Unity - VR Hot [v0.9.15.2] [VR Hot]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    A pretty nice sandbox. Not as brilliant as Captain Hardcore, but still has some pros like AI-like characters. The toy intergration, however, is the weakest part of this game. Currently in game it only supports vaginal sex, and with this nuance even vaginal feels rather awkward than something mindful and well-developed.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    probably the best VR porn game ive played

    the controls are a bit janky and confusing at times but once u learn them they are actually okay

    the characters are actually very high quality and can be customized and saved which is a really good feature. there are a lot of clothes that can be added or removed too so u can make a lot of different characters.

    theres a few different levels to play on which is nice but they dont offer anything special. just different backdrops basically but thats okay.

    the animations are okay but they could be better. I also dont like how the body parts cant be moved into places. they always snap back to where they were.

    the sex interaction is good but its designed so that you move your character in place and physically move yourself IRL which is annoying if u just want to sit down and jack off since theres no way to make ur character automatically fuck

    the performance is also really good for the high detailed characters and assets so the game is developped well.

    overall an easy 4/5 but still has room for improvement and probably the only VR game you will want to actually keep on your computer to revisit.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is a bit rough around the edges. Moving the girl does not work fluently and positions don't always seem to work out. Also position of the 'observer' is lacking (lie down is not a vertical position, but more like 45 degrees)..

    However, these are details. The game itself and being able to develop a character in the amount of detail that is offered is amazing. This can get even better, but when you own a VR set it's most definately worth the download!

    Thanks developer!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Setup: Pico 4 + Steaming Assistant + PCVR (i5-12th, GTX2060, HDD)
    Setting: Ultra + DLSS Quality

    Best all rounder VR CC game so far, amazing experience

    - Don't get the AI voice, not sure if she cant hear me, or her voice lines are limited
    - Controls are a little finicky, would be better if we can move in 3D space with Controllers (Like VRChat)
    - Not enough customization for your own penis / body
    - Missing 3rd person view
    - Blowjob/Postions: Could be improved, was hoping she would come suck me off instead of going to her and getting into the right position to stuff it in
    - You cant get on the bed/chair
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I don´t write many reviews. But when I read some of the negative reviews here, I have the urge to put some things into perspective.

    What I have experienced so far (and I have tried some), this is one of best erotic content for VR - already. It is still in development, but the progress it makes is astonishing AND very promising. Here are some features, that I think are outstanding:

    + They aim for a complete seamless experience.! So the girl will not teleport to new positions, but actually move! Always! I have never seen this before and it is really a gamechanger in terms of immersion. Yes, it is not yet perfect, yes, she will get stuck in wierd movements from time to time... but it is well worth the efford.

    + Voice control: Yes, you need to make sure that you are in a private surrounding. In my book, this is a "must" every time I put on VR with this kind of content, however. And again, this is sooo much different to fiddling around in menues while you are shaking hips. And it is completely optional.

    + Quality: If you have some horsepower (and any VR-rig should have some, at least) the quality ot the models and the sourrounding is already very good. At least I can run it without problems - and I don´t go overboard with my hardware. Great hair since version 9... which is more important, than some might think.

    + Voice acting: Already going in the right direction. She already reacts to many of your actions. You can even make her climax. But even if you are doing nothing, she will talk to you in a sensual kind of way. They clearly strive for a lifelike experience.
  6. 2.00 star(s)

    Xe No

    Game is in Early Access, so its currently unpolished, glitchy, lacks content, crashes frequently, it will melt your PC
    All above could be forgiven except the fact that it sucks (which should be good but it isn't :) ) in its most important segment: having sex. It's next to impossible to get in correct position and do something useful while in it.
    Hottie will show weird faces and twitch wildly with tangled limbs.
    TL;DR: in current state its not worth of asked money on Steam.
    I tried it through several latest versions.
    I purchased it on Steam to support devs, but I regret it because they don't cope well with criticism and if they don't know how resolve your issue they will smear "game is early access" as excuse in your face.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    VR Hot is mostly just a mannequin molester. A girl is there. You can touch girl. You can change how girl looks. There are many VR mannequin molester and this one is just like most the others. The game let's you use voice commands to control the girl, but I can't imagine anyone who doesn't live alone making use of this.
    The worst thing about the game is the performance. Even at the lowest settings I was getting low frames, and low frames VR is not fun.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    best VR game,
    best interaction, best graphics, voice command etc
    need fast CPU and GPU (i have rtx 3060 and corei5 7500 - cpu is loaded 100%)
    support some additional controllers
    beautiful girl, can be customized
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Review of 0.5.3 version

    The Hottie is fairly nice looking, there's a lot of customization available as far as shape goes. There are also nice presets ready to use and a save/load system. You can grab her any place and move (she will rebound back to the preset position though), you can touch her any place and she reacts to it. I've tried quite a few VR games, and that's the first one where you can actually finger the girl (haven't tried VAM yet).

    Unfortunately this is where good stuff ends.

