. :KEK:

Not sure if I'm ever going to release it though, but maybe I've given enough hints for someone else to create an emulated server.


Oct 25, 2020
Welcome Brasz!
I once created a program for an animal boarding facility and I also protected it with an obfuscator. The result after deobfuscating looked safe enough to me. So I know how much work you still had to put into reverse engineering for a program like this game.

I've always wondered why it was 1499999 bytes and not 1500000 which would make more sense. But I got this number through W4Club and I just created a program around it. Thank you, I will adjust it!!!!

I think kdaniel111 and Mad Eddie will be happy with this info about the start and end offset!

..... years ago, when I created my nickname, I never thought that it could be traced back to my own name.... :cool:
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New Member
May 10, 2024
hi to all,
for anyone interested in strip poker games I have created an opensource game and engine that is named Kiss Strip Poker , the main goal is to make anyone capable to build own strip poker games easily. Actually are available some opponents using some material found on internet but would be easily possible to create opponents using Strip Poker HD opponent, of course clip must be uncrypted and must be worked as described in the Kiss Strip Poker website and github page. I hope this info would be useful, in any case I don't want to make damage to Strip Poker HD so I encourage to produce these videos games with self produced material as someone as already done, results can be better than torquemada opponents who in my opinion act in an unnatural and standard-boring way... IMHO of course.