I think the issue people are taking with that aspect of the game is that the game used to be "come back every so often, if that's your kink! You can toggle penalties for leaving her alone too long off if it's not! Also, if you're into shorter sessions, you can customize the length, so do it at your own pace, heck she might even occasionally let you off the hook and you can beg for more if you change your mind" to "New cool system! You want to use it? It's timegated, and you only get a single shot at getting points for it so if you want to test some of it out in a reasonable times you best put some time aside and ignore your own limits for a while. Or ruin the entire point of the game by doing a pretend session".
I get that a good 90% percent of VS' appeal is the whole "uh, you don't really call the shots here" aspect, but do keep in mind the 10% who isn't into that. They're not who the game was designed for, sure, but i feel like locking an entire mechanic behind session lenght (or at least the chance to get more interactions with it) really goes against your entire previous mindset of allowing everyone to have a session that fits them with all the toggles and sliders.
And yeah cheating is possible but see my point about taking the whole point of the game away if you lie to the succubus. I suppose someone could go out of their way and just make a simple mod to edit the amount of point into the files, but not many of us would be able to make one, and i don't trust mods to remain constantly up to date.
It's not a massive deal, it just feels like a huge swerve from the whole "allowing everyone to play as comfortably as they can and still get the full experience" direction you took the game in until now, ultimately i don't feel like that one system is gonna ruin anything or even stop people from greatly enjoying this gem of a game, but it's a worrying contrast and i guess people are just afraid that future updates will follow that trend or that future features will be covered by this system, or even older features (as you did in fact put the previous lewd outfits in this system when old!favor/amusement could grant that previously)
I feel like a good compromise would be to remove the "only once a day" limit on points, but make the first session of the day still reward more than following sessions (if any). By a landslide if you gotta.
Do keep in mind i am not a game dev, and just some random pervert on a hgame forum giving his two cents, but i still feel like the feedback's important here. A good amount of us here do not pay for VS, so you are under literally no obligation to listen to any of us, and it's in fact pretty damn noble that you still choose to interact with a bunch of people who pirate your stuff openly, but i feel like that's all the more reason for us to share our thoughts, because you are going out of your way to listen to us.