Others Vivid Dead [v0.3.3 Extended] [Kosmic91]

3.10 star(s) 9 Votes


Dec 18, 2018
It seems to be a chance of it crashing or some unknown variables are involved. I've climbed the tower several times with CE on but "only" crashed twice when entering the 20th floor proper, which in itself is a massive loss of time and effort even with CE. When you let the harpy fly you upwards for 5 floors the game also doesn't seem to crash. But the table isn't properly updated for now, for instance you can go above 5 in attack now. I'd investigate further but reaching floor 20 is insane for being able to troubleshoot once.
Apr 28, 2021
yea, used the harpy first time to go from 13 to 18 on 12 rn and she's here again, but ima skip her again and go to 2o again see if it crashes again
Apr 7, 2023
i wonder if you can track the floor level with cheat engine, or maybe even use the UMT to delete levels 2-19, though it would probably require editing the script of the game to some extent to connect floor 1 to floor 20.

EDIT: I think another good idea for cheat engine if its possible, for nekomata mode if we could toggle the "invisible" mode or whatever it is, we could just run through the levels much faster and not get stopped by random-ass enemies or get knocked down by those FUCKING BATS

EDIT 2: You know what fuck it, changing the colored blocks that are activated/not activated would also be great. As well as changing the amount of charges the items we have in our inventory during the tower of mist have, plus what we even HAVE in our inventory would be fantastic. God I wish I knew enough about cheat engine to do this myself.
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Apr 28, 2021
i dident use harpy had hp cheat on only and closed cheat before i left floor 19 and enterd the 20th floor, but with a sample size of one who knows?
Apr 28, 2021
ok well im "happy" to announce i got to 26 this time did not crash or freeze i closed cheat engine right before moving up a floor from 19 up then reopening it after i moved to the maze area's and no crashes so maybe cheat engine does have something to do with it? only time i was able to progress without crashing was with cheat engine closed before entering or leaving the rest/shop area, just to be sure i will try it again

EDIT well i got to floor 18 whent into springs and suddenly im at top floor??? ughhhhh yea not replaying this again so buggy
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haizan guzan

May 4, 2020
Theres a bug where once you buy with the harpie to skip 5 floors you can ride her again to go up another 5. You just have to be on the grounf so once you get off her go onto once of the platforms and stay close to her and press z again and she'll take you up another 5.
Also how do you get the animation of those tall shadow guys?


Nov 13, 2018
The mini game is in the tower of mists, the new roguelike mode of the game. When you start the mode or complete a level you're in a hub of sorts, every couple of levels the trader guy will be in the lower right corner or the door in the upper left will be open, having either the mini game or a hot springs scene with the different girls.

But I guess I can also upload a save that has 100% completion. Goes into AppData\Local\Vivid_Dead_Demo_Ext_v0_3
Tried using the save but the game just resets and doesn't register any save data at all now. Not sure if I'm doing something wrong or what.


Dec 18, 2018
Tried using the save but the game just resets and doesn't register any save data at all now. Not sure if I'm doing something wrong or what.
Do you have the extended demo? Save files won't work between the free and extended versions.
Apr 28, 2021
i climbed the tower again and no crashes again seems either im jsut lucky or closeing cheat engine keeps it from crashing, also tryed the hot srings a few times seem the npc's can get taken under but kotone cant be dragged the the lower room it seems
Apr 28, 2021
oh and otherthing i keep getting this error when i get a gameover
action number 1
of Draw Event
for object obj_stageresults:

Variable Index [-1] out of range [100] - -1.100791(100791,-1)############################################################################################
gml_Object_obj_stageresults_Draw_64 (line 54)
3.10 star(s) 9 Votes