it would be pretty awesome if there was an option for that or an ending that included it.This isn't that type of game. Don't go in expecting any sort of interaction with the Succubus lest you want to be disappointed.
its your pass you just create one, so put in anything you wantWhen I start the game I get a screen asking for a pass code. That's as far as I can go. Any help?
I'm not super into VMs or emulation so this might sound dumb, but maybe try running it through an android emulator? As to the bug itself, Something like that happens to me in almost every session I do (it affects text for me as well so it makes sessions impossible), and I have no fix.Does anyone know how to fix this bug?
I am playing it on a VM in VMWare(Windows 10 64 bits).
I've had this issue only with unity games and the game works properly on VirtualBox, but is super laggy so I need to use VMWare instead.
A plus 1 to this but maybe more frequent soul... Soul draining?I hope the Dev can add a sex scene or insertion scene with the succubus doesn't matter if u had to put a super hard challenge to it or u have to farm up money to unlock it , I think it's a very good thing to add since the players mostly spend alot of time with her and developed a grind to the game , this would bring in more generic players in and also enjoy the JOI content. Other than that keep up the good work!
What on earth is this sharing site? Is this a scam link? Every link ends in some "microsoft" page with 0 downloads in sightI checked on win7 and 0. 23R2 still crashing. Maybe 0.23 have new hardware requirements.
PC 0.23R2
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APK 0.23R2
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How did you get the footjob scene??With immense sadness I must notify you that I have encountered a terrible bug. It occurred that my game crashed into a BSOD - the fault of my computer or the game unknown. But after this event, the game can no longer save between sessions! Every time I launch the game, I get the EULA prompt with all my settings continuously reset. How is it possible to repair it? I changed the game folder setting from "read only", it's not fixed.
Can you remind me where the game data folder is located? And is my entire previous save erased?
I, however, have managed a work-around by manually exporting and importing [new] save data every time. Although it doesn't remember the inbetween session time limit, chastity does work, as all the other settings.
On a lighter note, there are a few points I could add.
1. Can there be a slider in the chastity session for modifying the minimum time between sessions? It would be a natural expansion of the feature. Currently, it's by default at 5.5 hr., and could be either reduced to 0, or overwritten with the scheduling/appointment feature. But I have found the original minimum time to be quite perfect, I'd merely increase it slightly.
2. Can the difficulty slider go beyond the maximum if it's changed by an in-session prompt?
3. How is it possible for Succu-chan to be Happy and Furious at the same time?
4. I managed to beg out of a No Touching modifier! I takes -Favor (-1?). But the curious thing is that I later got a [footjob] "cock hero" task! Even though I explicitly disabled it. Is it because I toggled the foot toggle, and it overrides it?
5. Why are cock rings disabled on no touching?
6. It's interesting that with the chastity duration number disabled, punishments don't mention the exact additions either. Unless it's the prompt with "+1 day" as an option.
P.S. It's most likely off-topic, but there is a fine person making the AI girlfriendof the future right now at r/ProjectReplikant. I concede that VS is not a talking companion, much less a proper AI, but I can't help falling prey to lewd transhumanist fantasies where the best is amalgamated into a single sublime creation...
Current 0.24 Patch Notes:Anyone got the .24 patch notes?
Succudev has asked us to not share Pre-releases. He gives regular updates(read almost daily, sometimes multiple times a day.), and he checks here sometimes for bugs, feedback, and suggestions. Given how quickly the PRs get updated, someone could not have updated to the latest release and report a bug that was already fixed. He typically releases the full update on the 10th or so, so just hold out for a few more days.Anyone have the pre-release?