I don't know what to tell you. The scene is pretty clear. Given who his character is - a bodyguard who has been in charge of protecting her since childhood - he was worried that she was being taken advantage of, that she ran away from the mafia to be with this guy and now he's whoring her out and direspecting her, so he steps in and tries to push him out. Of course, that's because he didn't see the full picture, and the MC didn't mean to demean her, and Amelia puts him in line. He's only ever had to answer to her and her family, but now the MC is part of the family, and he's a good guy, and disrespecting him is disrespecting her. He had to learn that lesson. I don't think anything was broken here. I think now that Geist understands their position, and MC and Amelia have asserted themselves, that they have a stronger relationship.I mean I don't really see it that way, the other character is pretty clearly told what not to do. And because it was someone she knew. she felt a bit betrayed by him is how isaw he. He was shouted down pretty extensively.
By the way, if Geist were to find out Ammie's new partners he'd flip his lid. No way in hell he would tolerate these creepy dudes molesting her.
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