Unity - Completed - VR Giant Harpy Girl [Kokage no Izumi]

  1. 4.00 star(s)

    Jay Ren

    Honestly, I think this is one of the better VR experiances out there if your even remotely ok with the kinks here.
    Everything is controlled by head gestures, so it's one of the few hands free games available, and theres no chance of poor controller mapping.
    It's a shame the game switches to 3rd person for a handful of scenes and the VA is a bit stiff in English imo.

    Those couple of issues aside, playing this made me feel like the world needs more VR experiances that are PoV, hands off like this one, and I hope to see the controlls in other games.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Not the worst VR game I've play but not something I can recommend. There is very little interaction in the game at all. All you can do is select menu options by looking at them. Also, there are a several times when the camera isn't even in the character's POV, but just up in the sky, usually during insertion scenes. The game is also very short, around 20 minutes. However, in my case, that was a good thing. At points it felt more like a horror game, and at other points it was just weird. It was an interesting experience, though.