VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Volleyball Heaven [v1.0.1] [Winter Wolves]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Honestly thought of giving this a 3star for a while since Yuri/lesbian is so rare (excluding the throw together dish out but make look great you know who company) But I just couldn't since it is below average as a whole with how lazy and poor it is in many areas.

    It's already known this not a sex game/VN really and that fine But its barely have any CGs at all of any kind, many are lazy to point there are many times it's just a literal black screen because it has nothing for it... inexcusable especially the amount of times, throw some cheap background and no face people or something anything....
    Choices are 90% fake and 10% the typical required if you want this romance route

    By the Fake I mean character will go against things you say within moments later and choices will even be at times referenced you did not make.

    And by the 10% I guess I should actually say more technically since you also need many of them for the good end in order to win games as that is poorly done and lazy
    (as ya the more they "like" aka you agree and bow down to them in everything as willingly as humanly possible the more likely they will win ?_? what... ya they will at times say hey you getting us to work together better etc... that why we winning and I just want to smack them and be like NO you all still fight and don't interact with each other better if any it just because I personally am more "liked" by each of you individually by agreeing with your points of view and doing anything each of you want with 0 ephasies 0 complaint/debate).

    It's also a bit slow at times and not enough on the characters, to much on essays of who cares stuff like your woman (cant even say character because she is not--> see fake choices) needs to apparently have essays why your choice doesn't matter or why the one was picked does among other things and that is on top of the black screen essays and screenshots of her face telling you all the actual development things that happened that... you didn't get to see because you know ummm Lazy done work from the game..

    the endings and routes are also quite bad some of course a lot more then others.

    The only positive I can give it is it fully lets things be known like This character romance broken or Save suggested here or you needed and have this much points with this character etc... makes it easy for replays.

    Final note:
    The characters especially "best friend/childhood friend" are often bad people and man there is certainly a TON of man hate like every 1 of them is hardcore pig and would likely be fired and sued in a heartbeat but you know what you getting into when you play this so mixed on if this positive or negative stuff and personally just ignore overall.

    Remember to balance the "like" numbers need to all be high for winning, but highest wins special scenes and love (with being able to choose them for the special scenes and love ONLY if they tie... because that how it works... you know..)
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Judging solely as a Steam based Dating Sim this is a four star game. Good writing and beautiful art will encourage the multiple replays you need to unlock everything.

    However as an adult game its a disappointment. Two stars or Three stars at most.
    There are 4 sex CGs and nothing else. Obviously being beach volleyball centered there are plenty of bikinis but little else harder.