2 months of silence from the dev for almost 0 change and almost no real bug fixes
Meanwhile commenting is disabled on their patreon. Not that it would matter because actual criticism before was always met with a "fuck you, I do what I want, people will pay anyway and defend me for anything".
Not to mention pricing has doubled and the dev keeps people hooked by promising a rework of the visual shapeshifting menus for over a year and other fake promises.
I stopped paying when we got into a discussion with the dev about ass to mouth. Basically his argument was that it is too risky. He refuses to add a task editor to have your own tasks. You have to send tasks/categories for approval. Well, the fun fact was, that during that discussion it was pointed out by another person that they are experienced bondage fan and that VS is actually pretty risky bondage as the easy tasks are on the experienced side of bondage and it can be dangerous. The dev refused to talk to that person either.
To be honest I have no clue if they changed anything in the categories I wanted to change, I just want to add my tasks to some categories and I couldnt easily do that, I had to update some lists and these lists would get overwritten with every update :/
Anyway, stopped paying, but I still pay attention to what is happening. Just want to confirm the attitude.
Damn, my lurker status is off