    There is a very limited selection of clothes available (in total like three dozen articles), the clothes aren't movable or placable in a different position (so you can't roll up a skirt or bra up).

    The controls are clunky, there are options that do nothing. Sending the girl "There" makes her end up in arbitrary place.

    The sex positions are basically impossible to execute (I have just the Index with Knuckles, it may be good with full body tracking, but can't really test that). Even a standing blowjob didn't work, as she failed to grab the dick and kept flailing her head as if she was completely wasted...

    There's potential in there, but now it's more of a tech demo.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    The model looks great and its pretty immersive...until try to get down and dirty and then it kind of all goes downhill from there.

    The main problem with "new" VR from day one has always been the tracking and this title suffers heavily from it. There's no lock in positions for the player so you're either standing up straight or awkwardly hovering/clipping through one of the pieces of furniture. You're always either too tall or not low enough so suck trying to yank on her model with both hands to get up to your level which never works for long as you just end up sliding right out of her.

    The game would work perfectly if you had a To Scale replication of the room with at least 5 separate points of tracking on your body but as how the vast majority of people with vr headsets only have 3 it suffers massively for it.

    Its still kinda fun to play around with but dont get your hopes up for a decent "Finish" with this one, it was way to finnicky for me to really get into it.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    First of all, I love VR games.

    Graphically excellent if you have the right equipment

    Its a sex simulator.

    There is no other VR game that comes close to it.

    I'm looking forward to more updates.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Enjoyed everything from the physics, controls, to the graphics. However, may lag spike when changing settings on a character but that's just nitpicking. Also, optimizing the game to make it so I can just sit down without having to do too much moving would be nice. Overall, great game!
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    The model looks half decent, but with that annoying voice. Even if you restrict her shitty voice slider to the max, she doesnt shut her fucking mouth. I recommend to skip this one.
    I have to add more words, but there is not anything else to say. I simply sucks.
  14. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3485663

    This game is getting there, with some more updates I can see this game truly going somewhere. As it is right now there is quite some stuff to do. The only issue that I have with the game is that the frame rate seems to be inconsistent and sometimes stutters.
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    Build Spliff

    Unique i love it. needs fixing on the dick control its impossible to pump a few times without the dick coming out.

    also the high character textures seem to not work when ticked as i have tried to lower the games settings and it seems the character also lowers in quality even though the box is ticked .
    anyways awesome game looking forward to the future of this .
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    So much potential. Like others have said, some control issues, but there is so much ability here to expand and become something great. The voice commands capability is a solid touch. Something that has existed forever, but is so under utilized. She responds to most of the commands in the menu, and seems fairly intuitive to 'close enough' commands. Fixes for some small bugs and visual glitches are of course needed. Additional poses and animations along and more content would round it out nicely!
  17. 4.00 star(s)

    Deoxyribonucleic Acid

    It's technically impressive, there's a lot of cool functionality going on here that even programs like VAM don't have, like the character animations and movement. Unfortunately it's quite glitchy with lots of ragdoll spazzing and clipping. The character models could also use some work, but they aren't too bad. The navigation UI is pretty bare-bones and it isn't particularly fluid, but it gets the job done. While there are some good interactions to be had, the game needs some more polish. As it stands though, it's pretty good and I am always glad to see developers tapping into the potential of VR.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    I think this is a good start for what can be an excellent program.

    Worked very well with a Rift S and motion controllers.

    The navigation on the clipboard/chart took a while for me to grasp, but after that was fine. We need more clothing though for sure, and Im hoping that mods can do this oursevlves at some point.

    The voice interation was good too...

    And for anyone who doesnt have a VR headset, dont post complaining.

    Its not anyone elses fault if you dont have one.

    Key to this, is to set your heights correctly at the start. If you have issues, go back and tweak it.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    tested it , it run fine on htc vive , game still crunky , but overall promising , rearrange the interract buttons should be better , graphic is so so , maybe add option to freely move model's interacting points around would be nice , there is option for "free" arms legs and soon , but it still can't be done withought it bounce back to preview location . and better tracking would be better also , everything now seem like unsettled baloon which will bounce everytime u touch them abit harder/faster than normal , but still overall very promising , 4/5
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    Well then that was a pretty neat experience. I tried on my Valve Index and the booting was flawless. It went straight in VR without problems.

    The "game" itself is a bit weird. There's that girl in front that talks to you and apparently there are voice commands enabled that you can talk back. But I had an error that mine was disabled and couldn't read the full explanation as it would keep following my head when turned.

    You can touch, grab and slap her all you want and she'll go straight back in position like a bubblehead. There is a neat UI that you can customize her with sliders and command her to do certain positions. The blowjob scene is okay, but her body and yours are so in a jello state that it's hard to even penetrate her.

    It was a neat experience but that's about it. Not enough content or position yet to be super good but it's a good start! I have a GTX 1060 6GB and it was laggy when touching her, but didn't felt motion sickness.